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News and Comment August 2010

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22 August - “The fencing has eradicated the problem” but the motorcyclists can’t read

Bike at high speed Bike at high speed Fencing postWe don’t know which of Bexley’s many idiots said that but we do know that it was a lie. Today the sound of poorly silenced exhausts and the smell of two-stroke oil filled the woods at Lesnes Abbey for much of the day. This rider was travelling at high speed along narrow paths occupied by walkers and families with dogs. It is difficult to estimate his speed but it must have been at least 40 m.p.h.

The extensive fencing also seems to have created a ‘Forth Bridge’ scenario requiring constant attention with preservatives. The short section fronting Abbey Road took two men at least three days to paint last week and that is only a small part of the entire folly and with the shortest posts. It’s a waste of money from every point of view. When a car ploughed into the fence last year and ripped it up, it was obvious that posts which appear to be in good condition were rotten below ground.


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