month today rss X

Akin Alabi

An aid to locating blogs relating to the Head of Legal’s apparent lack of qualifications


The racist thoughts of Bexley Council - 12th February 2017
Crime doesn’t pay - 13th September 2016
Another set of expenses in prospect for keeping dirty secrets - 25th August 2016
Alison Griffin is dragged further into Bexley’s culture of crookedness - 24th August 2016
Bexley Council behaves like idiots. You pay - 23rd August 2016
Another collection of oddments - 12th August 2016
Next move; The Man with No Name - 30th July 2016
Bexley Council is hiding something again - 8th July 2016
Curiouser and curiouser - 9th June 2016
Officially not listed - 18th May 2016

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