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News and Comment November 2010

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17 November - Bexley-is-Bonkers has a companion

I first came across the name John Watson at the end of September and subsequently bumped into him at a council meeting. He is a man with a legal background who has accumulated a huge dossier of papers going back several years - decades even - about wrong-doing at Bexley council. I asked why he hadn’t put it on the web so residents could judge for themselves whether we have a council run by crooks and criminals or not. He said he wanted to but had been let down by someone he engaged to help with the technicalities, so I encouraged him to do it himself. It is at a very early stage at present but should expand rapidly. The opening announcement went on-line today. I fully expect to nick bits from it from time to time and in all probability this site will continue with its ‘News of the World’ tabloid style and John’s will be nearer The Daily Telegraph Expenses Files which did so much damage to politicians in Westminster.

Back to the every day stories of councillor folk; The News Shopper reports that traders in Crayford are having much the same trouble with Craske’s gestapo as the one reported here two days ago. This time councillors Seymour and Lucia-Hennis are quoted as saying they have “every sympathy”. Well that is nice to know as traders are forced to the wall by Craske’s policies. Councillor Seymour said he would be asking the parking contractors to adopt a “more proportionate response”. Why doesn’t Seymour have a word in the purple faced midget’s ear and tell him straight that his policies are turning shopping areas into ghost towns? For the time being I shall assume that these two councillors have their hearts in the right place even if their heads aren’t fully engaged. When their words prove to be hollow you will read about it here.


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