Wood commuter parking and Bexley Council’s failure to prepare for it has hit
the BBC news website.
Their report features my own road and resident Nicky Evans who says “complaints
have been ignored” [true] and that she “cannot drive her children to school without losing her parking space”.
“People visiting vulnerable residents often could not park”. True, I have seen that one for myself.
The website comments, “She added many people had raised the problem with the
local authority but nothing had been done. Everyone's been saying for months
it’s going to be an issue and they just don’t take any notice. They’re not
interested, she said.” True again.
My issues are rather different and every house on the estate has as a
minimum of one allocated off road parking space, most houses have two and the
lucky ones like me have four.
The issue is not just parking it is inconsiderate but not currently illegal (according to Bexley Council and
on one occasion the police too) road
blocking where drivers park pretty much opposite each other and leave
vans more than 50 centimetres from the kerb.
Note: Scraping the barrel for film titles now!