1 December (Part 2) - Things that didn’t happen in November
Shenstone School explained
My email of 13th November to the Cabinet Member for Education
never did elicit a response.
Dear Councillor Newton,
When I was at last Wednesday’s meeting the Labour Group attempted to put on
some sort of show trial on the subject of Shenstone school, even dragging
along parents who would not in practice be heard beyond the Council Chamber.
It all seemed rather unnecessary to me and there must have been quicker and
more effective ways of getting answers or action.
I need to report it on my blog but handicapped by the fact I know nothing of
the Shenstone problems beyond the Leader saying that there were tendering problems.
A month ago one of the parents successful at the LGO asked me to report on
Shenstone school suggesting that there was some sort of scandal there but I
was unable to do so because a search on the Council website produced a blank.
Can you point me at an Agenda/Minutes that might educate me or perhaps you
could give me a brief history? I don’t need much; readers have short attention spans!
Maybe Caroline is still struggling with
her TalkTalk connection.
Parking problems solved
response to my complaint that the refuse cart could not always reach me due to
bad parking was that the bin men had never complained, so this morning I asked them why not.
Four of them gathered around me, friendly well spoken bunch too, and they said
the Council doesn’t listen to them and the only way forward was for residents to complain.
They said more which maybe should not be repeated here, but I think I will tell
Richard Diment what the problem was said to be.
At 2pm, six hours later, that blue car is still there with no parking ticket to be seen.
New Road closed for two weeks
It was supposed to be closed for gas works for two weeks but the day after
Keene revealed that SGN's contractor had not asked for a road closure,
Bexley Council came to its senses and relented. To the relief of all bus users including me.
Evidence provided
Another case of No, Not, Never. The anonymous
alleger (is that a word?) of wrong doing by our Council Leader has not come up with
anything to support the claim. Not just nothing worthwhile, but nothing at all.
If he cannot do better than that I will be tempted to remove the blog.
Rishi Sunak
Did something sensible.