25 August (Part 1) - CPS breaks the law
Elwyn Bryant has lost patience with the Crown Prosecution Service. After they
admitted providing Bexley police with advice on how to pursue the investigation into
Bexley council’s obscene blog
which had been traced to councillor Peter Craske’s home telephone line,
three times assured Elwyn they would send him a copy of the advice and three times they did
nothing; their excuse being that the member of staff who had made the promise no
longer worked for the CPS. For his fourth attempt Elwyn made it clear that he
was requesting the document under the Freedom of Information Act.
After the statutory time scale had well and truly expired Elwyn made enquiries.
The CPS made excuses and said they would not be responding to his FOI request.
That is in itself illegal. If they don’t want to respond, they must find a legal
reason and they have failed to do so.
Elwyn has been pursuing this matter for six months and has had enough of it. He
has bundled up the correspondence and sent it off to the Information Commissioner
with a complaint that the CPS has failed to comply with the Act.