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News and Comment February 2010

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17 February - Belvedere to be given a horselaugh?

Bare electricity cableToday’s News Shopper provides a rich store of council related stories. The front page tells us that aluminium panels are being stolen from lamp posts in huge quantities and that the electrical components are left exposed and dangerous. This is I suppose an extension of last year’s gully thefts and I have seen one or two lamp posts with exposed wiring. In future I had better let the council know. Councillor Craske is quoted by the newspaper and for once it is hard to disagree with him. It’s a pity that the comedian doesn’t follow his own advice because the work he inflicted on Abbey Road has left the public exposed to bare electricity cables for six months or more. (Photograph taken 19th February - and still the same three months later.)

Among the paper’s reports of Bexley council’s failure to fund community centres, failure to clear snow and failure to deal with dog mess there is a report that a nationally renowned sculptor has been commissioned to erect a public work of art in lower Belvedere, on a roundabout near the industrial estates away from the residential areas. It will presumably complement Erith’s fish and whilst Belvedere is certainly in need of some sort of revamp after years of council neglect and worse, one must wonder in a time of austerity whether the money could be better spent. At least the money won’t come directly from your council tax but I bet the London Development Agency which is responsible for it filches the money from us one way or another.


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