18 July (Part 2) - Police change their position
Following what appeared to be a set back in
his quest to flush out everyone
implicated in covering for councillor Cheryl Bacon Mick Barnbrook has spent
quite a lot of time on the phone to various Metropolitan Police Departments.
It is probable that Mick’s allegation to the Commissioner, complete with
evidence, has not yet trickled down to the coal face but Mick has now been assured
that the initial report to the Department of Professional Standards by the CI at
Bexleyheath will not override his own allegations.
That allegation is that two police constables, one now retired,
signed a statement confirming that Mick Barnbrook, myself and three others refused the
council’s request to leave the council chamber peacefully on
19th June 2013
and had to be ejected by two police officers.
The PC’s statements have not been released but an email from Bexleyheath police
makes the content very clear. That content, as described, is an
absolute lie designed to buttress Bexley council’s discredited story. As
reported here ad nauseaum the police statement to the press at the time told a very
different story, as did the council’s internal memo referring to
the incident. No one, police or council official, asked Mick, Elwyn Bryant,
Peter Gussman or me to leave at any time. The police didn’t speak to Nicholas
Dowling who had wanted to record the council meeting and they did not ask for any names.
Whilst the facts reported in yesterday’s blog were correct at the time, events have since taken
a different turn and any conclusions drawn from the blog may no longer be valid. Mick
Barnbrook remains convinced that Bexley council struck a dirty deal with Chief
Inspector Peter Ayling, the two constables had little option but to follow
instructions and the Chief Inspector is very awkwardly stuck in the middle.
All this trouble because one stupid councillor wouldn’t say “Sorry, I won’t be
making that mistake again” and chose instead to libel and lie about members of
the public in an attempt to justify their unlawful exclusion from her meeting.
Now the council leader, Teresa O’Neill, has appointed the lying Cheryl Bacon to
be her chairman of the Members’ Code of Conduct Committee. Only in Bexley.
Index to Cheryl Bacon related blogs and documents.