31 May - Queen’s Jubilee bin days
Don’t celebrate to excess and empty too many bottles because the bin men will be partying too. Collections
will be running four days late for some of us, including me!
My BiB search facilities are better than yours
so I can easily count the number of times I have referred to our present
Government as a bunch of Commies. It is three and
the worst of
them is Rishi Sunak.
Last week he went out of his way to present his red coloured view of the world,
his financial illiteracy and suicidal political tendencies.
Kicking cans down the road is rarely a good idea.
Twelve years of Conservative Government has driven many people to the edge of penury.
Embellishing Labour’s Net Zero policies has been largely responsible for the
energy crisis and Covid followed by too many poor decisions by government has fuelled
the cost of living disaster.
On Saturday I managed to find three things
(out of seven) in Sainsbury’s that had not gone up in price since I last bought them which was a relief.
The pennies increasingly have to be watched. If I had a family to support or
mortgage/rent to pay I’d probably be in big trouble. An element of luck has
ensured I am not in that position.
In 2010 I was sitting on a train to Bristol when my daughter told me that
she would not after all need several thousands to fund a new lift in her former
Council owned tower block and instead I blew the lot on solar panels. I thought
the government’s repayment arrangements were crazy, so much so that finance companies were
queuing up to rent my south facing roof and take the money for themselves. It was mad but I was
powerless to
stop the green subsidies and it was a case if you can’t beat them you may as well join them.
Last Friday, a nice sunny day, the government paid me more than £13
(the Feed in Tariff) for generating the electricity that heated my water tank,
cooked my dinner and charged the car battery. That is for just one day, the
whole week was within pennies of £60. Most of you, I am half ashamed to say,
are footing the bill and the FIT is guaranteed to continue inflation linked until the year 2036, if I am still around of course.
Now the idiot at the Treasury is going to give me £400 to pay for my fuel bills
and another £600 because I am old and may be cold. My new Smart Meter says that my total
expenditure on electricity and gas this month is £70·01 and more than £18 of that is standing charges.
I have been careful with consumption, some occasionally used devices are no
longer left in standby and there are no kids with TVs on all day, The bill will
be higher in Winter, maybe twice as high but it is nevertheless some sort of madness.
At a rough calculation, taking into account the FIT, my fuels bills and the
money the Commie is determined to plunder from the magic tree, I will be well
over £1,000 a year to the good.
And no I am not going to hand it back, the Brylcreem Boy would only waste it. There are no
Conservatives left in government and absolutely nothing has been done right.
Where now? Not Starmer, that’s for sure.
How bloody depressing!
Note: The Feed in Tariff available ten and more years ago
was gradually reduced to nothing but guaranteed for those who were eligible.
29 May (Part 2) - Cock-ups everywhere
piece on Bexley Council not yet paying the Council Tax rebate to 25% of
their 55,635 Direct Debit payers came from a reader who I know to be an
accountant but it has been brought to my attention that both he and I failed to
take account (the last paragraph of the text in the oblique font) of those
residents who do not pay their tax by Direct Debit.
A mistake that one apparently well informed reader wishes to enlarge upon.
He says that Bexley Council received an allocation of £10,952,100 and £5,808,937
has not yet been paid out and I was referred to the government website for
The reader goes on to say that Bexley has been given a further £667,200 to fund
discretionary payments but they have kept quiet about it. Their website does not
make reference to it and there is no acknowledged application procedure.
He says “In a nutshell Bexley Council is sitting on a lot of money that should be given to residents. I hope I
get my rebate before 30th September because that is when the money goes back to central government”.
29 May (Part 1) - Labour’s new faces in Bexley
main reason for seeking out a written Agenda at last week’s Council meeting is
that it provides a permanent record of which Councillor has picked up what plum
job and what they are to be paid for filling the hole.
The new and old Cabinet Member names have been
added to my list.
(Committee appointments coming later.) The Opposition ‘shadows’ have come from
Labour’s Press Release.
(Click for complete list of names and appointments.)
There are a few surprises there; Wendy Perfect no longer has a big job and
Nicola Taylor who has brought so many
housing disasters to our attention has
moved to Social Care and Health.
Buried within the Agenda is news that Bexley Conservatives plan to give
themselves more money. They are going to ignore the recommendations made by the
London Councils’ Panel on Renumeration and instead gamble on the pay award to
staff being higher and take that instead.
Their increase is not yet settled.
Labour Leader Stefano Borella tried to remind the Conservatives that the current £9,798 a
year is an Allowance intended to cover expenses and is not a salary to be
raised in line with staff pay.
No one on the Conservative side was interested in what he had to say.
28 May (Part 2) - £150 going begging
Have you had your £150 Council Tax rebate yet? If not you are not alone. Bexley Council said this
We identified 51,635 Council Taxpayers who pay their Council Tax by Direct
Debit who were eligible for the £150 Council Tax Energy rebate. We have
successfully made payment by BACs to around 75% of these cases starting from the
21 April to the 5 May. There were a number of cases where the Council was unable
to make a payment at this stage because of a mismatch between the information
held on the Council Tax accounts and the bank details.
If you pay your Council Tax by Direct Debit and haven’t received a payment so
far, you will still receive a payment, but it will be administered by cheque. We
will aim to issue these as soon as we possibly can. We do apologise to anyone
who has not yet received their expected payment, but as we are administering
public funds it is vitally important that we undertake necessary checks to
ensure that all payments are made to the right person.
An affected resident writes
I was looking at my account the other day to see if I had
received the £150 Council Tax rebate from Bexley Council and I know it is
going to surprise you but it has failed to come through.
Having lived at the same address for 13 years
always paying the tax by Direct Debit, on time, and from the same
account I was mystified as to what checks they are carrying out that have
failed me. Still, there you go and in some ways I’m just happy that we are
going to cost them more to process our refund.
Using numbers and percentages is always a red rag to a bull with me. Why crow about 75% when that means you have
failed to process at least 12,900 refunds - or you could look at it that
Bexley Council is hanging on to at least £1·9 million that it frankly should have already given out.
Funny that they give no update on what it will cost
to issue 12,900 cheques and send them out; and neither have they given
themselves any sort of deadline to achieve it. Heavens forbid they should
dwell on the negatives!!
The first [recently deleted] announcement said that 73,000 households in the Borough are eligible
for the Government provided rebate.
How can they have claimed 73,000 households when
in practice they could only identify 51,635 Council taxpayers? Are there that many multiple
homeowners! Surely they were not guilty of overegging their support in the first
place? Not Bexley Conservatives. Straight as a die those guys!!
Good to see that cynicism is still alive and well in Bexley.
My guess is that if Bexley Council knows its resident as Joe Bloggs but his bank
has him as Joe Alfred Bloggs the transaction will fail. If you stumble across
such a situation when transferring money on-line the bank will seek your
agreement to proceed. Probably some automated process employed by Bexley Council
withers and dies when faced with that sort of thing.
My correspondent is still waiting for his hundred and fifty quid.
Francis (Labour, Belvedere) recently recommended on Twitter that anyone
wondering what a call-in was in terms of Council
governance should Google it so out of curiosity I did. ‘Bexley Council call in’ I typed into the box
and Google’s auto-complete helpfully added the word ‘sick’; which is exactly right.
It is in fact a procedure whereby affected individuals or groups of people are
able to challenge the decision of a Cabinet Member because without it Cabinet rule in Councils is a very dangerous weapon.
In the panel to the left you can see a typical set of rules laid down by a
democratic Council as a precaution against rogue, mistaken or ill-advised Cabinet Members. In this
example, the first that Google led me to, is Thurrock’s, our neighbour across the water.
If we lived there you and nine neighbours would be able make your case. In Bexley
even our elected representatives are not able to do so.
Bexley is a borough run by rogues who are not at all keen on democracy as their history of banning
certain individuals from asking questions, publicly revealing the address of any resident who dared
to question them and filibustering the remainder to oblivion has amply demonstrated.
Despite all that, Labour Leader Stefano Borello (© June Slaughter)
still holds on to the quaint idea that She Who Must Be Obeyed can be reformed. Last
Wednesday he thought “it is very important that the opposition is there
to scrutinise the decisions of the executive”. What sort of sacrilege is that Stef?
Have you forgotten where you are?
went on to say that the call-in procedure had not been used in the past ten
years which I assume the Leader would interpret as proof that her Cabinet is
comprised only of the infallible. In fact the reason is that the opposition
party is excluded from the process because their Committee numbers fall short of
the threshold required. This in turn is because the First Past the Post
electoral system translates 41% of votes into one third of the seats and 47%
into two thirds and Committee Membership adopts the same ratio.
Clever innit? The Tories love it because it means that Labour voices have little say in any matter.
My three votes count for nothing.
Stef said that both Bromley and Greenwich operate differently. In the Royal
Borough there are now only three Conservatives out of 55 Councillors but their
rights to call-in are not restricted. The Conservatives could
call-in Labour
decisions when they were in control of Bexley 20 years ago but the Conservatives refuse to reciprocate.
Needless to say Councillor Borella’s plea for more democracy in Bexley fell on
deaf ears. The new Mayor dismissed it in eight words and could not have
sounded more bored if he had tried. Councillor Slaughter’s assurances that Nick O’Hare is
some sort of good bloke look wildly optimistic to me.
Councillor Nicola Taylor thought that Bexley’s Cabinet is scared of scrutiny in
a way that Bromley Council is not which succinctly summarises the issue. It has been
obvious enough throughout the twelve years I have been watching their antics.
Naturally enough Cabinet Member David Leaf was keen to tell us why Labour voters
should be deprived of their share of democracy and as predicted here many times
he immediately referenced the recent election result which he implied gave him
and his boss the right to do whatever they thought fit. In Bexley the
call-in rules provided “political balance”. (Stop laughing at the back please.)
“The request [for call-ins] is Labour’s excuse not to do
any scrutiny” he said in what must rank as one of the most illogical statements
ever to sully Bexley’s Council Chamber.
“It is typical of Labour not wanting to do any work and they do not wish to represent their residents.ְ”
And this loon is in charge of Council finances. No wonder the borough almost went broke.
was little by way of formal business at Wednesday’s Council meeting so there is
time to review the speeches; they weren’t all bad.
Councillor David Leaf began his by saying he would not vote for a
Labour Mayor Daniel Francis
because he enjoyed arguing with him too much. The only decent joke was that
Bexley as “top recycler” should recycle its Mayors too, hence him proposing
Councillor Nick O’Hare for a second term. (He was Mayor in 2008/2009.)
After being seconded by Councillor June Slaughter who joked about the
length of Leaf speeches and Councillor O’Hare once being a Lib Dem, he was duly elected.
There was then a 24 minute interval to allow an army of seamstresses to get busy
with their scissors and pins to reduce the Mayoral robes to Nick shape. (†)
The new Mayor gave a thank you speech to the assembled throng and promised that
his speeches would not come Leaf sized but instead be “short and sweet”.
He concluded in five minutes and Councillor Peter Craske then paid tribute to
outgoing Mayor James Hunt and his Mayoress. Much of it was concerned with the impact of Covid on the first year of his reign
and how James’s wife saved lives as a nurse.
There were no jokes and no anti-Labour jibes and the reason
for that soon became clear.
Labour Leader Borella had agreed to second Councillor Craske’s tribute.
Stefano’s speech was packed with good jokes at the Mayor’s expense, James Hunt being a renowned joker.
The idea of Chef Borella teaming up with James Hunt to do a good food guide for Bexley was floated.
new Mayor then presented medals to the “retiring Mayor and Mayoress”. Well there
is a word you will not hear associated with James in any other context.
James Hunt said his thank you speech would be quick because he had promised his
wife he would take her to see Top Gun, Maverick later the same evening but in the
event she was to be disappointed.
Good sport that he is, James enlarged on Stefano Borella’s chip shop joke and
profusely thanked his Mayoral team with more jokes about his chauffeur’s driving
skills; apparently he never stops bragging about being a Gold Standard Advanced
Driver, and his wife is “amazing” and “his rock”. (James’s wife not the driver’s
before anyone gets the wrong idea!)
“Now I am done” James said. Thank you and Good Night.”
There will be a short item on “proper business” tomorrow. You will not be
surprised that joviality rapidly gave way to insults.
† This is not true. Fittings took place earlier.
27 May (Part 1) - Serco was never this bad
a slightly unfair headline because ultimately it must be the environmental vandals who have filled the
paper bin with plastic buckets, plastic stools and mirrors. There is really no
excuse for it especially when the plastics bin has been left unlocked and the
buckets could have been chucked into it easily enough.
However it is CountryStyle’s fault that the paper bin cannot be locked; it was
them who encouraged the lock to be broken and ultimately removed because they
could never be bothered to leave the bin in an accessible position. It is back to front again now.
Just for once I know who dumped the plastic bucket after helping a neighbour clear his back garden last Sunday.
It could have looked worse. Until earlier this week the bins were topped out with
scrapped timber. I removed it and sawed it into short lengths for my son to burn
in his wood burner. There was enough to fill six sacks.
26 May (Part 2) - With the high flyers
If you looked at the opening day
Crossrail pictures (22 and
27) you may have noticed that I bumped into Danny Hackett on the platform and
he kindly invited me to join him for coffee in his office at Canary Wharf so I
climbed the canary coloured escalator (Photo 36) and ascended half way up his skyscraper.
The office space was much bigger than I had imagined with every desk filled with
computer gear. A far cry from 1982 when I had to buy my own desktop machine and
was rewarded with the threat of disciplinary action if I continued to use the
company’s electricity without authorisation to which the rebellious response was **** you or similar.
However 2022’s technology is still not perfect; the coffee machine was broken
but Danny can make a fair cup of tea.
You may wish to see the view from his window.
26 May (Part 1) - Four more years
The main reason for choosing the Council meeting over the Oval was to be able
to photograph the new faces. The only real purpose of the first Full Council is to elect a
new Mayor which went
exactly as predicted yesterday.
And even that is a fraud.
approaching the Chamber with the intention of installing myself in the best
position for photography I was told I could not go there as those spaces were
reserved for friends of the new Mayor. That works only because the appointment
of the Mayor is a fix and his election a sham. As the Labour Leader pointed out
later, in democratic boroughs, the Mayorality is occasionally shared between the
parties. However Bexley continues to be a one woman dictatorship.
With the main reason for attending thwarted even before entering the Chamber I
was not in the best of moods and it was not improved by being told that Agendas
were not provided for Members of the Public.
Has that become legal now that they are available on the web?
I responded in a bad tempered manner which seemed to be appropriate at the time
but within a couple of minutes was provided with a copy. Perhaps I owe the lady
who ran off to fetch it an apology.
While the friends of the Mayor had the benefit of the raised seats, the plebs
were confined to the out of the way flat ones which aren’t even ideal for
photographing bald patches.
Things got better after that. A friendly chat with the new Cabinet Member for
Education, Richard Diment who informed me that Gareth Bacon was not the only MP
to be campaigning against the ULEZ extension but as yet I have not seen the
Louie French equivalent. Then there was a youthful looking Andy Dourmoush and a very smartly attired June Slaughter.
Right, that’s three political careers ruined within the space of one paragraph. What next?
After the two timing (†) Mayor James Hunt made his entrance and parked his
backside, Labour Leader Stefano Borella put forward the name of long serving
Councillor Daniel Francis for Mayor which is of course well into lead balloon territory
for the party which won 47% of the vote on the 5th of May rather than Labour’s derisory 41%.
Councillor Leaf put forward the name of one time Liberal Nick O’Hare for Mayor which provided a
good excuse for me to mentally switch off and browse the web for ten minutes and five
seconds. I know almost nothing of Councillor O’Hare but as he was seconded by
Councillor Slaughter who said he was a thoroughly good bloke I have to assume he must be.
With Councillor Nick O’Hare duly elected as Mayor it was a surprise to see newly
elected Councillor for Dartford Rags Sandu chosen as his Deputy; but perhaps not
so surprising as discovering that the equally new Felix Di Netimah was the Conservatives’ new Whip.
Following the formalities conducted by Chief Executive Jacky Belton and the thanks given
to the outgoing Mayor, what little Council business there was to conduct was begun.
† That’s two years of cake eating. Text messages said I had missed “a crap game”
of cricket and a Council meeting may have been more entertaining. Not a totally wasted evening then.
There will be a Council meeting this evening. It will take half an hour to
gather up what I need to have with me and I will be out of the house for best part
of four hours. It will take at least five more to listen to the recording and
summarise it for the web.
And for what?
It has become very obvious over recent years that very few people are interested
in what goes on in the Council Chamber and Bonkers gets far more attention if I
spend 30 minutes on a rant on this or that and spend the rest of the day doing
something more interesting. But if it is not done Bexley Council can get away
with anything because we have no local newspaper worthy of the name.
I already know what will happen tonight. Labour will suggest one of their own
for Mayor while the Tories put forward Councillor O’Hare and vote him in. Then
there will be a eulogy on how brilliant at his job James Hunt has been and a
couple of new faces will end up in Cabinet. My money is on Richard Diment and
Melvyn Seymour. It could be worse but experienced talent is in very short supply.
Teresa O’Neill will remain as Leader because her detractors are still not
numerous enough to see a rebellion through to a successful conclusion.
I have almost talked myself into going to the Oval for a T20 instead. I have a
ticket. The Lizzie line to Liverpool Street and the Moorgate exit to the Northern
line should knock ten minutes off the old via London Bridge route. Crossrail is
going to be brilliant for so many things.
Increasing the number of readers, which are well down on the good old
days when Bexley Council could be relied upon to do something scandalous or
criminal most months, makes rants and winding people up a quite attractive
proposition. It probably explains emails like this one
I think if Martyn trawls through old blogs he will find one thing that is
totally consistent. Criticism of Conservative lies
has been relentless because they simply won’t stop lying. In 2009 I thought the
lies were so outrageous that the blog was created and then I found that 2009 was not unique.
On policies I suspect that criticism has not really gone beyond this Council’s road
planning being, in the words of the Chairman of the Transport Committee,
“bonkers” and the virtual abandonment of the CCTV to save £200k being a false economy.
Bexley is far from being the worst run Council in London despite its longest
serving Councillors being untrustworthy. I have documented proof that three of them lie.
I voted Labour earlier this month because the
Conservatives only offered candidates who are very closely associated with men with a proven track
record of riding rough shod over planning regulations and who arguably tried to
kill me. In a different ward I might well have voted Conservative. In some wards
I definitely would have done.
Maybe Martyn could bear this explanation in mind and I’d be happy to accept any evidence
of my confusion that he identifies. Personally I believe it is possible to reconcile
believing that Sadiq Kahn is the worst Mayor of London ever and Boris Johnson is
the worst Prime Minister of my lifetime. I would like to see both humiliated
and gone; but Khan more so than the fake Tory.
I may sometimes be in the mood for provocation and reserve the right to push
the boundaries in the hope of a reaction but I would never countenance the
provision of false information; that is Bexley Council’s job.
Note: About 35 minutes and it’s done!
24 May - Crossrail whisks me to Canary Wharf in eleven minutes. Smoothly, quietly and fast
Your Elizabeth Line first train
pictures are here. 47 of them from this morning’s trip. Either three and a
half years late or 40 seconds. Take your pick.
More to come later
Picture count now up to 97 after a trip to Paddington and back. Careful
observation will show that the first train left 40 seconds late; Photo 26 shows
the station clock and the doors closing. Photos 48 and 49 show the Abbey Wood
platform and being beyond the Paddington barriers 31 minutes later. Even after
walking around Paddington, Tottenham Court Road, Farringdon and Woolwich
stations the round trip took only an hour and 30 minutes.
The only problem I encountered was that after years of climbing into a South
Eastern train I couldn’t stop myself raising my foot and almost stumbling over
the platform level threshold.
When enjoying the benefits of this engineering marvel remember that we almost
didn’t get the Abbey Wood branch. Thankfully in June 2010 our MP devoted her maiden speech to
pleading for its retention.
Note: The first train out of Abbey Wood was driven by Monica
and the first out of Paddington by Emma.
23 May - The mission to kill London
Presumably that is Sadiq
Khan’s plan. I have racked my brain to think of anything that horrid little man
has done to benefit any Londoner but failed. Who are these cretins who elect him?
It would be naive to think that his scheme to extend his beloved Ultra Low
Emission Zone is to benefit our health; within a few years there will be very
few vehicles that will fall foul of his evil attack on the capital’s economy.
Quite obviously it is a precursor to London wide congestion charging or
possibly road pricing. Sadiq Khan is a reason to be thankful that Bexley is
still Conservative controlled.
Councillors here have written to Khan to protest against his ambition to
cripple the capital and the letter is likely already in his waste paper bin. However in Orpington their MP has taken a more high profile
stance with a video
and an on-line petition.
It is some sort of recompense for losing one of the few intelligent Councillors in Bexley. When will David Evennett and Louie French get off their backsides?
I have already heard the medical authorities complain in the Council chamber that their Queen Elizabeth Hospital staff are having to
park in Plumstead and walk to work so how is that going work when they will have to
park in Darford? The Lewisham and Greenwich Hospital Trust has said that ULEZ means that they cannot
recruit staff and retaining them is difficult.
It must be indisputable that Sadiq Khan is the worst Mayor London has ever seen
and he must surely qualify as one of the most disastrous politicians of all time.
Completing his plan to wreck London as a prosperous and safe city will have nationwide consequences.
22 May - Round Mayor at the Welling Table
Council is not all Teresa O’Neill, Philip Read and Peter Craske, there are good
people there too quietly working away to benefit the borough. Bexley doesn’t
need to be nothing but a plague of Yellow Box Junctions and ever increasing parking charges.
The trio pictured are Councillors (past and present) but the two on the left
gave up the struggle to improve the borough under its current leadership and
instead work independently to achieve those aims wherever they can.
They work under the umbrella of the Welling Round Table
and both play a leading role.
The Round Table invited Mayor James Hunt to what must be one of his final Civic duties to
wreck his diet at a dinner around their well filled tables.
Then they surprised him with a little cheque funded by their
various charitable activities.
Presumably the Mayor is forgiven for Bexley Council ripping off the Round Tablers by charging outrageous
fees for the hire of Danson Park. Maybe James being mixed up with
the rival to BexFest (18th and 19th June 2022) put him in the Welling Round
Table’s good books again.
James has said he will spend the money on children based charities in Bexley and
he is so impressed by the Round Table that he plans to join it. He likes a good lunch.
Also shown is, Kerry Allon, one time Councillor for Lesnes Abbey and Danny Hackett
who unseated him in 2014. All friends now.
Note: I am informed that the shiny black boots were on the
other foot. It was the Mayor’s charity bash and it was him who invited Welling
Round Table members. They not only gave him £10,000 to spend on his favourite
charities but were charged £55 a head for their dinner. Nice work if you can
get it James. Make the most of your last three days in chains. The next Mayor will have a big act to follow.
I’ve probably said before that I could not give a damn about Boris Johnson
having a slice of cake on his birthday.
During the 1980s I worked in an office which was about 50 yards away from a
branch of Dunkin’ Donuts and whenever there was an office birthday, tea and
biscuits was replaced with tea and something enormous, creamy and about 60 pence a
go if I remember correctly. However its consumption did not constitute a
birthday party, it was simply tea and a doughnut.
Presumably it was an act of political spite by the outgoing Metropolitan Police
Commissioner who thought it worthwhile to spend half a million of London taxpayers’
money to issue 126 fines to mainly junior Civil Servants who felt they had
little option but to follow their boss. Another example of the police not being
able to get anything right.
who think Johnson should resign over his Fixed Penalty Notice must be
totally mad when there are at least half a dozen good reasons for him to be shown the door.
Idiotic, illogical, worthless and unenforceable lockdown laws and his failure to
control immigration or to get Brexit done properly. His inability to see the
energy crisis coming - no new nuclear, no fracking, demolish instead of mothballing the coal fired power
stations and close the gas storage facilities. The result is extreme financial pain for the average
family. Put it together with printing money hand over fist and Johnson has
created inflation like we have not seen in nearly 50 years at a time when he’s
increased taxes to a point not seen since the second world war.
So what has prompted this Saturday rant? A straw but maybe a significant one. I
went to Sainsbury’s for milk and nothing else in mind except to look around.
At the top of the travelator there is a notice to the effect that they have
matched 100 prices with Aldi which always makes me think “why don’t I just go to Aldi?”
Being lazy and not much of a cook I wandered down the Ready Meals aisle. They
didn’t have my favourite which
went up from
£2·50 to £3 a month ago so I looked at the curries. They are a bit rubbish;
not really big enough for one, insufficient rice and look a mess when on your plate but
they are quite tasty and will fill a hole if you are not too hungry. A hidden
advantage is that they can be microwaved for only two or three pence. (My
faulty Smart Meter display has been fixed.) I bought two at
the beginning of the week for £2·30 each. Today they are £3. They are simply not worth £3.
I went home with just the milk which had gone up by another 14 pence making a 22%
total increase this year.
Fortunately I am not yet spending more each month than the pension provides
but the days when I could just about live off my state pension and not touch the one
from BT if I chose to are gone. Bexley Council’s 21% tax rise since 2018 has seen to that.
I am lucky in other ways too. Blowing too much money on solar panels in 2011
and an electric car four years ago is now paying dividends. I have driven to
Ramsgate, Malmesbury and Southampton in the past two weeks which added around £9
to my electricity bill (†) because there was not enough sunshine between the first
and second journeys. What would 700 miles cost if you can only
afford to run an old banger? £130 or so? Plus four times £12·50 when Sadiq Khan
introduces his car tax in August next year. (Malmesbury was a two day trip.)
Johnson and his Chancellor simply haven’t got a clue. How will the average
working man and woman cope when the higher food costs meet the increased Winter
heating bills head on? In October the energy price cap will likely increase by another 30% over last month’s 54%.
When people cannot afford to eat, Johnson will learn what an angry population does
to political Neros and whatever it is it will be fully justified.
† Fortunately for me, but not the people
struggling to pay their electricity bills, the £9 was offset by about £75 of Feed in
Tariff paid directly to me from the ludicrous Green Levies for generating the power
to drive those 700 miles.
I remember exactly where I was on 2nd June 1953; squeezed into a crowded room and glued to my Dad’s
12 inch TV screen while a sea of little noses was pressed against the window.
There were only two TVs in the street of seventy something houses and ours was the biggest.
platinum Jubilee celebrates the June date but of course references the
accession year of 1952 and whilst I may not be as excited about it all as I was
as a nine year old looking forward to the afternoon street party it is absolutely right
that today’s young people should be given something to remember.
There will be
beacon lighting in Lesnes Abbey park a week next Thursday (2nd June) and more
festivities all day on the following Sunday.
The Welling Round Tablers led by former Councillor Danny
Hackett are as you would expect keen to mark the occasion. Before the annual
BexFest to be held in Danson Park on 18th and 19th June they are to run a
competition for young people (under 18) to design a card to commemorate the
Monarch’s 70 years of service to the nation.
Be quick, you only have ten days.
The winner will receive a family ticket to BexFest
and the card will be passed on to Her Majesty.
Full details
of the competition for card designers may be read here. (PDF.)
19 May (Part 2) - Strangely exciting, and all over a train!
Crossrail excitement persuaded me to take
another look around Abbey Wood station with my camera.
It is a week since the 472 bus was diverted to Abbey Wood station providing the
first sight of a double decker in Wilton Road since the 180 was blocked by the closure of the railway level crossing.
Outside the station men were cleaning the four year old seats and inside there
are new display booards and direction signs. The mid-platform footbridge needs
only five minutes of work to get it opened and the escalator was working but
not yet accessible.
The western footbridge is still well and truly blocked off but trains were
arriving every five minutes
exactly as the timetable promises.
The station staff are expecting queues next Tuesday morning and for the first
time my disabled daughter will be able to visit me step free; but I won’t hold my breath!
19 May (Part 1) - The jewel in the Crossrail crown?
Hidden away on one of BiB’s menus is a link to
one of my favourite blogs
written by the self-proclaimed Diamond Geezer. This
morning he published his eulogy to Abbey Wood. Maybe it takes a stranger to the
area to remind us how attractive some parts of it can be.
Catch the link quickly before 19th May disappears under the
reports that will come
later in the month. Best to use a proper PC screen too as the site is not particularly
friendly towards mobile users.
18 May - It was a long wait but finally…
If you follow
Geoff Marshall on YouTube you will have known several weeks ago that
the first Crossrail train will be the 06:30 out of Abbey Wood on 24th May beating the Paddington departure by three minutes.
the confirmation from TfL.
I will try to be on the first train and damn the expense.
How long will it be before my road which is only 100 metres outside of the Controlled Parking Zone becomes inaccessible?
(Council’s solution from 2016.)
Index to Crossrail related items on BiB.
Note: Other reports put Canary Wharf into Zone 2.
17 May - Your vote doesn’t really matter
With nothing much happening in Bexley right now I wondered if there was any scope to return to and further analyse the election statistics but fortunately a reader came to the rescue with his own thoughts. The points he makes are probably not unique to 2022 but illustrate clearly why it is near impossible to arrest the decline in Bexley under its one woman dictatorship.
More than 7 out of 10 of the potential votes were not cast for either
Conservative or Labour candidates. How this then manages to produce a
Council packed with 33 seats for the Conservatives and 12 seats for Labour
genuinely baffles me? If anybody really believes that we have any sort of
truly representative elected officials at Bexley Council then I am afraid
that they are remarkably deluded.
You make the point that Teresa O’Neil, our glorious Conservative Leader, can
no longer truthfully claim that the majority of residents support her Tories.
In fact any claim of this type is even more bogus when you can see that the
Conservatives gained a mere 15.43 % of the potential votes available across the Borough.
Perhaps much more noteworthy is to see how the Conservative share compared
to the 13.36% of the potential votes that Labour managed to acquire on the
night. This then would inevitably lead you to conclude that any sort of a
genuine contest should produce a result indicating not that much separating
them both – of course this assumes that you want to actually reflect voters
intentions and be truly representative throughout the Borough. So please
remind me again how we ended up with a landslide majority of 33
Conservatives compared to 12 Labour Councillors?
Funny how Bexley Council is not keen to give any real indication of turnout on the night. Go look at
and you will see n/a. Why are they so coy? I agree that residents in
different wards have different numbers of votes that can be cast so it is
not a simple calculation to make – but equally it is not that difficult to
do either. My analysis shows that less than 31% of the potential votes that
could have been cast actually were.Please can somebody let me know what sort
of a mandate to govern this actually is in our so called democracy?
Wouldn’t you know that at the ward level it gets even worse. In every single
ward across the Borough more than 80% of the potential votes from electors
did not go to the winning Party. What is the point of claiming to represent
residents, in any way shape or form, when all you have actually demonstrated
is that you failed to acquire 4 out of 5 of their votes for your political party?
Perhaps I digress but I do wonder if anybody else is struck by the
incredible chutzpah on show via an image banner received from a Bexley Council e-mail:
“Your Vote Matters”, don’t make me laugh! Could anything really be further from the truth?
To me there is no reasonable explanation for how Bexley council has been
electorally constituted. I can only conclude that our current electoral
system is morally bankrupt and frankly just not fit for purpose in the
modern age. On the other hand, don’t go holding your breath for
change. After all, why would either of the main political parties want to
alter the corrupt system that they have so brilliantly engineered for us? It
has been said that “every nation gets the government it deserves.” I ask
myself daily where have we gone so wrong in Bexley?
In case anyone else is interested, Nicholas Dowling’s spreadsheet analysis of the results is
available here.
For reasons unknown a reader asked for a list of blogs that
referred to Mr. Bryant’s 2011 petition about the excessive salaries paid to
Bexley Council staff at that time.
Elwyn and his friends John, Michael, Nicholas and Peter trudged the streets of
Bexley before the internet made life easier and obtained 2,219 signatures only
to find that Bexley Council, contrary to their own rules, would not accept it.
Their reason was that its opening statement was untrue. It was an exact copy of
what was on Bexley Council’s website at the time. Maybe it was untrue, most
statements by Bexley Council back then were little but lies.
It transpired that the list of petition references in 2011 and 2012 was
extensive so a bit of code was written that
assembles them into an
Index. And much good will it do anyone in a Borough with scant interest in democracy,
15 May - Ignorance and corruption in Bexley
only one Council meeting this month (Full Council on the 25th) there may not be much to report but one of several recent emails aroused my interest.
It wasn’t the one, welcome though it was, which drew my attention
to Bexley’s favourite property developer taking
an interest in Plumstead’s Plume of Feathers public house. A Grade 2 listed building but
Murky Depths has already covered that subject in some detail.
Nor was it the one that told me that Kulvinder Singh’s favourite Conservative
candidate had knocked on the sender’s door to tell him that Bexley had a low rate of
Council Tax. Being fully aware of BiB’s annual summary he
contradicted her but was firmly told he was misinformed.
Who is it that selects such ignorant individuals to represent them?
the one that brought back a lot of memories was the one that asked if I knew anything about the case
reported by the Evening Standard back in 2013. A case concerning an assault on a teenaged boy and captured on CCTV.
I most certainly did because I had a long series of conversations with the
teenager’s father. He wrote a series of guest blogs and they were
assembled into a single page
which makes for shocking reading.
The Index to individual blogs is a new addition to BiB.
If you ever doubted that Bexley Police was thoroughly corrupt ten years ago then
here is the proof complete with condemnation from a judge who subsequently
resisted pressure from the police to change his verdict. (It was said to be disrespectful to them.)
At one point the police suggested the assault had not even taken place.
CCTV evidence was dismissed, witnesses discredited and witness statements
rewritten. An MP was fobbed off and the submission of evidence to the CPS was selective.
Needless to say the same old names crop up in the father’s analysis of officers’
corruption as in several similar incidents around the same time. A time when
Bexley Council worked hand in glove with Bexley police in order to cover up for their own dishonest activities.
Featuring prominently was the Chief Inspector who said he was unable to trace the officer who threatened
to arrest me if I criticised Councillors.
There was the one who tried to convince me that it was impossible to trace who
posted obscenities about me and others on his own website. Another who stood in
two different witness boxes to lie about what a Bexley blogger had said in order
to secure a conviction while the truth was in the evidence bundle unread by a useless defence solicitor.
Yet another who wrote to all the local politicians to tell them that I had been
charged with sending malicious communications via Twitter more than a year
before I opened an account with Twitter.
Almost needless to say, the Chief Inspector who
wrote to Bexley Council to
arrange a meeting with the objective of resolving Councillor Craske’s situation
after he had been arrested.
No action was taken against the assailant and all the evidence pointed towards
him being in some way related to a Bexley police officer. Bexley police not only
covered up various failings and withheld or lost evidence but they refused to
correct their records which attempted to put the blame for the injuries on to
the victim, hence the court case reported by the Evening Standard.
The Chief Superintendent who took charge in Bexley soon after these events
attempted to clear out the corrupt officers by transferring them to other London boroughs but it wasn’t
long before he too left for pastures new. Moving control from Bexleyheath to Lewisham
under the BCU arrangements may have finally achieved what that CS tried and failed to do.
For me the worst thing about elections is updating
the list of Councillors. It
is assembled from 45 data files and with so many of them changing this year
there was a whole load to amend. The details will be added later after the
Leader has dished out her favours to those without minds of their own.
Meanwhile more analytical minds have been digging into the statistics so that
when the Leader gives her next report to Full Council and claims to be Trusted
by Bexley Residents we will be able to judge whether it is really true or not.
One of the basics for any analysis has to be the size of the electorate but Bexley Council only provides the
percentage of the vote achieved by each candidate and if you ask for the
number eligible to vote they refer you to their website. The number is hidden away
on the
Notice of Poll forms where the number entitled to vote at each Polling
Station is given. You have to add them up for yourself.
In my ward for example there were eight Polling Stations with 1,282, 1,758, 1,653,
1,461, 1,531, 1,521, 1,140 and 1,435 eligible voters. That’s 11,781 people who had three votes each.
35,343 votes. Sally Hinkley topped the poll with 2,033 votes with Esther Amaning
and Daniel Francis trailing her with 1,998 and 1,956 respectively.
The Council’s
website credits Labour with 60% of the vote but in truth only 5,987 little crosses out of a possible total of 35,343
were cast for them. 29,356 potential crosses were not placed next to Labour names.
Is it mischievous to suggest that 83·1% of the electorate didn’t vote Labour in Belvedere?
Belvedere is used here only as an example but while I have been playing with computer code my old friend Nicholas Dowling,
Independent candidate in Blackfen and Lamorbey in 2014, created a spreadsheet with all the numbers,
It showed that Belvedere is typical of the seventeen wards.
See table below which includes who won each ward and the percentages of votes not cast
for that winning party
Barnehurst - Labour : 80·9
Belvedere - Labour : 83·1
Bexleyheath - Conservative : 82·0
Blackfen & Lamorbey Conservative : 82·7
Blendon & Penhill - Conservative : 81·9
Crayford - Conservative : 83·8
Crook Log - Conservative : 81·4
East Wickham - Conservative : 84·4
Erith - Labour : 81·7
Falconwood & Welling - Conservative : 84·1
Longlands - Conservative : 81·4
Northumberland Heath - Labour : 82·7
Sidcup - Conservative : 84·2
Slade Green & Northend : Labour : 85·6
St. Marys St. James - Conservative : 81·2
Thamesmead East - Labour : 83·3
West Heath - Conservative : 80·5
Maybe when Saint Teresa next claims that the Council is Trusted by Bexley Residents she will acknowledge that it’s only
one in five of them.
Is this an argument for compulsory voting or for proportional representation?
up a reader’s report I went to the Council website to look at
the revised list of Councillors and clicked on Cameron Smith’s
published email address which popped up Microsoft Outlook.
I sent him a congratulatory message and about a minute later it came bouncing back.
Don’t Bexley Council test anything?
Perhaps all the new Councillors should check their new addresses.
Labour Councillor Sally Hinkley sent me a
short thank you note for voting for her in Belvedere, always a nice and friendly lady despite our differences over Sadiq Khan.
Despite that I felt I didn’t have much of a choice; do I want a loon to
represent this ward? A loon who thinks it makes good political sense to
picture herself over and over again with the man who
tore down the borough’s
oldest pub and without seeking planning permission
wrecked the view of Lesnes
Abbey Woods from parts of Woolwich Road.
Late last night Belvedere’s failed Conservative candidate was at it again, a
loser claiming to have won something; and why does the Woolwich Road Councillor John
Davey keep popping up in these pictures?
At least he is not silly enough to Tweet about it.
Friends who enquired as to where I was after election day will know that I was away celebrating my son’s 50th birthday;
as if I actually needed a reminder of my obvious aging.
Bexley’s election results have by now been analysed to death
but these two pie charts probably sum it all up. The Conservatives won 47% of
the vote but thanks to First Past the Post gained 73% of the seats.
Will the Leader continue to brag at every opportunity that her Council is backed
by most residents? Probably she will, if she was willing to claim that every
Manifesto commitment since 2006 has been fulfilled when Freedom of Information
requests proved 100% failure since 2018, it would be silly to expect anything
other than service cuts and price rises.
The Conservatives can no longer claim to represent the majority of Bexley residents.
Business as usual.
No surprises there then. Labour made only half the gains I was expecting (†),
very few residents know the extent of Bexley Tories’ lies and those that do, know
that it is a better Council than those further to the west
I am hoping that the influx of new and young Councillors will eventually lead to
more honesty than we see under Bexley’s current leadership.
The best news of the night is that Northumberland Heath was not impressed by
Aaron Newbury whose Twitter Profile was extraordinarily arrogant. “Opinions my
own, and they are all tremendously good”. Nice to see him taken down a peg or two.
Congratulations to the remainder especially Councillor Frazer Brooks in
Falconwood. A man who has already shown himself to be independent minded and
considerate of members of the public.
† The Northumberland Heath result was almost inevitable but I thought that there
might be a chance of a random win in either Crayford or East Wickham.
5 May (Part 2) - I may come to regret it but
Well that was the most difficult voting decision ever by a wide margin.
I have switched sides at least four time in the past few weeks. The choice was inevitably
influenced by the worst Government of my lifetime which together with its predecessors, has contrived to get
just about everything wrong, and the certain knowledge that Labour in power would be
worse. Much of what is wrong now can be laid at Tony Blair’s door. Do I want to
see Starmer as Prime Minister? Absolutely not.
Fortunately the election should be about local issues and i believe I should vote on local, or at the
most London matters. There surely cannot be much doubt for anyone who travels
around the capital as I do that all the worst places are Labour controlled and
Sadiq Khan is on a mission to make things worse.
Yesterday Danny Hackett and a prominent Conservative Councillor reminded me of
all those things. I was ready to walk the 100 yards to the Polling Station this morning and
put three kisses against the Tory candidates but I woke up to Mark Brooks’ Retweet of Conservative candidate
Viny Poon’s Tweet.
So provocative, not to say idiotic, that one correspondent thought I must have Photoshopped the picture. How could she expect me to vote for
a candidate prepared to parade herself with someone, in his house by the looks of things, who appeared to be perfectly
happy to run me off the
road just eight months ago?
Danny Hackett’s endorsement had to be ignored.
Three votes for Labour, God help me but what else was I supposed to do?
I shall console myself that if a Tory asks me if I voted for them this time and I say No
I have a pretty good excuse for not doing so. If a Labour candidate asked me the
same question and I had to say No, there would be no wholly local reason to excuse my behaviour.
5 May (Part 1) - Disenfranchised
I spoke to soon to be ex-Councillor Danny Hackett who persuaded me that I really should vote for Viny Poon in Belvedere and later in the day I confirmed
to a Conservative Councillor that I would.
I had found myself drifting back in that direction last Tuesday as I drove through a succession of
Labour boroughs to North London and found myself thinking, would I like Bexley
to look like these? Motoring hell-holes.
Then some charming woman began to slag off Councillor Dourmoush on Twitter.
“Socialist hater of all things Tory”. Why is it that only Labour attracts such
awful people and then this morning a Tory activist Tweeted the picture below right.
Conservative candidate Viny Poon far too close to those who have shoved me
around and arguably tried to kill me with their van.
Viny Poon swinging me back towards Labour.
4 May (Part 2) - Good planning
Only a week after the Vice-Chairman of Bexley's Planning Department was
enjoying a photo opportunity with the leaders of the Sikh Temple in Belvedere an application (22/00525/FULM) was made to amend the plans to rebuild it.
The result is a foregone conclusion.
Bexley Councillors with the Leaders of the Sikh Temple and two generations of the Leather Bottle vandals.
4 May (Part 1) - In Sidcup voters have a choice
Independent Dimitri Shvorob used the Freedom of Information Act to prove that the Conservative claim to have kept all their 2018 Manifesto promises is simply not true or anything like true.
3 May - Now they are scraping the beer barrel
A Labour leaflet dropped
on to my doormat quite early this morning, I suspect that Councillor Francis was
exploiting his old man’s feet again. Maybe because I can be an awkward old bugger
myself the message did not have the intended effect on me.
That’s because I couldn’t care less that at the end of a long day in Johnson’s
house cum office he met up with the people he had been with many times already that
day and he sliced a piece of cake. Sticking a candle into it does not turn the gathering into a party.
Similarly, trudging the streets of Durham with a gang of supporters all day and
ending it with a beer and a curry is not a party either. If I was interested in
law breaking I would be asking where Starmer stayed overnight at a time when my
son could not visit his mother in Glasgow because there was nowhere to legally stay the night.
The ‘criminality’ was imposing such stupid rules on a brain-washed public. When
has a government ever before banned lovers of all ages from getting together?
That is why, if one insists on voting on national issues in a local election,
one should not vote for Johnson’s party. But hang on a minute, which party leader
wanted all the Covid lunacy imposed sooner, harder and for longer?
On #partygate itself it seems to me that it is Johnson who came clean about
birthday cake and it is Starmer who has sought to hide the truth. If his
gathering was entirely legal, and I am inclined to think it was, why the need to
lie about the ginger one being there?
Esther, Daniel and Sally remain the best candidates by far for Belvedere
and their fourth leaflet was almost certainly imposed from above. Do we
really want to be represented by
people stupid enough to publicly seek the
support of someone involved with the demolition of the wardְ’s (and borough’s) oldest pub, ripping up trees
and driving neighbours from their homes? In other wards there are Conservative candidates far more worthy of your vote.
Independent candidate in Sidcup (#tonyofsidcup) generously listed some this morning. I
suppose hoping for 22 Labour and 22 Conservative Councillors and an
Independent keeping them apart is too much to hope for? Far too much unfortunately.
Tony is absolutely right on one thing. Councillors O’Neill and Craske have pretty
much single-handedly shaped Bexley and I struggle to see significant
improvements. Things that have become far worse and more expensive are legion. The Leader must have had
similar thoughts when she too struggled to answer a public question on that very subject.
I am beginning to think that apathy might determine the local elections in
Bexley. Normally the number of visitors to this blog rises quite noticeably
before an election but I detect none of that this time around.
I walked
through the streets of Richmond borough last Saturday I was struck by the
number of political posters in front gardens and windows. Every single one of
them was for the Lib Dems. As I said to my friends, they should have added “Vote
Lib Dem for the highest Council Tax in London”.
I felt sure I’d not seen a poster in Bexley so yesterday I kept my eye open while on my travels.
There was nothing adorning the house of the Labour Councillor who lives not far
away from me so I ventured a little further until I found a poster.
It was adorning the front door of a new and as yet unsold (the agent’s board is still there) block of flats that has
featured on these pages before.
The Boozer Butcher of Belvedere is
endorsing the two Conservative Candidates for Northumberland Heath, Dwayne Brooks and
the one whose name is no longer mentioned here.
At least we can take a good guess as to
why that is.
In Northumberland Heath the other candidates are the unfortunately named Baljeet
Singh and Wendy Perfect (both Labour) with Liberal Democrat Paul Bargery also
looking for your vote.
Note: Sally Hinkley has since told me that the omission is rectified.
1 May (Part 2) - It’s Crossrail, right?
Why the sudden fuss
about calling Crossrail the Elizabeth Line?
In conjunction with TfL’s established practice of adding the word line (with a lowercase L) to its other
tube lines, Central line, Victoria line etc. it is going to sound odd.
‘The Elizabeth Line line’, but maybe it confirms that Crossrail is represents a new family of
railways, like the Overground and the DLR but they are networks of railway lines
so if TfL follows that logic Crossrail 2 will have to be The Elizabeth Line too. (Pun unintended.)
For the record, the ELIZABETH LINE sign went up at Abbey Wood station exactly four years
ago today although the photograph (top left) is from two months later.
And also for the record,
the Abbey Wood escalator has been reassembled.
Index to Crossrail related photos and blogs.
The four sorts of line. Click to rotate image.
So who didn't prepare for the first of the month. Meanwhile let’s make do with this
Which past events now make a little more sense following the revelation that the
borough’s most prolific property developer is a high profile Tory with ready
access to Councillors including the Planning Committee Vice-Chairman?
Everyone knows by now that Bexley Council did nothing when
the borough’s oldest
pub was torn down. They ignored reports that adjacent property was in danger of
a land slip and there was no protection from falling masonry for passers-by.
When the Health & Safety Executive took an interest and requested evidence Bexley Council chose not to
cooperate and the H&SE had to rely on photographs taken from this website and social media.
Incredibly, H&SE had to threaten legal action before Bexley Council began to play ball.
Bexley Council’s own surveyor reported that an edifice constructed in the garden
of 238 Woolwich Road encroached on Lesnes
Abbey Woods but Councillors quietly overlooked that finding.
The massive concrete bunker was built without planning permission but with only
minor modifications it was retrospectively permitted. It was such a monstrosity
that the occupants of 240 were forced from their home which became virtually
unsalable. As such it fell into the hands of the same property developer.
In Heron Hill the same developer put forward a plan for a new Care Home but it
was rejected on the grounds that Bexley didn’t need more Care Home places.
Virtually the same plan was resubmitted and suddenly Bexley did need Care Homes.
Isn’t that what good friends are for?