26 February - Bexley council makes things as difficult as possible for businesses in Pickford Lane
Lane has been closed all week. Signs at its extremities on Long Lane and Crook
Log tell drivers that the road ahead is closed and it is, totally, with side
roads blocked off too. And the reason for this council imposed inconvenience and
attack on local businesses? A simple resurfacing job. I assume the resurfacing
was essential; if it was anything like Abbey Road with its myriad
depressions, subsidence and ineffective drains
it would have been a nightmare for pedestrians hoping to avoid a drenching on wet days.
But why close the whole road instead of keeping one carriageway open with traffic
controls? To suit Bexley councils convenience probably.
With few of the staff having the initiative to have ever managed a business and suited only to protected jobs
with gold-plated pensions they wouldnt have a clue about trying to make an honest
living as a businessman. Much the same goes for the parasites who call themselves
politicians. Few would have a clue what it is like to live without the sugar coating of endless expenses claims.