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News and Comment November 2013

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4 November (Part 1) - Bacon headed

MisconductThere’s no need to repeat the Cheryl Bacon story is there? On 6th September I complained about her locking me out of a public meeting and the subsequent unsigned cock and bull story attributed to her about why she did it and on 25th October I received a reply. I must confess that such is the pressure on time due to running this website plus a load of personal chores to sort out I only got around to reading it this morning. I was shocked.

Mrs. Tyler, who took on the job of covering for councillor Cheryl Bacon’s lies and misjudgments has changed her tune. She previously stated that Bacon admits to announcing a ‘Closed Session’ but made arrangements for Labour Lesnes ward candidate for the 2014 election to be specially sought out and allowed admission while the rest of us were excluded for shouting etc. Mick Barnbrook made two pleas to be allowed in and was told ‘No’ once and ignored the other time.

The Labour man says no one came looking for him and he wasn’t hard to find, but should I now interpret Mrs. Tyler’s letter as meaning I was a favoured person too?
I don’t know what to make of it. We have been told (untruthfully) that the doorman asked us all to leave and when we refused were kicked out by the police when in fact the police merely asked us what we planned to do next and it was me who said “We’re going home”.

Now Mrs. Tyler appears to be telling me that the doorman didn’t ask us to leave, he was on the floor below ready to welcome us into the room to which the meeting had been reconvened.

This beggars belief. I need more time to pick Mrs. Tyler’s letter apart, it looks to me that she has sent me a reply based on a complaint sent by someone else. She refers to me complaining that councillor Bacon failed to call a vote and that action never occurred to me until I heard councillor Borella make the point at the subsequent Public Realm meeting. I didn’t make that complaint or even use the word ‘vote’ in my complaint, yet Tyler insists I did. It must be pandemonium and panic in the Civic Centre now that they are well and truly caught lying again. I need more time to study the implications. See you later.


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