7 November - The roundabout Merry-Go-Round
believe there are 24 people at Bexley council employed on traffic planning and
road design and they cant seem to get anything right. My friend who chairs an
E.U. committee on the same subject thinks they are either malicious or
incompetent. I suspect it is the staff that is incompetent and the Cabinet
Member for Transport who is malicious - yes we are back to the utterly useless
Craske again.
With 24 idle minds to keep occupied it is more than likely that their primary
objective is to look busy and protect their jobs. One ploy is to make a change
which is silly and after a few accidents are caused, to undo it all again. Weve
seen the tactic employed in Brampton Road. Two
jobs instead of the dole queue and a few dents in a few cars, maybe the odd stay
in hospital. It all makes sense if you are incompetent and unemployable outside
local government. Currently these imbeciles are obsessed by roundabouts.
Extend the pavement, make them difficult or near impossible to get by and maybe end up with
something impassable. Incidentally, have you seen
their excuse for the five months of chaos at Wickham Lane?
They blame their design consultant and credit themselves with
finding the problem. So who approved the consultants design? Craskes
department. And if they are so damned clever how come their inspectors didnt
notice the developing problem until the roundabout was almost ready for use?
Well not by buses obviously, but the inspectors didnt notice until it was far too late.
The first two pictures above are from their seven week operation to do not a lot
- but it is another job for the boys - to a roundabout in Thamesmead. But it isnt
a big deal compared to the one at Ruxley corner. I wandered down there to see
how things had progressed since my visit on 25th July. There was lots to see and
marvel at. A couple of locals asked what I was up to and filled me in on some of
the history. One was even a reader of bexley-is-bonkers. It had been recommended
by a friend she said. But the blog doesnt have the space for a
comprehensive Ruxley story, so you can get a slightly expanded version by clicking any image for
the photo gallery or go to a brand new section
listed under the Roads index.