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News and Comment November 2010

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1 November - Buses are diverted but the gravy train accelerates

Buses on diversionI’ve featured council neglect a couple of times recently, here’s another example, albeit a fairly trivial one. This sign has been taped to a lamp post since the end of 2008 when Thames Water were replacing a water main. It’s probably TfL’s responsibility but councillors walk by it regularly. If they were really interested in improving the environment and making Bexley look a little less ugly and run-down than it is, then all it would take is a phone call. Why don’t they do it, on ample expenses it wouldn’t cost them a bean?

The reason is that councillors are too often only interested in their own income. Some are getting close to six figure territory. I recently added a page to the site (which will be augmented as extra information is researched) which you’ve probably not discovered yet, but take a look at this for an example of how we are being taken for fools by our councillors. It may not be illegal but it is certainly amoral and not what one would expect from totally honest altruistic individuals in public life. Perhaps they noticed what local (ex) MPs Conway and Austin got up to and got away with. Not forgetting our illustrious recent council leader, friend of the Mayor and expenses fiddler extraordinaire, Ian Clement.

The enlarged photo, click image, provides the proof that the diversion sign is within Bexley borough.

I always find that new websites take a year or so to take-off and so it is with bexley-is-bonkers. The Google ranking remains high (a page 1 result for “Bexley council”) thanks to an increasing number of links from other sites. A description of it being “terrific” on the News Shopper site will not have done any harm either. I’ve only just noticed that, so a belated thank-you to whoever put that there.

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