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The Jonathan Fromings index

Index of blogs related to the police corruption surrounding the case of Jonathan Fromings


There’s none so blind… - 19th March 2012
Bexley police see only what they want to see - 16th November 2012
Rotten to the core - 27th November 2012
Who were they protecting this time? - 3rd December 2012
Rotten to the core - 11th December 2012
Crime and no punishment - 17th December 2012
The unending corruption among Bexleyheath police - 2nd January 2013
Chief Inspector Tony Gowen investigates - 9th January 2013
Those bad boys in blue again - 16th January 2013
Oh no, it's the Keystone Cops again - 23rd January 2013
Concluding the Bexley police corruption saga - 30th January 2013
Ignorance and corruption in Bexley - 15th May 2022

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