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The ‘Closed Session’ index

Blogs and Documents relating to councillor Cheryl Bacon’s illegal closure of a public meeting
and the lies manufactured to justify it


No matches found - 12th October 2017
No matches found - 23rd June 2017
Be sure your sins will find you out - 4th November 2016
It looks like the crooks are at it again - 23rd July 2016
The law is dragging its feet. Political interference again? - 13th July 2016
A good day to bury bad news? - 18th December 2015
All crooks together - 8th September 2015
The lying councillor Cheryl Bacon. An update - 7th July 2015
Redressing the balance - 30th January 2015
The lying councillor Cheryl Bacon - 15th January 2015
Bexley police. Up to their old tricks again - 16th December 2014
Will Tuckley. Misconduct in Public Office - 30th October 2014
More evidence that police and Bexley council always lie - 21st October 2014
Something to hide? Almost certainly - 11th September 2014
Untrained amateur - 7th August 2014
Police change their position - 18th July 2014
Cunning coppers? - 17th July 2014
The closed and muddled mind of Will Tuckley - 3rd July 2014
Going for them - 2nd July 2014
One crime leads to another - 1st July 2014
And all because one councillor couldn’t stop lying - 26th June 2014
Can a corrupt council and its protector fix this can of worms too? - 19th June 2014
What a tangled web these liars weave - 16th June 2014
None of them wants to face the truth - 6th May 2014
Meeting scheduled. Will the Chairman show her face? - 22nd April 2014
Council liars extend their influence yet again - 7th April 2014
Councillor Cheryl Bacon lied - 13th March 2014
Nick Hollier the joker - 5th March 2014
The cat will be among the pigeons - 1st March 2014
Marking time - 28th February 2014
Cabinet Meeting report - 26th February 2014
Turning up the heat - 18th February 2014
Sorry to say so but Bexley council employs a Monitoring Officer with a fact phobia - 16th February 2014
Bexley’s Head of Legal supports lies - 11th February 2014
Cheryl Bacon tipped for the Christmas No. 1 - 12th December 2013
A burning issue - 10th December 2013
Outlook depressing - 9th December 2013
Making a complaint. It’s a walk in the park - 8th December 2013
Bonkers dents the Tory vote. By one at least! - 7th December 2013
Tuckley has no answers so he resorts to idle threats - 6th December 2013
At last a new Home page - 5th December 2013
Complaints Review. No obvious progress - 22nd November 2013
The lies attributed to Councillor Cheryl Bacon - 15th November 2013
Councillor Cheryl Bacon exposed due to council error. More evidence of lies - 5th November 2013
Bacon headed - 4th November 2013
Bonkers’ readers are on the ball - 1st November 2013
“Lying”. The word is hostile, abusive, offensive and unreasonable - 1st November 2013
Bexley council. Offensive and unreasonable - 29th October 2013
How low can they go? - 25th October 2013
A mire of its own making - 25th October 2013
Councils, criminals and Cheryls - 24th October 2013
Woman of the mouth - 23rd October 2013
Cheats never prosper - 21st October 2013
More invented excuses to help councillor Cheryl Bacon out of her hole - 7th October 2013
Cheryl Bacon is alone in referring to shouting. No other witness does so. Strange that! - 4th October 2013
Councillor Cheryl Bacon must be desperate - 2nd October 2013
Councillor Cheryl Bacon. Wrong, wrong, wrong! - 1st October 2013
Jobsworth misses a trick - 26th September 2013
A jobsworth speaks - 25th September 2013
The Labour line on councillor Cheryl Bacon’s ‘Closed Session’ meeting - 24th September 2013
The Bexley Lie Machine has gone into overdrive - 24th September 2013
Only obeying orders maybe; but inventing, truth bending and sinking in the council’s own mire - 17th September 2013
Cheryl Bacon’s closed session public meeting. The excuses and lies - 25th August 2013
Council excels itself. Not a single truthful word - 7th July 2013
Government condemns Bexley council - 28th June 2013
Cheryl Bacon and the consequences of her uselessness - 27th June 2013
Nick Dowling makes it into the Shopper - 24th June 2013
It leaks like a rusty old tub, and is about as frightening - 21st June 2013
Public Realm report : Round 2 - 20th June 2013
The Public Realm Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting that never was - 20th June 2013

Council instructions

Bexley council’s instructions to meeting chairman - 21 June 2013 - 21st June 2013

Complaint against councillor Cheryl Bacon by Michael Barnbrook

First complaint following councillor Cheryl Bacon holding a Public Meeting in Closed Session - 22nd June 2013
Complaint following councillor Cheryl Bacon holding a Public Meeting in Closed Session - 23rd August 2013
Complaint following councillor Cheryl Bacon to Bexley’s Monitoring Officer - 4th September 2013
Complaint following councillor Cheryl Bacon holding a Public Meeting in Closed Session - 17th September 2013
Complaint following councillor Cheryl Bacon holding a Public Meeting in Closed Session following Labour councillors' comments - 23rd October 2013
Response to complaint against councillor Cheryl Bacon holding a Public Meeting in Closed Session - 10th February 2014
Email from Deputy Director to Mick Barnbrook rejecting his request to have the lying councillor Cheryl Bacon properly investigated - 28th February 2014
Final letter to Chief Executive requesting a proper investigation into the complaints against councillor Cheryl Bacon - 17th April 2014
Reply from Chief Executive refusing to accept evidence that councillor Cheryl Bacon lied - 1st July 2014
Letter from Will Tuckley to Mick Barnbrook advising him that pursu - 1st September 2014

Complaint referencing councillor Cheryl Bacon by Malcolm Knight

Complaint following councillor Cheryl Bacon holding a Public Meeting in Closed Session - 6th September 2013
Complaint following councillor Cheryl Bacon holding a Public Meeting in Closed Session - Reminder - 21st October 2013
Response to complaint against councillor Cheryl Bacon holding a Public Meeting in Closed Session - 25th October 2013
Complaint against councillor Cheryl Bacon holding a Public Meeting in Closed Session - 5th November 2013
Response to complaint against councillor Cheryl Bacon holding a Public Meeting in Closed Session - 4th December 2013
Complaint following councillor Cheryl Bacon holding a Public Meeting in Closed Session - 10th December 2013
Response to complaint against councillor Cheryl Bacon holding a Public Meeting in Closed Session - 17th December 2013

Complaint against councillor Colin Campbell by Michael Barnbrook

Response to complaint against councillor Colin Campbell for his untruthful statements on the Sunday Politics Show (BBC1) - 13th September 2013
Complaint against councillor Colin Campbell to Bexley’s Monitoring Officer - 23rd September 2013

Complaints to police and allegations of criminal behaviour by Michael Barnbrook

Bexley police's false statement to their Department of Professional Standards
Letter from Mick Barnbrook to the Metropolitan Police Commissioner a - 16th July 2014
Complaint to Metropolitan Police 23rd July 2014 - 23rd July 2014
Letter from Mick Barnbrook to the Metropolitan Police Directo - 8th October 2014

Complaint against Legal Team Manager Lynn Tyler by Malcolm Knight

Complaint against Mrs. Lynn Tyler for making untruthful statements - 23rd September 2013
Complaint against councillor Cheryl Bacon holding a Public Meeting in Closed Session - 23rd October 2013

Complaint against Human Resources manager Nick Hollier by Malcolm Knight

Complaint against Nick Hollier, Head of HR, Bexley council, for refusing to properly investigate a complaint - 28th October 2013

Witness Statements - Supplied to Mr. Barnbrook under the Freedom of Information Act

Bexley council’s summary of an interview with councillor Cheryl Bacon following the holding of a Public Meeting in Closed Session
Bexley council’s summary of an interview with councillor Stefano Borella following the holding of a Public Meeting in Closed Session
Report by council officer John Adams following the holding of a Public Meeting in Closed Session
Bexley council’s summary of a claimed interview with Civic Centre doorman following the holding of a Public Meeting in Closed Session

Widely Distributed communications

Email to all councillors present at the Public Realm meeting of 19th June 2013 - 25th February 2014

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