23 November - Not me this time
you take a look at the SE2 Facebook page, and I confess I rarely do, you will see that it is
awash with comment about the parking problems brought about by
Crossrail and 20 buses an hour up and down New Road, Abbey Wood.
Bexley Council deservedly gets the blame for doing absolutely nothing to solve the problem except
double parking fees which drives yet more vehicles into residential roads.
My road now regularly attracts up to five old vans and very occasionally more
and the gossip is that they are all driven by residents of one of the flats.
They sometimes park on the footpath and very often away from the kerb. At night
the only way a fire engine could get to my house is if it drove over the pavement
and of course it would so the danger should not be over-exaggerated.
Occasionally it has not been possible for even a car to get out on to Abbey Road without driving over the footpath.
If Bexley Council could get off its backside there would be money to be made
from parking infringements, The van shown has been parked where it is for the
past four or five hours and still is, preventing both of my nearest neighbours
getting their cars on to their own shared drive.