30 September (Part 3) - A cold winter lies ahead
Regular readers sometimes send in little anecdotes about the trials and
tribulations of life and a recent one struck a chord with me.
I used to use Bulb for my power supplies but they made rather a lot of mistakes
on my Aunt’s account last year and then about 12 months ago announced a steep
price increase which was the last straw. It was a variable tariff and inevitably
it only varied in one direction. I managed to find a fixed term price at more or
less the same price as Bulb pre-increase. It expires at the end of October 2021.
My correspondent has been with Bulb all year and maybe longer. In
mid-August they advised him that prices were going up again and his Direct Debit would have
to be increased by £14·80 a month. Then a few days ago another email advised an increase of £63·91.
That is a big bill. Mine has been £77 with Avro Energy (gas and
electricity) for the past 12 months which has built up a £25 credit balance.
With the contract due to expire I looked around for the best deal. The lowest
recommended by a price comparison site was Avro Energy at £113·50 (fixed) which
is a near 50% increase, Bulb £117 (variable), Octopus £138 (fixed) and EON £144 (fixed).
Avro’s website is a bit crap compared to Bulb’s but being the cheapest, a fixed
price deal and no exit fees it looked to be the best buy. I signed up to
remain with Avro Energy. Three days later they went bust.
Since then Octopus have been in touch to tell me they have taken over, please sit tight and do nothing.
They have promised - twice - a lower tariff than is available from any other
large supplier and cheaper than their own tariff on offer to new applicants.
We shall see. I hope they realise that I noted down exactly what their tariff
was three days before Avro went bust. Will they prove to be another lying utility company?
Octopus looks like being around twice the price of my bill for the past year and I
gather at £77 my consumption is on the low side. This will be devastating for
families living on the financial edge. Probably a Winter of Discontent lies ahead
and we have a Government that seems unable to get anything right. The blind leading the disillusioned.
Are they even leading?
30 September (Part 2) - NHS on the ball?
Following the report on the NHS having fallen apart for some people
I was asked to bring you better news. No need to go into detail but a case of
unexpected bleeding resulted in a face-to-face appointment with a doctor
within two hours. Darenth Valley a couple of days later for tests and an appointment
for a computerised tomography (CT) scan at Queen Mary’s Sidcup shortly afterwards.
So it would seem that with the right doctor and with the ‘wrong’ symptoms the
NHS may still be working. I hope my new correspondent is given the CT
results without having to wait months as has been reported by some - and me -
and that they are better than expected.
30 September (Part 1) - Hall Place revamp on track
Places Scrutiny Committee spent a few minutes discussing how the
already made for Hall Place were progressing.
Among the ideas to make more money from it was
• More signs on the A2 and banners in the grounds advertising events visible from the A2.
• Place wedding photos in the Great Hall to attract more wedding business.
• Hold more markets and garden shows selling plants.
• Arrange outdoor cinema and theatre shows.
• Put on jousting displays and art events.
• Provide themed catering events.
• Refresh exhibitions quarterly.
• Improve the Hall reception area and put art on display in the Great Hall.
• Create more events aimed at children.
• Hire out rooms for evening classes etc.
• Install more toilets.
• Use the loft space as offices.
• Introduce car parking charges.
Cabinet Member Craske was the first to speak and said that a lot of income had
been lost because of Covid - no wedding bookings in particular. Currently a
wedding catch-up situation appears to be responsible
for weekday wedding only bookings being made with receptions booked for another day and maybe at a different venue.
Visitor numbers are good; in 2019/20 the number reached 285,000 but in 2020/21
the number went over 300,000. Since April there had been 181,000 visitors.
A new catering contract is progressing well but locating artifacts to put on
display is not. Nobody knows what is held or where they might be which introduces
insurance problems. Councillor Geraldene Lucia-Hennis (Conservative, Crayford)
said she was “fobbed off” when asking Officers questions. “We don’t know what we own” she complained.
Councillor Val Clark (Conservative, Falconwood & Welling) thought the progress report was excellent and it
demonstrated how “this Council cannot be accused of not being a bit forward
thinking on how to raise money. We have to do things they [residents] are not used to do
doing and don’t like doing because we do need to raise money”. She thought a
mini-bus picking up people from the station might be a good idea. “It could take
people around all of Bexley’s tourist sites on a guided tour. It would be very
popular. We have got to raise money.”
The model railway is on course for opening next year. “A massive project.”
At its old Falconwood site it can open for only two hours a month and at Hall
Place it will be open all day every Saturday and Sunday and attract more visitors to the café etc.
Councillor John Davey (Conservative, West Heath) requested a small bridge across a ditch near the railway
that is frequently too muddy. “It wouldn’t cost much.” He recommended that Hall
Place published its own accounts to see where it might be losing money.
Councillor June Slaughter (Conservative, Sidcup) was surprised that there was no
recommendation to promote Hall Place via Social Media. It was “appalling” that
important gifts from the public had been “just put away” and now apparently
lost. “We have not been supplied with anything that shows what the Council has and frankly we haven’t got a clue.”
There is still a chunk of last week’s Scrutiny Committee meeting to be
reported but there is simply no time for that sort of thing this week and at
5 a.m. on a Wednesday
I must invoke the cop out procedure which is repeating what has come into the email Inbox.
Today I am going to have another go at getting a blood test which is needed for
an imminent telephone appointment with QEH. Just a six monthly check.
It wasn’t going to be a telephone appointment but a letter changed all that. Then another letter
came to tell me that I would be called by someone different to what was said in the first letter. What an
absolute waste of money. Do I care who phones?
I feel hard done by; only two letters. One of my regular correspondents went
through the usual neglect by Queen Elizabeth Hospital after an emergency
procedure in January. Like me after an ultrasound scan at the beginning of the year he was left in limbo not knowing
the result. I had to pester my GP for seven weeks, he was told by QEH the wait for an appointment with
a consultant was eight months. Meanwhile no idea whether he was about to die or
not. (†)
Then the usual routine; another letter. The consultant had decided not to see him but call
on his landline at the same time instead. Then letter number three, the landline
appointment had been shifted forward by ten minutes.
Letter four shifted the appointment forward by another five minutes, landline
again. The call actually came a whole hour earlier than promised - on his
mobile! What a useless shower they are in Stadium Road.
I am still waiting the result of an X-ray taken a month or so ago
after an adverse reaction - or maybe coincidence - following the second Astra Zeneca ClotShot.
Until I get the result the NHS can stuff any idea of a third injection.
Under Johnson and Co. the whole country has fallen apart.
† Fortunately a kindly soul in the consultant’s office read the report and
whispered that he should not worry too much.
28 September - It was not a good day but maybe it improved later
It should have been an easy enough job, reinstall Windows on a friend’s eight year old PC.
It had slowed almost to a standstill because it receives no maintenance, nothing
filed, 20,000 unread emails in Outlook etc. Just awful and I soon decided that I
should probably make a new one, but it was unusable so a quick reinstall should work wonders as a short term fix.
It has in terms of speed but Microsoft refuse to recognise the old Activation Key.
The computer has not been changed in any way since new and I have the original
installation disc and when I first built the thing I stuck a note inside the
case with the Key repeated on it, so it definitely has the right number.
The telephone support guy was worse than useless.
I repeated the job including reinstalling the old application software but it was still no go. A new
computer will have to be made a little earlier than anticipated.
However having returned home in the unanticipated rain there is just a little bit of what may be good news.
Planning Application 21/02509/LDCP, 2 West Heath Road, was refused today. Certified as “unlawful”.
Nearby residents expressed concern about it because
they believed it had been bought by
Mr. Singh. I hope they are wrong, his name is not on the application, because I do not particularly want to be
chased around town by a mad man again.
There was an earlier refusal last April. 21/01258/FUL.
27 September (Part 3) - Petrol loons
A couple of well meaning friends have asked me how smug I am feeling with an
electric car in the garage. I thought I might be but I am not. As I discovered
the hard way on Saturday electric cars are still held up by the idiots topping up tanks.
planned the bit of the journey I knew well to avoid petrol stations but on the second
stage came across two on rural roads - both my side. The first one took exactly
half an hour to get by and only because I ‘hid’ behind a bus that was being rather forceful.
The second took an hour and twenty minutes and people, especially those
approaching from the other direction, were absolutely mad. When I got close
enough to see they were deliberately blocking my lane by parking across it broadside on.
All to prevent drivers on my side getting access to the pumps.
We seem to have bred or imported a vicious nasty unthinking class of uneducated
people totally lacking in common sense. There were allegedly fights in Long Lane at
7 a.m. this morning.
My sister took a short holiday on the Essex coast last week and with just enough
petrol to reach Hampshire set off for home this morning. Unfortunately she has
been stuck on the M25 for a couple of hours and has just turned off down the M20
in desperation. I think the blockage is on the M26 at junction 5. She is in serious sh*t with
no petrol reserve and the sunshine is charging my car in order to mount a rescue mission if she calls.
On Saturday my 80 mile journey took one minute under four hours despite racing
down motorways when possible, all thanks to the petrol hoarding loons but
basically it is Boris Johnson’s fault.
My son has a Class 1 or whatever it is called driving licence as an adjunct to his
vehicle design interests. He passed on an Artic in a week of intensive training
so it can’t be that difficult! I jokingly said a few weeks ago that he might use his skill to earn a few bob.
Oh no he can’t; the powers that be now demand an annual competency retest which
would be a waste of his money. On top of that the Buffoon known as Boris has allowed the DVLA
to be pretty much closed down (Covid being the excuse) so that new drivers cannot apply for licences or
get tests. Then there is IR35 which is another story.
Make no mistake about it, the chaos of the last few days is entirely due to the
incompetence of a Government that cannot see a juggernaut heading in their
direction on the wrong side of the road. Which is exactly what I saw last Saturday morning.
27 September (Part 2) - Fix My Council. Please!
The Scrutiny Committee discussed FixMyStreet, a website I have never used
but supported by Bexley and four other London boroughs.
Clark disputed the Agenda comment that the site was “easy to use and accessible”
because she can never find items directly reported to her by residents who had already used FixMyStreet. I am
not surprised in the least, it is a criticism that can be aimed at many commercial websites.
A Council Officer said “I thought I was good at IT but struggle” but
went on to say he “thought it was a good system that works well”. That man will
go far, facing both ways at once.
Councillor June Slaughter took a similar view to Councillor Clark. Councillor
Betts said that Councilor training was required but went on to complain that the
Council had got rid of all the trainers.
Councillor Davey said he “used the system all the time and it was ever so useful
but it was not easy to see what had been fixed”. A ward summary was required.
Councillor Hinkley also complained about the lack of a “jobs completed” facility.
It currently reports “69 dead animals, 411 fly tips and 257 obstructed footpaths
and roads” and Councillor Hinkley doubted the numbers. She thought there must be a
software failure. Residents deserved to know the outcome of their reports without making repeat visits.
Councillor Daniel Francis had more questions. How are varying reports allocated
to the appropriate contractor? Why does Serco close the complaint on its receipt
and not when dealt with? “Bonkers in the extreme.”
Bexley’s Contact Centre now merely posts all resident complaints to FixMyStreet and never follow them up so
they simply accumulate. Daniel had himself reported the same fly tipping four
times in the course of a four weeks before any action was taken. He then discovered
that residents had been reporting the same issue even before he had done so.
He mentioned a current case of an inaccessible disabled parking bay in Albion
Road which is still inaccessible 37 days after he first reported it. If a report
is passed to a third party such as Thames Water there is no feed back mechanism.
He said that Social Media is full of examples where the system has not worked.
The image alongside shows a bush that has grown out of a previously plain verge in the course of just a couple of months.
Councillor Francis further commented that no statistical analysis of FixMyStreet is carried out and if it was it might identify failing contractors.
As is the norm very few if any of his questions were answered. That is Scrutiny in Bexley for you.
From an Independent peer report on Scrutiny in Bexley
• They could not find any evidence of any different outcome secured through any Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
• Tens of thousands of hours of officers’ time is taken up annually
(by Scrutiny) to achieve nothing.
• Officers throughout the organisation are apprehensive about interacting with Overview and Scrutiny.
•Those asking questions are dealt with in an unacceptable manner. Rudely,
aggressively, discourteously or disrespectfully.
• Perceptions are negative and it has very serious implications for the
authority and is damaging to its reputation.
27 September (Part 1) - Recycling. “The only way is up”
Following the CountryStyle presentation, Councillors were invited to question Mr. Howard their principal spokesman.
Cabinet Member Craske said “it was a big decision taken by the Council and a decision
that affects everyone and not one you take every day”. Well yes, tell us
something new Peter. The key is “the proper partnership and if things go wrong we will
sort it out quickly”. Councillor Craske “is very pleased” with his decision.
Sally Hinkley
(Labour, Belvedere) was the first Councillor to ask a proper question. She said
that bin collection is often the only Council service residents see and it is how they
make their judgments on the Council. There had long been problems with Serco and some of them
arose “over and over again”. How will CountryStyle monitor standards, she asked.
Mr. Howard said the contract includes many onerous Key Performance Indicators.
He said that similar arrangements had worked well in the City of London and they
were the only contractor to have theirs renewed there. “Engaging with the
workforce would be critical. It is a very large contract for us and we cannot afford for it to go wrong.”
Specialised software will allow individual truck performance and profitability
to be monitored should that be required.
Councillor Nigel Betts (Conservative, Falconwood & Welling) asked how quickly things will settle down
after the ongoing disruption caused by the strike. He noted that repetitive
complaints come from the same people week by week and he was unsure why. He provided an example or two.
The new service should settle in almost immediately if Serco fulfill their
promises. “It will hit the ground running on Day One.” It should not be difficult to target the repeat mistakes.
Serious ‘offenders’ will be sent back to correct their own failures. No longer
would a different crew be paid overtime to correct the failures to do the job properly in the first place.
Good agency staff employed regularly would be offered permanent jobs.
Councillor Val Clark (Conservative, Falconwood & Welling) said she already had
confidence in CountryStyle but doubted the IT equipment on the trucks used by
Serco had been working correctly. She was told a new address database was being
installed and the opinion of the workforce on its effectiveness is being taken into account.
Collection problems will be fixed, “they are relatively easy to fixְ”.
360 degree CCTV surveillance on vehicles should reveal crew failures.
John Davey (Conservative, West Heath) was optimistic for the new contract
especially as his residents get “quite irate” about missed bins. Serco had not
been reporting back accurately on the missed bin situation. Accuracy is
“absolutely vital” and leaving missed bins for a further week is not acceptable.
Councillor Craske said that the pandemic and the strike had both impacted on the food recycling rate.
Councillor June Slaughter said she “had a big thing about KPIs. If not
sufficiently rigorous they are a waste of time.” Most of her questions had
already been answered but after the experience of the last few months “the only way is up”.
She particularly wanted to see more food waste being recycled as the current figure was only 37%.
She was told the vehicle software and that at the processing facilities should
identify geographical areas which have a contamination problem and the Council
will be able to engage with residents as required.
Mr. Howard said that Bexley’s collection arrangements, the coloured bins and the
collection frequency, were “the most effective. It gives us all the tools to
maximise the recycling yield. It is absolutely the right methodology”.
Councillor Daniel Francis (Labour, Belvedere) went further than John Davey by
saying that Serco had “lied about whole roads” missed and not just individual addresses.
Residents in the North of the borough who have Thursday and Friday collections
are missed and the omissions are not even remedied by Tuesday - when the South
of the borough is being serviced on time. The North “gets a second class service”.
His grandmother’s Friday collection can be a week late while his own bin - in the
South - is collected on time. He wants to see that “very long standing issue picked up very quickly.”
He also wanted to know what the street cleaning schedule was because right now the roads were “shocking”.
Councillor Francis was told that the collection slippages in the North were
caused by out of date information about property development etc. and this issue
was being addressed through the new database.
Councillor Lucia-Hennis (Conservative) said that her Crayford ward suffered the same
problem and she was particularly curious about the colour of the rebranded vehicles.
They will continue to be blue and white and the branding will include the CountryStyle
logo. It is all set out in the contract.
The Chairman invited Mr. Howard back to another meeting early next year and put
in a request to visit CountryStyles base in Sittingbourne.
26 September - Mr. Howard has his way with bins
enthusiastic spokesman not only presented
his slide show last Thursday, he recycled various facts about the company that is charged with
emptying our bins for the next ten years
• The company has been operating since the mid-1990s and grown steadily ever since and
is now “a resource integrated management company”.
• It has contracts in both private and public sectors and has a division which
deals exclusively with food waste.
• CountryStyle operates from bases in the South East, in the Midlands and in Cambridgeshire.
• It processes compost, paper sludge and sewage for agricultural use. In excess
of a million tonnes a year goes back to the land. The company has contracts for
harvesting and hedge and hay cutting.
• Emergency drinking water supply is another offshoot of CountryStyle.
• Company assets are in the region of £55 million with an annual turnover around the £120 million mark.
• CountryStyle does not claim to be one of the major waste businesses but offers
a credible alternative to them. Large enough to provide services but small enough to listen.
• The company likes to provide a complete ‘closed loop’ service as demonstrated
by the processing of 125,000 tonnes of waste plaster board. The gypsum is ground to a powder for
manufacturing reuse within a short distance of the CountryStyle processing plant
and the same is true of the lining paper. The nearby mill uses power provided
by burning CountryStyle’s waste and in turn CountryStyle processes their waste products.
• It processes about 100,000 tonnes of waste wood each year burnt in power
stations both in the UK and in Europe via a dock in Sittingbourne owned by CountryStyle.
• In Bexley the company will take over about 300 Serco staff including about 150 drivers.
Customers beyond Bexley include independent companies, multi-nationals
and the City of London which renewed their contract after a successful ten years.
Buckinghamshire and Kent County Councils are also customers.
• The company provides services for all of Kent’s NHS Trusts.
• In addition to taking on the Serco workforce CountryStyle has recruited extra
managers with up to 30 years experience in the industry.
• CountryStyle has seven waste recycling centres in Kent alone as well as the two at Crayford and Foots Cray and the company owns more than 175 waste collection vehicles.
All maintained in-house. Bexley’s dustcarts will be
leased to CountryStyle.
• It runs a driver apprenticeship scheme.
• Green waste is currently at the 100,000 tonnes a year level.
• There is a long standing relationship with Unite, the union who are “supportive of us”.
• The local depot has been readied to provide the new service and the address database
and collection arrangements have been thoroughly checked and rebalanced where necessary.
Councillors were queuing up to ask rubbish questions. More anon.
Thank goodness for @bexleynews because without them today would be a blogging blank as I head off
without so much as a teaspoonful in the tank into the far distance.
The famous fibbers Tweeted two days ago that the new Civic Offices were delivered on budget. The dodgy duo rely on residents having short memories.
In 2011 when Bexley Council decided to convert the old Woolwich Building Society edifice into a Town Hall, they said
it would cost £36 million.
The figure was confirmed in an old budget report. Nothing of that magnitude gets done on budget so
the figure crept up to £42
million. (See also 2014 budget.)
@bexleynews doesn’t want you to know that they are not perfect
The same Tweet implies that the move has saved £2 million a year. It is not what they said before
24 September - Nationally and locally, politicians really are Bonkers
There was a rare event in Bexley’s Civic Offices yesterday evening, a public
meeting! The Places Scrutiny Committee met and received presentations from Three
Rivers - no, me neither - and the new recycling contractor.
Three Rivers have been awarded £1 million by the Arts Council to deliver arts to
Bexley. Their partners are Peabody, Orbit and TACO. Their
presentational slide show is available here.
of wider interest given the strike trauma of the last three months was new refuse contractor
CountryStyle’s presentation which was
delivered with enthusiasm, passion even, by their representative Mr. Howard.
He provided a whole load of interesting facts about his company which few would have guessed.
A detailed report will appear here in a few days time, the weekend will
be taken up by a family wedding and a 150 mile solar powered car journey. It is not
often that one gets to smile as one passes queues at petrol stations.
(Actually that is not absolutely true when one looks at the £6·35 per gallon price tag.)
How long cheap electric motoring will last is anyone’s guess. My energy contract ends on 31st
October and the best new price I could get was a 46% increase. Most companies, e.g. Octopus
were more than 75% more expensive than a year ago. I made my choice and the chosen company went bust five days later!
Thanks to Ed Miliband in 2008 (his ruinous Climate Change Act) and a succession of
politicians unable to see beyond their green noses we are heading for a massive
energy problem. Bills doubling in
a year due to a false belief that solar panels and wind can take the place of coal, nuclear and fracking.
It is fairly well known that the wind does not always blow and solar panels do nothing at night. Less well known is that solar
panels are virtually useless on cloudy days. I have had solar panels on my roof
for almost twelve years. 2021 has been the worst generation year so far and even this month the
sunny days have done better than the cloudy ones by a factor of more than eight.
Most days are cloudy.
Ignoring those simple facts is the fault of a succession of Conservative politicians, each one worse then their predecessor.
By next Spring we will not only have seen doubled energy costs and food
inflation at 5% or more but big fare increases, a £1,000 a year cut to Universal
Credit, pensions at a lower level than promised and a 10% increase in National
Insurance Tax. Employers too, so their prices will go up. And that is before the next round of Council Tax increases.
Most people will be hit hard by a financial squeeze that almost everyone
could see coming but Boris Johnson and his profiteering Cronies could not.
Neither, would it appear can any Conservative Scrutiny Committee Member.
At the aforesaid Scrutiny Committee meeting plans were laid out for filching more money from residents. At Hall Place the
lockdown caused an increase in visitor numbers all with money in their pocket, or so the Cabinet Member thinks.
There is a new catering contract “designed to make Hall Place really pay for
itself” and “nobody can accuse Bexley Council of not being forward when it
comes to how to raise money, we have to do things that they don’t like because
we really do need to raise money”.
Companies will be asked to sponsor a tree or a flower bed and “one of the things
we are working on, because we need to raise more money is
” and Cabinet Member
Craske thought better of it and bit his tongue. He did however say that the Council
must capitalise on the model railway currently being installed at Hall Place.
And I almost forgot, Bexley Council wants to increase the number of visitors but
the plan is to help that along the way by considering the introduction of charges for parking. Bexley Council truly is Bonkers.
By next Spring a large number of Bexley residents will be learning that very
hard times have fallen upon us and there may not be a great deal of cash left to
spend on fripperies designed to save Bexley Council from the consequences of
their decade long mismanagement. And what else is timetabled for next Spring?
Ahh, a Council election, and what use will that be?
None unless a better class of Conservative Councillor finds itself in charge and
that is simply not going to happen. Not until someone kicks the Leader into the
increasingly long grass anyway.
23 September - It takes two. Only two
I have been reading, well skimming through, the Auditor’s Draft Report on
Bexley Council. Probably not good reading for those who have a better understanding of accountancy than I do, but it seems that
Bexley Council is successfully bumping along the bottom and kicking the more
severe problems further down the road.
Not that I am a firm believer in the integrity of accountants. When I had a
couple of qualified helpers they pursued Bexley Council on my behalf to the
point where Bexley’s own Auditor admitted that the Council had been up to no
good but the independent auditor refused to comment. They suggested instead that
I should privately prosecute Bexley Council on the evidence that had come to light but
they were reluctant do so so themselves. I concluded that the accountant was more interested in maintaining good
relations with the Council than integrity.
Small extract of a 21 page report in which Bexley’s own internal auditor condemned their own practices.
One has to wonder how it is that Bexley Council sank so low and one has to conclude that its Leadership has failed at every level.
Councillor Teresa O’Neill made it clear in happier times that Bexley is a
Councillor led authority and Officers are at their beck and call and not the
other way around. She has been
in a leadership role since 2006, firstly as Deputy and then Leader when her boss
was elevated to the GLA where he dipped his hand into the till. Something
similar had happened in Bexley but only Mick Barnbrook reported it to the
police. He was told that no one but Bexley Council could report such criminal goings on and the new Council Leader refused to do so. Probably another case of
the police at the time working hand in glove with Bexley Council covering up
crime. There were several such examples all hidden away somewhere on Bonkers.
Somehow or other the Leader remains in place; the whisper is that the last such vote went 19:16
in her favour. How is that achieved? Patronage presumably. Cabinet positions and Scrutiny Committee jobs.
In charge of Finance we have had a Councillor who ran his own business but left a
dubious trail of disillusioned partners in his wake. Then we had one whose own
business failed to be followed by another with no business acumen whatsoever.
Deputy Leaders last five minutes, first Rob Leitch and then Louie French.
Attempts at reform are not well received.
The current Cabinet consists of a political spin doctor, a failed travel agent,
an MP’s clerk, a small time landlord, a JP and a sports commentator.
Bexley Council is big business, at least in terms of budget, but there is almost
no one there who who could run the proverbial whelk stall.
far as I know, apart from housewives and pensioners, we have a barber, a painter and a chicken shop owner. I am being facetious.
The chicken shop is a major wholesale poultry distributor serving South East England and beyond.
It is run along with family members by Councillor Andy Dourmoush. I only know
him as a friendly sort of bloke because he used to pass the time of day with me
at meetings pre-Covid. However it must be
reasonable to assume he knows a thing or two about business. Financing it and running
an efficient well focused ship which hasn’t run aground in the way Bexley
Council has. More than an MP’s clerk knows anyway.
Councillor Dourmoush Chaired/Vice-Chaired the
Resources and Growth Scrutiny and Audit Committees back in the day when I made a
point of attending in person.
Just the man for the job I would have thought, as observed from the public
gallery, asking probing questions but what do I know? Probing is never good in
Bexley and the Leader flung him on to the scrap heap; replaced by Councillors Jackson, Wildman and the hairdresser.
A global search of this website reveals that Adam Wildman only asked one type of
question at any meeting before his Committee appointment, the crawling type. Nothing but Teresa’s voting fodder.
Councillor Wildman does not run a chicken shop but holds a political appointment at the GLA.
He came to notice several times for his creepy questions and was recorded here as follows
In July 2018 his performance in the Council Chamber was described here as “arse
licking of the highest order”. Later the same month it was “he was very
keen to polish the Leader’s inflated ego” for which he was given a prolonged
round of applause. The leader said he was “fantastic and proud of him”.
Before their election both Wildman and Jackson were willing to pose as ordinary
residents to flatter the Leader. Described then as “useful idiots”
one Councillor actually emailed me deploring such subterfuges.
‘Arse licking’ appears to work just fine because someone who has done absolutely
nothing for Bexley Council apart from ego polishing is now Vice-Chair of Resources and Growth, the Committee that is supposed to scrutinise the decisions of an MP’s clerk.
One Councillor doing a political job for the Conservatives questioning another in the same boat and both avowed Teresa O’Kneelers.
If you are looking for someone to blame for the direction taken by Bexley Council since 2009 you should be looking at the creepy 16. It would only take two to make it 18:17 against the Princess of Patronage
and Queen of Capitalisation Orders.
22 September - Loitering with intent?
It must be
nearly four months since my new neighbour moved in and never once has he been a
nuisance; quiet as a mouse and last week he had his rubbish heap removed which
means he is doing better than most of us, me included.
However this morning there were voices in evidence and peering through a
convenient knot hole in the fence revealed a gaggle of cops. They were not there
long and the camper has since been seen relaxing in his chair, happy in the knowledge that he is doing
more to tackle Bexley’s homelessness problem than Bexley Council itself.
Note: Exactly three hours later an ambulance and an NHS response car showed up and took the occupant away.
On 23rd September the tent was taken away.
21 September - Road design is Bonkers in Bexley
few days someone turns into
Bowness Road for the first time in a while and
decides to tell me about the lunacy they see before them. That’s good because I needed multiple nudges towards the promised
FOI request. The last message tipped me over the inertia threshold.
Please let me know under FOI legislation
• What was the design aim?
• How many KSI accidents at that spot in the past five years?
• Over what dates did the public consultation – if any - run?
• What were (or where are they already publicly available) the consultation responses?
• Did the Highways Department seek advice and guidance from external experts?
• Was the DfT guidance note consulted and if so why was the decision taken to ignore it?
• What was the justification for giving priority to the major traffic flow
(West to East) to the detriment of those travelling in the opposite direction?
• When did the contractor start work at the site?
• What risk assessment was undertaken with particular reference to East to
West traffic approaching on a blind bend and to traffic emerging from
Silverdale Road encountering traffic on the ‘wrong’ side of the road?
Similarly to the obstructed private drive.
My records show that I made
an FOI request in October 2012, another in June 2015 and again in October 2017.
Then nothing until August 2021 which is still not answered. This one will be
number five. With luck I will be safe from the vexatious label.
My friend Michael Barnbrook made 100 FOI requests between 2010 and 2017 after
which he was banned from making any more. Making a second FOI request is almost
inevitable when the first response does not answer the question or opens up new
avenues of enquiry. Banning sensible FOI requests from someone who acquires the reputation of nosy
nuisance is illegal but when have such niceties ever bothered Bexley Council?
20 September (Part 2) - A process of elimination
your bets now about who dunnit
In the four years up to 2018 Bexley’s Cabinet included Councillors Linda ‘I can do what I like’
Bailey, Peter ‘Malcolm Knight is a wanker’ Craske, John Fuller,
Don ‘Malcolm Knight harasses juveniles’ Massey, Philip ‘Malcolm Knight is a sad
cretin’ Read, Alex Sawyer and Brad Smith.
Since then Bailey, Massey and Sawyer have left the Cabinet and Councillors Gower, Leaf and
Munur have joined. Councillor Louie French managed to do both!
Which was the single Cabinet Member before 2017 who subsequently stood down?
(See associated Tweet.) Don Massey by the looks of it. Bailey and
Sawyer also left but remain Councillors.
Who was a Cabinet Member and still is in 2021? Peter Craske, John Fuller and Philip Read.
So which three Conservatives called the then Leader of the Labour Party a c*nt four years ago?
The finger obviously points at one of the obnoxious pair from whom no one expects any better. Who else?
I am sure that John Fuller and Brad Smith would never indulge in such language
and it is probably even safer to rule out Biffa Bailey which doesn’t leave a lot of
choice. One of the obvious pair would not surprise me at all, the other a little bit.
If Councillor Francis is referring back to something that happened nearly eight
or more years ago it opens up another equally obnoxious possibility.
20 September (Part 1) - More crap and worse
indirect reference to the bad language allegedly used within Bexley’s failing
Council provoked a smattering of comment on Twitter but is not the first such reference to rude words here.
I personally heard a Conservative Councillor call a Labour Member a tosser and the
Deputy Leader say that he “doesn’t read that crap” when someone referred to this
website at a public meeting. Everyone heard it, Councillors confirmed it but he denied it. Nobody really cared but he had to lie, they knew no other way in 2013 and the habit still lingers.
My Labour ward Councillor has been on the receiving end of Tory invective.
As reported four years ago; three See You Next Tuesdays and a Dickhead plus
an implied punch in the mouth from the ruling party.
There have been references to the notorious N and P words too. Bexley Council is comprised of rather too many disreputable characters.
19 September - You’re homeless? Then it must be your own silly fault
If the latest email from within the Civic Offices was published in full it
might be possible for even Bexley’s poor management to pin down the source but
the author clearly wants residents to know more of what goes on within the Civic Offices.
Even as set out below it might be traceable but maybe the author is a victim of
the cuts, redundant and relatively safe.
It begins with “The rot in Bexley has truly set in”.
The email relates how a housing officer about to be made redundant was subjected to abuse by
the Chief Executive “who told him in front of colleagues that she didn’t want to
hear any more from him”. The actual words used are said to be too rude to be repeated.
The writer goes on to say that “Bexley’s housing crisis” is in part “due to the
failure of BexleyCo to build affordable houses” and their “malaise” in all things.
After buying up property “for around five years the Council has a nice stock of
two and three bedroom houses but they sit idle awaiting someone to modernise them”.
“Does Bexley Council care about the homeless?” is the writer’s question. The implied
answer is no because the email goes on to say that “The current top brass and
Council Members label those who turn up [at our door] as intentionally homeless because that is the easy thing to do”.
An appeal further delays matters.
The writer ends with a sarcastic “Bexley Council, Working For You”.
18 September - A broken road system and broken promises
did you last see a Conway lorry in Bexley digging up a road and temporarily and
sometimes permanently reducing your quality of life?
It must be at least three months since I first noticed their absence but neither
did I see a replacement contractor, then the following email prompted an enquiry.
JB Riney had been at work outside the Central Library in Bexleyheath easing over
the kerb so that vehicles could continue to move when two buses stopped opposite
each other. I thought that directly conflicted with Bexley’s highways policies,
they happily block roads
at bus stops elsewhere.
See photo below.
A long time reader writes
I thought I’d alert you to something you are probably aware of.
Whereas it used to be the case that road works were to be seen everywhere being
carried out by CONWAY they now seem to being done by JB RINEY.
(I should not think this of course but have to wonder whether
the passing of brown envelopes has been involved somewhere along the line.
Shame on me for having such thoughts.)
I first noticed RINEY at work at the top of Townley Road outside the
library where they moved back the kerb line about twelve inches each
side. Presumably there were complaints that if there was a bus or two
unloading one side and a coach loading or unloading the other side it was
difficult for other traffic to pass between.
Can’t say I ever witnessed a problem and I live only a few houses away. It did seem a lot of expensive work just to gain two feet
but then Bexley Council priorities often seem a bit strange when they ignore other serious roadwork short comings.
A tree outside a neighbour’s house was removed a little while ago for no
obvious reason and today RINEY filled in the hole and tarred over an area marked out by Bexley
Council. Bye Bye tree lined streets. Tarmac is presumably cheaper and less trouble than trimming trees occasionally.
The area marked out by Bexley Highways totally ignored the many adjacent cracked
paving slabs. It is debatable though which looks worse cracked paving slabs or tarmac. Not much in it I would have thought.
Separate topic. Have you been along Albion Road recently and noticed the
state of the roundabouts? Last time I raised this with Andrew Bashford he assured me that
they were to be planted with wild flowers when the time of year was
right for planting. This was two to three years ago and the only thing to be seen
on the roundabouts are not wild flowers but furiously growing weeds plus bald edges
where large vehicles cannot get around without going over the kerb. Another
illustration of the inability of Bexley Council Highways to design roundabouts
that large vehicles can actually get around.
You can see from the pictures below taken on 30th April 2019 that Bexley Council has reneged on its
promise to restore the bluebells that once graced both roundabouts. Bluebells are a protected species
under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and
were destroyed by Bexley Council in 2017.
Two and a half years of Bexley Council fibs. Roundabouts photographed 30th April 2019.
Note: I have seen criminal behaviour within Bexley Council but not ‘brown envelopes’.
17 September (Part 3) - Friendly and not so friendly
I entirely forgot that yesterday was Bonkers’ twelfth birthday. It was not a
blog in 2009, that evolved later, and it is not yet eleven years since
attended my first Council meeting. Many years earlier I frequently attended
meetings of senior managers at work and I had no real idea of whether they were
well conducted or not, they were the only ones I knew.
I thought that by comparison Bexley’s meeting was a pretty amateurish affair.
The summary was “an aimless mess of a meeting that achieved nothing whatever”.
In the following ten years or so I have learned a lot more about the apparent
competence of Councillors but with a few exceptions I still don’t know them particularly well.
With nothing much worth reporting today I thought I would place them into three
categories; those who studiously ignore my presence at meetings whatever the circumstances, those who
appear to be a lot less stand-offish and a few that do not fit neatly into either category.
Councillors who have ignored me totally for more than ten years or since election.
Cheryl Bacon (C), Linda Bailey (C), Nigel Betts(C), Brian Bishop (C), Christine
Bishop (C), Sybil Camsey (C), Christine Catterall (C), Val Clark (C), Peter
Craske (C), Joe Ferreira (L), Louie French (C), Sue Gower (C), David Leaf (C),
Geraldene Lucia-Hennis (C), Nick O’Hare (C), Eileen Pallen (C), Wendy Perfect
(L), Philip Read (C), Melvin Seymour (C), Brad Smith (C), Adam Wildman (C). A
total of 19 Conservative Councillors and two Labour.
Councillors who appear to be happy to engage in friendly conversation some much more often than others.
Esther Amaning (L), Stefano Borella (L), John Davey (C), Richard Diment (C),
Andy Dourmoush (C), Daniel Francis (L), John Fuller (C), Danny Hackett (I), Sally
Hinkley (L), James Hunt (C), Brenda Langstead (L), Mabel Ogundayo (L), Peter
Reader (C), Alex Sawyer (C), June Slaughter (C), Nicola Taylor (L). That’s eight
Conservatives, seven Labour and one Independent.
Those that fall into an intermediate category (†).
Alan Downing (C), Steven Hall (C), Howard Jackson (C), Cafer Munur (C), Caroline
Newton (C), Teresa O’Neil (C), Dave Putson (L). Six Conservatives and one Labour Councillor.
The observant will have noted one omission. Lisa Moore (C) was elected only last May
and I have not attended a Council meeting since then. My guess is that Lisa would fall into the second category.
† The third category is of Councillors with whom there has been no conversation beyond a
thank you for holding a door open, passing over a heavy Agenda, including me in
a greeting when passing by while I was speaking to another Councillor or a
specific and personal welcome to a meeting.
Dave Putson (Labour, Belvedere) has quite often sent friendly emails but I do
not recall our paths crossing more than momentarily.
17 September (Part 2) - No doctors. No care
The GP service is for many of us close to non-existent. I have been able to
see a nurse via the e-Consult service who as it turned out was very good but
GPs prefer to hide away somewhere. None more so than my 84 year old friend’s doctor in Bromley. He is still not being treated for
a breathing problem mentioned here last January.
Back then he reported that the only form of face to face consultation offered
was with a receptionist through a slightly opened window but assumed that those
with agreed appointments with a doctor would be allowed inside. That has proved to be an optimistic assessment.
For two months approximately he has had an inflamed patch on his shoulder about
the size of an elongated tea plate. It has been painful and could be anything
from a serious reaction to an insect bite to skin cancer, no one knows.
After hand delivering a printed photograph his GP deigned to see him.
Unfortunately when he turned up at the appointed time the receptionist said the
consultation had to be conducted through the open window in front of a queue of
people waiting in their cars. He objected.
Reluctantly the doctor dressed in a Hazmat suit and heavily masked opened the
front door himself and looked at the skin patch. The photograph was passed on to
a dermatologist and his verdict is awaited.
It seems to me that if a GP is not providing a service the NHS may as well
strike him off their list of approved contractors. Patients would not be much
worse off and it may act as incentive to the others to get back to work.
The four receptionists inside appeared to be doing absolutely nothing apart from
chatting among themselves.
17 September (Part 1) - Serco’s demob happy
collections should be back to normal next week. Two Fridays ago my brown bin was emptied on schedule and last week the green
bins were emptied too - although mine was missed, maybe because it was almost empty.
Today there is no sign of another brown bin collection but at 09:15 a truck came
to empty the blue bin that can be seen in Photo 1.
It was replaced out of position so that the entrance was blocked to vehicles, the wheels
were not locked - which was fortunate in the circumstances - the small paper
opening was left up and the full lid was left unlocked inviting contamination by
large lumps of polystyrene and plastic.
16 September (Part 3) - “The fish rots from the head”
morning’s letter from within provoked a fair bit of comment and at one time I Tweeted the message shown alongside.
I don’t generally report confidential messages that come from Councillors, there are
several of them. I try not to even let on to any one of them who the others are, speaking to
me is probably some sort of treason in the eyes of the Leader. However here is a taster of what has been received.
The following was chosen because it predates the last election and you will have to guess whether
the author is still on Bexley Council or left in disgust - or sacked. It has necessarily been redacted to Hell
and back and with luck the author won’t even recognise it. However it should give residents a flavour of how Bexley Council is managed.
How long can Bexley Council continue to [huge redaction about supporting
poor management]? Being on particularly good terms with the Leader clearly has its
benefits. The situation is intolerable [redaction] and should not go unchallenged.
In Bexley doing nothing results in unchallenged promotion. [Redaction] and the wheels come off. [Long redaction]. They say the
fish rots from the head and there is definitely something rotten in the London Borough of
Bexley with the Leader proactively refusing to [redaction]. Time for change. If you can’t get it right after years
in the job it’s time to go.
That is all I dare publish from a much longer message; inside knowledge is vital and the sources must be
protected at all costs. I say again, that message is more than three years old, every word comes from the original message and
the author is/was a Conservative. What has changed since? Not a lot by all accounts.
16 September (Part 2) - Badly managed Bexley. Bosses beyond redemption
Here we go again and it gets worse.
The latest letter from the Civic Offices
is presented completely unedited apart from a word or two altered where it may have given a tiny clue as to the source.
I’m not sure if my opinions are at all helpful, but I thought I would share if
it helps confirm (or otherwise) the experiences of others.
First, it is worth noting just how much staffing levels have dropped. It
is not just those who have accepted voluntary redundancy. Many left roles
before redundancy was offered and were not replaced. In recent years Bexley
has also employed many staff on fixed-term contracts for roles that ideally
should have been permanent. Those contracts have been allowed to expire
without much thought about the gap in resource they create.
It is also notable what kinds of staff have been targeted. Some of the
biggest cuts have been to teams with the lowest paid staff. This has
inevitably hit morale, as it feels like management are looking after their own.
It is also inefficient, as the tasks those staff completed now need to be
undertaken by higher-paid staff.
Bexley is wildly hierarchical. You are actively discouraged
from challenging anyone above you. There is a real preoccupation on pay
grade as a measure of competence, rather than skills or experience. Senior
management often fail to engage with those beneath them, which during
lockdown was a huge failing. There is also an innate distrust of
lower-paid staff from the management. They assume the rank and file are lazy, or
useless, or both. However, in my experience they are actually hugely dedicated and resourceful.
There is also a lack of trust towards anyone who hasn’t been at Bexley
for over a decade or more. This has led to a stagnation in thinking as it is
the same old people having the same old discussions. Those people with
experience in other local authorities or other sectors often struggle to be
heard, or are dismissed for not understanding the unique nature of Bexley,
I have also never encountered in my career a senior management team who
are paid so much yet deliver so little. I encountered very little genuine
leadership, and no sense of strategy. It was clear those at the top have no
plan, and simply keep asking staff for ideas - ideas they almost always
ignore. Savings plans are written on the fly, and are never
cross-referenced to identify dependencies or conflicts. There is no vision
beyond “cut, cut, cut” and keeping the politicians happy. Many staff who
could redesign services or simply find better, cheaper ways of working have
been generally undervalued and in most cases let go.
Everything is outsourced, even if it costs more, and often with really
bad contractual terms. All roads lead to Capita - if you wanted to do
something new, at some point you would end up having to pay Capita for some
element of that.
The political leaders seem to generate a real sense of fear, and that
has trickled down through the whole council. This has led to people hiding
problems or over-spends. Most people know where the issues are, but nobody
has been brave enough to address them. Housing being a mess is nothing new.
Senior management follow the councillors, rather than guide them to the best solutions.
In the current financial climate Bexley needs to fundamentally rethink
how it delivers all its services. However, it has a leadership who cannot
see beyond wanting everything to stay the same, but for a lot less money.
There simply isn’t the skills, experience or courage at a senior level to
make things better. And the skills, experience and courage at lower grades
simply isn’t valued and is allowed to leave. I’ve met and worked with some
brilliant, dedicated people at Bexley, but they are not given the opportunity to thrive.
I hope these reflections are useful. I know you do this, but I would
appreciate your discretion with the above and maintaining my anonymity!
Devastating or what? Another missive that reminds me of my time running a staff intensive money pit in the seventies
and eighties; two of them, one after the other and both of them raised to most productive in the country. It is true that I made a point of making
sure I knew exactly how each cog meshed into its neighbour so that the machine
could be tuned for best performance but I still feel that one of the secrets to
success was keeping my office door open so that even the lowest paid
staff could pop in and tell me where I was still going wrong.
As far as I know Bexley Council still bans its staff from reading Bonkers by
means of a block on its servers - thank goodness for mobile phones - but it
tells you all you need to know about the mentality and intelligence of those in
charge in Watling Street. Insular and blinkered. It translates very directly to paying very nearly
the highest Council Tax in London.
16 September (Part 1) - Thanks and No Thanks
I don’t wish to appear ungrateful after seven Bexley Councillors out of the
total of 45 called, messaged and emailed me following
my encounter with Indians
a week ago which was very nice of them. I was able to give an assurance that I
was not suffering from PTSD or harmed in any way. There was a feeling that I
should be pursuing a Restraining Order. I will if anything like it happens again.
It is disappointing that no one has ever commented on the far more serious problem of the lady
forced to live in squalor by Bexley Council’s housing agent L&Q. She is probably one of dozens if not hundreds.
My Tent Man neighbour
is still in residence too although in that case I was asked where he was.
15 September (Part 3) - Statistics and lies
My Freedom of Information request seeking the data that was used to
justify the imposition of the odd even number plate restriction at rubbish dumps
is not yet answered beyond the lawful maximum response time.
I suspect that an excuse for that nonsense is hard to come by.
From Bexley Council's website at 08:30 this morning.
15 September (Part 2) - Rare metals and rare events
is a bit of an odd one even for Bonkers during a period when the Council doesn’t seem to be doing much.
A reader asks that I remind readers that catalytic converter theft is still rife
all around London and the police in his experience are not especially interested.
Catalytic converters are quickly stolen, very expensive to replace and
easily processed through scrap merchants.
It is something that motorists should be very aware of. Park if you can close to
a wall or fence, fit some sort of protection around the converter. Install CCTV that
oversees your front drive. Clear your garage and put your car in it - easier
said that done perhaps, mine goes through the doorway with an inch to spare.
Or buy an electric car. No exhaust system at all.
Not that that is entirely without risk. Mine is three years old now and
according to Hyundai could spontaneously combust at any moment. They announced
in October last year that there was a battery problem with some cars and in
April 2021 wrote to me to advise that my vehicle had one of the dud
batteries. They said not to charge the battery to 100% and would fit a new battery for me.
Since then nothing, not a word from Hyundai including no response to three
emails since June. I am not alone. 1,241 UK owners are affected and Hyundai has
replaced precisely zero batteries. All the new units are going to the USA where the
law protects the consumer more than in this country.
I now have a car which falls a long way short of what was promised when I bought
it. Hyundai UK is content with that. One bloody awful company with no understanding of customer service.
Think twice before you buy a Hyundai.
The number of cars that have in fact gone up in flames is small. None in the UK and 14 out of about
90,000 affected batteries world-wide so I am ignoring the range restriction but maybe you should avoid parking next to my car.
15 September (Part 1) - It’s not over yet
took my first trip on the Docklands Light Railway on Monday evening the first
since 14th March 2020. In the intervening period I have always journeyed north
by car but this time I was only going to Westferry, leaving Woolwich Arsenal just before six and back
just after ten thirty so not a crowded train.
What was remarkable both ways was how few masks were in evidence, not just by the usual
culprits but by people apparently from all walks of life.
I have never thought the flimsy blue rag can be doing any measurable good, it
even says so on the packing but I wore mine nevertheless.
In part that is because I can no longer claim to not know anyone who has picked
up the bug. On 30th August someone who I was due to meet next day said
that he and his entire family had tested positive but he alone was feeling seriously under the weather.
Fortunately for me a succession of domestic date conflicts had prevented us meeting throughout August.
He spent the week in bed feeling like death warmed up while his wife, son,
daughter and son-in-law shrugged it off. The following weekend he was taken into hospital as a precaution and to be given oxygen.
He soon picked up but is still in there recovering and will be for another week,
possibly two, and it made me think that we are not
over Covid yet and you can be unlucky. Then more news came to light.
He had been accommodating his Lebanese in-laws who
became unwell immediately after arrival and tested positive while remaining relatively fit.
Lebanon is on the Amber List.
For those interested the friend is about 74 years old.
14 September (Part 2) - No one is happy
following email from within the Civic Offices has been slightly modified but the theme and notable phrases remain
the same as the previous ones.
I can’t get over the irony of what I read here. Why Jackie B. came to Bexley in the short piece written at
It seems she came because everything was good so how could Bexley ever attract a new boss after she leaves?
The only way is no longer up. Things are not going to get better. It’s a tragedy.
Sorry, but having been at the Council since [date redacted as a security measure] I have seen the ups and downs. The heart of
the Council has been ripped out and morale in many areas is rock bottom.
Some blame the politicians. I personally blame the senior officers. They do little but slap each other on the
back and think the rest of us are happy to accept their BS.
14 September (Part 1) - The point of no return
It has taken several days to get around to reading
all eight pages of the severe criticism of Cressida Dick in last Thursday’s Daily Mail.
There are some really moving accounts of how the Metropolitan Police Commissioner has made
life changing mistakes and too often gone out of her way
to inflict maximum pain on police victims.
The Mail gathered together Alastair Morgan (†) who almost single handedly pursued
the police for the corrupt behaviour linked to his brother’s murder and secured
the landmark
ruling of Institutional Corruption and six fellow victims of Dick’s reign.
Alongside him was Baroness Lawrence mother of Stephen murdered in
nearby Well Hall Road 28 years ago which resulted in the Institutional Racism label.
Paul Gambaccini, Nick Brammal son of D-Day hero Lord Bramall, former Home
Secretary Leon Brittan’s widow and former MP Harvey Proctor all (or their partners) variously and
falsely accused of the rape and murder of young children. Also with them was
former Prime Minister Ted Heath’s biographer Michael McManus. The one time
Bexley and Old Sidcup MP was also subjected to a totally spurious police investigation.
No police officer has ever been disciplined for their life wrecking mistakes.
One small extract from the Mail’s article appears below. Absolutely damning of Cressida Dick.
The Daily Mail 9th September 2021.
What happened two days later?
The President of the Thamesmead and Erith Conservative Association of which I was once a member, in her role as Home Secretary, the Home
Secretary who tried to interfere with the publication of the Daniel Morgan Independent Panel’s report, saw fit to endorse a two year contract
extension for the totally discredited Met. Commissioner.
It is almost impossible to put into words the dishonesty, corruption and cronyism that permeates Boris Johnson’s Government. Priti Patel
for whom many of us former Conservatives had high hopes consistently manages to plumb the depths of immorality and incompetence.
I voted Conservative in 1997 when Labour swept to power. I dithered at every
General Election after 2005 but in the end always went Blue. No more dithering,
the end of the road has been reached. At the top of the tree Conservatism in
2021 means Corruption and while local Tories keep Priti Patel as their President
they endorse it. In Bexley next May and with a heavy heart It looks like being
another Labour vote from me. The third in a lifetime of Toryism, but enough is
enough. (Danny and Sally being numbers one and two.)
† For new readers, Alastair Morgan is the brother of murdered Private Investigator
Daniel Morgan and the 30 year partner of my daughter. The official report into the failure
of the Metropolitan Police to solve the murder and subsequently cover up their
failures were described as Institutionally Corrupt with Cressida Dick singled
out for special mentions. She dismissed the eight years of work out of hand.
The suggestion of corruption was “offensiveֲ”.
13 September - Behind closed doors
What does a Chief Executive do?
Council critic posed that question. The last one
“fled to Cumbria after a short career
break” he said. If I had been asked the same question the answer would have
been “nothing apart from spitefully
taking away the Press Desk from public
meetings and attempting to divide Council and public with
a physical barrier”.
So not popular with me or the News Shopper reporter - when there used to be one.
“Not a popular lady with the Leader” either according to our man at the
Town Hall. “They didn’t get on because she was too assertive.” Not
especially assertive surely or she may have achieved something?
“Jackie Belton is passive, too passive and lets others like Nick Hollier take
control. Backroom boys who know nothing of people nor serving the public hence
why we have strikes,
overcharged elderly residents and decay. They turn a blind
eye to corruption,
even nepotism when getting their children jobs in the Civic.
All I can say is as Monitoring Officer Mr Hillier knows where all the bodies are buried,
but then the people in the Civic know of
I think I will stop there, I decided long ago that sort of thing in the Civic Offices has no place here.
From the Cumbria County Council website.
12 September - Another belter from within
someone who appears to have done nothing for Bexley
arriving in March 2019 and seen perform by me almost never, the name Jackie Belton crops up here quite often.
Much of what is known about the Chief Executive comes from within the Civic Offices. She is apparently
determined to
undermine the hard work of officers and many residents
made their opinion of her amply clear on Facebook during the bin strike usually with
a reference to her £213,000 pay cheque.
More recently she popped up at a Cabinet meeting to
read out a catalogue of
strike calamities from a minion’s script none of which was news to anyone.
Maybe my limited observations and the even less knowledgeable Facebook mob are
not worth a great deal but what about the opinion of those who have the misfortune to work alongside her
For some the pandemic has been a disaster. For others it has allowed them to further their career.
In 18 months few have seen or heard from Jackie Belton
and as is the way with political types, whatever happens at the polls
next May 2022 be ready for Jacky to announce she is moving on.
The lack of leadership has been pronounced for many staff. Pay freezes. Bonuses stopped.
Redundancies. Outsourcing. Millions lost. Begging bowls for £10 million to the
government and services in decline. You can’t run the same things with over ten
per cent of the workforce gone.
Parents and children in Bexley will notice this with
the children’s centres. Waiting lists for housing are rising.
They now scapegoat Covid but the financial mess has been around for a long time.
More to come.
11 September (Part 2) - Not the happiest days of your life
acquaintance with two children at a primary school in Thamesmead thinks it falls way short of their Pledge to Pupils.
The problem arises because one of the children is a clever little thing as most
of them seem to be these days and the other is what my mother would have called
‘a little tinker’. He is excitable and runs around and tends to wear the
patience of someone like me whose children are both fiftyish. Not always, but sometimes.
His parents love him and he gets treated the same as his older sister. Lavish
presents on occasions and trips out to museums and tourist attractions etc.
However his school makes little attempt to cater for his over-activity by incarcerating him all
day with two similar ‘little tinkers’ learning next to nothing from a teaching assistant. The
sister reports that they are not the only disturbed children in the school but
by coincidence the white ones attend regular classrooms.
The father has asked me what he can do because his complaints are ignored and I
explained that Academies are pretty much exempted from Council control and the
sort of people who run these institutions are not easily shamed into changing their ingrained attitudes.
The Head in this instance reported my friend to Social Services for being a bad
parent without even telling him, it was admitted only after Social Services
began to, figuratively speaking, bang on his door.
After being subjected to a stressful period of investigation the family was given
a clean bill of health leaving them to face the failing school alone. I have
suggested that they might start by submitting a Subject Access Request to the
school and maybe send a description of the predicament to the
Cabinet Member for Education and his Labour shadow but beyond that I am bereft
of ideas. This brief report is by his request.
The school pledge is full of trite claims (Be open in all our endeavours! Individuality is paramount! Nurture every child!) culled
from some catalogue of politically correct BS, screaming insincerity at full volume.
11 September (Part 1) - Twenty years on
everyone is going to play this game then so will I.
I had been asked by Sony’s Broadcast Division to install a video editing
suite for an internet start up company in North Audley Street. The top floor window looked
down on Grosvenor Square which at that time was the address of the American Embassy.
I had been working alone all day and then one of the bosses came up to tell me
that an aeroplane had flown into the World Trade Center. I imagined a Cessna or
something similar having come a cropper.
It was only when I went downstairs to look at the TV that I realised the
situation was rather worse than that.
I felt more than a little vulnerable working next door to the Embassy and was glad to get away.
10 September (Part 4) - Town takeover continues
close eye kept on planning developments shows that the flats proposed for the
area behind Erith’s Potion Bar were approved yesterday.
In related news a friendly magistrate called to say that I may have been a bit too accommodating after
Wednesday’s car chase and I should have been thinking about a Restraining Order.
If there is any repetition I will know where to go for advice.
10 September (Part 3) - The Conservatives sink in the polls but they deserve to go lower
Pathetic Patel did it.
Endorsed the extended appointment of Cressida Dick, the Met. Commissioner on
whom the Home Office itself spent £16 million and eight years proving that
Metropolitan Police is Institutionally Corrupt, not just historically but right now.
Dick was mentioned in the Daniel Morgan Independent Panel report more than 20
times and was personally singled out for disrupting and delaying the work of the
Panel to protect the Met’s reputation and to Hell with justice for its victims. For nearly eight years!
However the former would-be Bexley Councillor
rejected by the electorate in Erith 15 years ago thinks that Dick is the best
person for the job. The best candidate for the UK’s top police job goes to someone the Home Office itself has confirmed
captains a corrupt ship.
It says all you need to know about the integrity of the President of the Erith
and Thamesmead Conservative Association. Zero.
The only good news today is that the Conservative Party has lost its lead in the
polls. Long may they drop like a stone and preferably to the point they collapse
and a party with true conservative values emerges.
10 September (Part 2) - Living dangerously
I should probably have said yesterday that
my three Labour Councillors were
not alone in expressing their concern at
Wednesday’s involuntary car chase, a Conservative
Councillor did so too. In fact he or she had suffered something not altogether different,
but giving such credit to Conservatives presents difficulties. Will an association with me blight any
aspirations to political progress that they may have?
Almost inevitably my favourite (former) MP also sent a sympathetic message.
And full disclosure; I spoke to Danny Hackett (Independent, Thamesmead East)
while waiting for the police to arrive and he offered advice as to what to do if
the police believed Singh’s fairy story. They most definitely did not.
Another supportive message indicated that accusations of photographing children are becoming the
norm among certain wrong-doers.
Moving on to something lighter - I think - I am asked to spot the common factor
connecting the Woodman in Bexleyheath, the Nordenfelt in Erith, The Potion Bar
also in Erith, the White Horse in Welling, Ye Olde Leather Bottle in Belvedere
and the Drayman in Bexleyheath.
That’s an easy one to answer; they all look to be public houses and I must have
personally brought about their downfall by never entering any one of them, some
I am not even sure where they were.
Another mischief maker suggested I look at Planning Application 20/00296/FUL. I
did. It refers to 2 Holmhurst Road, Belvedere, DA17 6HN which has
permission to be a House of Multiple Occupation (HMO).
The application form bears a familiar name and address. Do I dare to stroll by one day?
10 September (Part 1) - Unscrupulous politicians need unscrupulous coppers
Daily Mail would not be Alastair Morgan’s (†) first choice of newspaper,
that honour would likely go to Byline Times and The Guardian but he told me
when we last met a couple of weeks ago that the support received from a Mail
journalist had been outstanding.
Last Saturday that journalist, Stephen Wright, wrote five pages for the Mail
in which he detailed the mistakes and immoral behaviour exhibited by the
Metropolitan Police over the past 26 years since Rachel Nickell was murdered
on Wimbledon Common and the police framed Colin Stagg for the crime.
again Cressida Dick features prominently in the Nickell case, protecting the Met’s reputation is her top priority. Click on
the associated image to see more of the same.
Yesterday Stephen was on the Mailְ’s front page with the headline MET CHIEF MUST GO.
Absolutely she should.
Inside the newspaper there were eight pages of reasons why Cressida Dick is
totally unfit for public office and a seventh on Page 16 by Stephen Glover.
Commissioner Cling-On he calls her.
On Page 5 was a letter from seven of Dick’s victims, all of them with lives
ruined in different ways. That letter is reproduced below.
How can a further two years in office possibly be a reasonable proposal? It is
said to be supported by both Boris Johnson and Sadiq Khan. Why?
In my opinion
the answer is all too obvious. Every incompetent, dishonest or corrupt politician
must have an incompetent, dishonest or corrupt police officer to protect them. In
Bexley we have seen exactly that several times.
When the Council
closed a Bridle Way without
the required authority from the Secretary of State they attempted to justify it by claiming that free access was causing
high levels of crime. They found a tame copper to provide them with such a
report but a Freedom of Information request to the police revealed that there had been no crimes.
When a Scrutiny Committee Chairman was ill-advised to illegally exclude the
public from a meeting Bexley Council sent out false briefings to the local press that I and
others had been running riot in the Council Chamber - which might have justified the
exclusion. The police report of the incident confirmed that no member of the
public had done anything wrong at all. When the repercussions escalated Bexley
Council had to prevail upon the police to rewrite their report. Michael
Barnbrook obtained the ‘before’ and ‘after’ copies.
When Councillor Peter Craske was arrested by a new and unsullied Borough
Commander for his ill-advised internet activities, the police were subsequently
leaned upon to find some way to “resolve the situation”.
Following the complaint about this perversion the investigating officer
at Scotland Yard told me
in front of my MP that as many as seven or eight Bexley police officers could
find themselves in serious trouble. However shortly afterwards his superior
officer reported that none of them had stepped out of line by at first refusing to
investigate the crime and later conniving with Bexley Council to look for reasons to undo the arrest.
The IPCC as it was then, stuffed full of former police officers, refused to accept the further complaint
Every bent politician needs a bent police officer.
Fortunately the link between Bexley Council and the Police appears to have
become a lot less obvious since the BCU became centred on Lewisham.
† For new readers, Alastair Morgan is the brother of murdered Private Investigator
Daniel Morgan and the 30 year partner of my daughter. The official report into the failure
of the Metropolitan Police to solve the murder and subsequently cover up their
failures were described as Institutionally Corrupt with Cressida Dick singled
out for special mentions. She dismissed the eight years of work out of hand. The suggestion of corruption was “offensiveֲ”.
Boris Johnson is asked to restore trust in the police service.
9 September (Part 3) - When three are as one
I am going to place on the public record that all three of my ward Councillors responded to
my tale of bullying yesterday by the white van man
believed to be one of the Woolwich Road building developers. They are
Councillors Daniel Francis, Sally Hinkley and Dave Putson whose message was particularly kind and especially appreciated.
My planning confidant offered his apologies too for unwittingly leading me into danger.
9 September (Part 2) - When one equals two
don’t have to be a liar to be a Tory but it helps
progression to the top echelons if you are.
From time to time Bexley’s propaganda channel pumps out the news that Bexley
tops the Covid vaccination tables but although the figures vary month by
month their claim is always false.
Number 1 is just another attempt by Conservative Bexley Council to deceive voters.
Climbing above Sutton to reach second place does not make Bexley Number 1 in
London. Being Number 2 is good, why not be content with that?
“Can’t, it is not what a propaganda machine does.”
9 September (Part 1) - Sick behaviour
The emailed tip off from my planning contact yesterday morning began with
Just drove past 95a Woolwich Road there is a sold board in front
garden checking on Zoopla I find it was put on the market on 29 Dec 2020 I
can find no record of sale on Land Registry. Strange because on Mr Singh’s
application the agent signs on 23/06/21 that he has been for the previous 21 days the owner.
I managed to mistakenly read that as “a solid board” but a suggestion that a planning application about which I had already
reported favourably might not be entirely truthful
- it would mean that the Land Registry was more than three months behind the times - was not especially surprising.
Only two hours after receiving that email I too found myself driving along
Woolwich Road so I thought I would stop to look at the new ‘solid board’ -
expecting a substantial screen. I parked in a nearby cul-de-sac
and walked to better acquaint myself with the location which I
had misreported earlier this month due to my geographic confusion!
It being a spur of the moment decision I walked past 95a totally unburdened
apart from the car key in my pocket and maybe a little disappointed that there
was no boarding up. A wasted interruption to my journey.
As I continued on my way to cross Tyeshurst Close a white van cut across my path
and stopped right in front of me. It was driven by
man who pushed me around in Heron Hill in June 2016 while I was photographing his
demolition of Ye Olde Leather Bottle for which he was later
fined by the Health & Safety Executive. I have not seen him in the intervening five years
The driver said something mildly abusive which I ignored and carried on my way in an easterly
direction. A few minutes later I retraced my steps to retrieve my car there no longer being any sign of Singh and Co.
I drove to the end of the cul-de-sac in order to turn around and when I got back
to Woolwich Road the white van was stopped sideways across the Erith bound
carriageway causing a small traffic queue. It was not very difficult to ignore
the van driver’s hooting, shouting and gesticulating and drive towards my next
port of call, B&Q Belvedere.
The van stayed on my tail hooting all the way down Picardy Road which just for
once presented a clear bus-free path. As I entered the B&Q car park with
wild white van man on my tail I keyed out 999 on my hands free phone and parked close to the store.
White van man parked alongside but not the same driver who’d come close to running me down ten minutes earlier.
He stood at my window shouting, making punching gestures accompanied by prolific
use of the F word while the police listened on the other end of the phone. At
one stage the turban wearing madman opened his van door to extract a threatening
weapon but fortunately had second thoughts about using it.
Every time I attempted to move my car the van driver attempted to block me in.
Relying on his reversing lights and the ferocious acceleration of an electric
car I dodged behind him several times and we drove around the car park in close convoy.
More than once we briefly blocked an entrance.
The police did not respond quickly and mad van man apprehended a passing
tradesman to seek help in getting me. The bemused stranger was told I had been “lurking outside his house
taking photos of his grandchildren” or words to that effect. The tradesman
looked at me and wandered off.
One of my escape bids involved a slow road blocking drive via the Fish
Roundabout along Eastern Way as far as Abbey Wood and back again. On the return
trip the police called to ask where I was. Van man was alongside me far too
close with his horn blaring. Once again the police heard it via the phone and I was able to describe as it happened how he drew
ahead and cut in front forcing me to a standstill. I got away again but he again
attempted to run me off the road on the next roundabout.
I parked behind the unmarked police car described to me on the phone and turban van man followed.
The police took the details from me including him maybe still being sore about
the H&SE fine and the fairy story about photographing his grandchildren. I don’t
think I know Singh’s home address and except for Ye Olde Leather Bottle and
the notorious back garden of 238 Woolwich Road
I have used other people’s house photos on the blog.
The two young police officers dealt with the situation to perfection as far as I
can see. They asked me what I wanted them to do about the van driver and I asked
only that he should be restrained for a moment so that I could return home
safely. Their interview with the driver was out of earshot.
I have no further idea of what the police said to Singh except that he and his
son had been warned about their behaviour. The police let me drive home while
they continued to interview the driver who must have been Singh the elder. I didn’t know there was one.
At no time was there any suggestion that the police believed his photographing grandchildren nonsense.
My Sikh neighbour, another Singh, is a peace loving gentleman but
I have two other reports of our favourite property developer abusing observers and one of another police report.
7 September - Boris. Is he out of his very own buddleia tree?
I have spent two days chopping up buddleia.
Mine is chopped down every year but this year it has nowhere to go thanks
to the bin strike and is laid in the sun to dry and hopefully shrink down. Then,
carried away somewhat, a second one which isn’t mine and as tall as a house which required a ladder and large saw.
Has anything happened while I have been aloft?
Coincidence perhaps, but probably not, DWA Architects have been busy designing for Bexley again, this time it’s
2 West Heath Road. (21/02544/FUL.) If DWA sounds familiar it will be because you looked at
95a Woolwich Road a few days ago.
Same architect? Yes. Same client? You will have to guess.
No sooner had I climbed out of my tree than I heard that Johnson the Demented
had climbed out of his. The devil will be in the detail but everyone knows that
the Scottish Government already pays for nursing homes up there and it ain’t fair.
I think that is probably a myth. Due to changed circumstances my son is now
having to pay for his mother in a Glaswegian nursing home; a nice one so I am told.
However it costs him £750 a week with dear Nicola contributing an extra £250 to settle the £1,000 bill.
You can be pretty sure that BoJo is just as capable of pulling the wool over
people’s eyes as the fiery Scot. What will happen when you spend £86,000 of your
Mum’s savings on a luxurious care home in double quick time? Chucked into a Council slum presumably.
5 September (Part 3) - Objections over-ruled
Last Wednesday Bexley’s Cabinet spent more than an hour trying to convince themselves that
cutting the expenditure on Children’s Centres from £691,000 to something that
they could very nearly pay from their own allowances was a good idea.
If Children’s Centres were not a statutory requirement you can be pretty sure the service would be gone.
One of the reasons for this particular cut was that Bexley Council claimed that the
service wasn’t reaching the most vulnerable which may have been true so it is
odd that their first proposal was to make Centres even more inaccessible.
26% of children are never registered with a Centre and most (56%) don’t go on to use the services.
(The latter statistic peaked at 85·2% in the Agenda report.)
Following objections the Council came up with three new options. The Cabinet
rejected the first one because “This model did not deliver any financial savings
and was not viable”. Full marks for being honest about what this is all about.
A second option was to reduce the Centres to only one and close seven. It did
not meet the public’s objections.
The third and favoured course was to have five Centres (West Street,
Northumberland Heath, Normandy, Danson and North Cray) run by six people. it
will bring the costs down to £314,000 a year. The
responsible Cabinet Member attempted to explain how it would work
Councillor Read did a David Leaf on the subject and spoke for more than 20 minutes.
He began by saying the cuts were necessary to achieve a balanced budget but
without digressing too much into how Bexley managed to get into its parlous
financial state. The catch-all excuse of Covid did of course receive a share of the blame.
Cutting expenditure on Children’s Centres “created an opportunity to improve
methods”. One aim was to cut the need for travel and another to ensure that all
children would have access to the services “during their first 1,001 days of life”.
The ‘closed’ centres may be given over to nursery and Early Years provision.
Cabinet Member Read emphasised that his
proposals received “no overt opposition and that applied across the political divide”. One must wonder why
Labour’s Press Release was critical.
Philip Read dismissed claims in the media that Children’s Centres are to be
closed. They will not, some will be “redesignated”.
Another claim was that only children “deemed vulnerable” would be served. Once again this was wrong.
Contrary to yet more claims “the new model will provide a wider variety of services and more choice for families”.
It will be “a service of which we can be proud and the envy of other
authorities at a lower cost to taxpayers”.
Cabinet Member Cafer Munur queried the statistics given by his colleague
suggesting they were even worse. Maybe they change rapidly. He strongly favoured
taking services to those who need them which the new arrangements aim to do.
Councillor Wendy Perfect, Read’s Labour Shadow had six questions.
She referred to the report saying 46% of children in Thamesmead East lived in
poverty, the Bexley average being 26%, so why no Children’s Centre there she asked.
What evidence is there that the new model will reach more vulnerable children?
Where elsewhere has such a scheme succeeded with only six staff? What is the
backup plan if a review finds failings? Until now most users have been from the Danson
area. If they are right to suggest that six staff is insufficient how will the
Council cope with the outpouring of anger? The proposed Partnership Boards have
not worked before in Bexley, what makes you think they will this time?
Councillor Perfect was told that the services will be made more local and the new Thamesmead Library may be used.
The funding is reduced but less is going into buildings. A similar scheme
operates in Kensington. Councillor Perfect did not appear to be entirely happy
with the answers she received. She was surprised to find it needed a detailed
study to discover that Thamesmead was the most deprived area of the borough
closely followed by Slade Green. “Perhaps you should have saved your time.”
Councillor Sybil Camsey (Conservative, Crook Log) made a number of objections to
the proposals and how her views had been misrepresented. Rather than summarise
her concerns it might be preferable to let her have her say.
There was a six minute answer but Councillor Camsey dismissed it as “all very
aspirational but there is no real answer”. I do not recall any Conservative Councillor ever
before complaining about the non-answers that are the norm in Bexley Council.
She remained “concerned that practical issues have not been addressed”.
Council Leader O’Neill said that Councillor Camsey
“was quite right to raise the issues at this stage” but thirty minutes later the proposal was nodded through unchanged.
Councillor June Slaughter shared Councillor Camsey’s concerns and in particular
whether six staff would be enough. “Time will tell.” She further understood that
several practical considerations were still not resolved. There is very little time left to resolve them.
One time Children’s Centre manager, Cabinet Member Sue Gower spoke in favour of the proposals
and related how, as manager, she was able to spot problems and intervene. One must hope that
the six are as motivated as Councillor Gower.
Councillor John Davey (Conservative, West Heath) thought the proposals were “absolutely great” which is good to know.
Labour Leader Stefano Borella who represents Slade Green picked out parts of the
report which were contradictory. It said Slade Green was now mostly older
families with no need of parental support but the number of push chairs on the
streets indicated otherwise. The report itself refers to 1,057 under fives in Slade Green.
The residents of Slade Green are seeing more and more houses go up with constant degradation of their facilities.
Councillor Perfect woke up to the fact that four of her questions had gone
unanswered. She tried again. “The biggest problem is, are six staff enough to
support children right across the borough?” She still didn’t get an answer.
Six will be a guess based on budget so how can there be an honest answer?
Councillor Daniel Francis (Labour, Belvedere) asked for a break down of staff
and building savings. (No answer available.) He also pointed out that consultation responses had apparently been
interpreted in two different ways to suit different circumstances. Cabinet Read
said that wasn’t so and explained why the misunderstanding had arisen.
It was Councillor Borella’s turn to point out that
not all his questions had been answered. It didn’t get him very far but there
was an attempt to explain why Partnership Boards would work this time around.
The Children’s Centre proposals were adopted unanimously; when are they not?
5 September (Part 2) - One rumour confirmed
was something of a record. !5 minutes after reporting that I
could not find
anything for Wharfside Close on the Planning Portal and the number 18/03247/FULM
dropped into the Inbox. Sure enough it is Mr. Singh and his Dhadda Estates behind the
triangular site noted as “Rear of 44 Erith High Street”.
The proposal is for five storeys comprising 13 flats and commercial accommodation.
Has permission been granted? “Status : With Case Officer”, so probably not yet.
5 September (Part 1) - The Erith Rumour Mill
past two weeks have provided a new phenomenon, residents convinced that Bexley
Council is about to take the wrecking ball, not to the concrete jungle which is
the shopping centre which I doubt anyone likes, but to the more pleasant bits of Erith.
Maybe the enquiries are provoked by Planning Application 21/02449/FULM which
details the proposals for Riverside Gardens but they went further.
“Will The Running Horses” be demolished? I don’t know but nothing would surprise me.
“Is it true that Bexley Council plans to kick Erith Town Football Club off its
pitch and build more tower blocks?” They would be stupid to do so but
enquiries reveal there may be some substance to that one.
“What is going on in Wharfside Close behind the Whitehart? Is it true that a
certain Mr. Singh has acquired it?”
The only clue that he might have is that a wall has been partially removed and the
land behind it cleared but Bexley’s Planning portal shows no entries for Wharfside Close. So no permissions granted.
Wharfside Close on Google Earth.
4 September (Part 2) - For God’s sake go and go now
may be bit sad but I woke up at midnight not sleepy at all. A bad habit but with nowt else to do I
looked at the phone - to think that ten years ago I was sure I would never own one
- and a moment later (00.04 this morning) Councillor Hackett posted his thoughts
on the Johnson government and he is absolutely right.
I used to think that Tony Blair would be the worst Prime Minister ever. Few
disliked him more than I did. I remember exactly where I was when news came
through of the Women’s Institute ladies booing him at their conference
and rejoiced that it might be the beginning of the end. It wasn’t!
Could anyone sink lower than Tony? Of course they could. Boris Johnson never
disappoints with his eternal quest to alienate every Conservative voter.
A tax raising tyrant intent on introducing Labour Lite, Commie Lite perhaps.
Your next car has to be electric, your next boiler must be a heat pump and
neither is anywhere near market ready. A manifesto that promised no more tax on
income, and separately an assurance that he had a plan for care home funding.
Today it is all too obvious that one of them has to be a lie.
His government was going to deal with the over-population
problem but instead he rescues in their thousands people of a different culture from war torn France.
Friends of the Government become millionaires on the back of Covid contracts at
least 10% of which were a total waste of money. He shovels the infected elderly
into care homes to ensure your grannie dies alone.
Boris believes in freedom of speech but only if Priti approves of it. We have an
Institutionally Corrupt police force in London and he is steadfast in his support for it.
Johnson isn’t going to vaccinate teenagers against Covid because the risk
outweighs the benefit. Then he faces the other way.
There’s going to be a vaccine passport to enter theatres and sports stadiums;
then the threat is watered down to night clubs only in order to cajole the
healthy young to take a vaccine which sometimes provokes serious side effects.
Then just when you think it is safe to enjoy life again he says the passport will be extended to all
venues where large numbers of people gather.
It’s no longer about the science, this is about control of the individual worthy
of East Germany and not a western democracy.
Another sad fact is that there is no one in his Cabinet who stands out as talented.
All yes men dim enough to make Boris look relatively clever.
Every time I run into a new group of people the opinion of Johnson is the same;
a spineless
twat as one friend described him. At Lords on Thursday when fewer than 200
people watched Middlesex trounce Derbyshire I sat as a guest in the Members’ area
surrounded by six people I had never met before. The chat during the break is
the same as it always is, at least among 50 something males. Boris Johnson is
simply insane on every policy that matters to such people. Sadiq Khan and Keir
Starmer were not too popular either. Malign anti-British on the one hand and
totally out of his depth on the other.
Not for the first time, I’m with Danny Hackett - and a few Conservative
Councillors too whose public tongues are tied. We are seriously in the soup.
If Boris gets his way this will be my last season of cricket.
4 September (Part 1) - Tell us something new
bin strike is officially over and Bexley’s Conservatives will be hoping you soon
forget all about it. Their spin machine can take a well earned rest and be as
silent on the subject as the £200,000 Chief Executive was throughout the strike. It
is hard to find anything to justify Jackie Belton’s employment but last Wednesday
she ended her Trappist tendencies by opening her trap before Cabinet Members.
Whether it was a worthwhile gesture or been better to remain silent is for
readers to judge. What is the old adage? Better to remain silent and be thought
a fool than speak and remove all doubt.
For £200k. we heard
“There was significant disruption to waste collection and street cleansing as a
result of the industrial action.” (I think we knew that.)
“The strike commenced on 12th July 2021 and was suspended on 24th August.” (Tell us something new.)
“The Council was told about the strike ballot in June and it was held on the 29th
and a strike called for two weeks from 12th July. (Residents with their
wits about them knew that too but maybe the Cabinet had done a Dominic Raab and were consequently in ignorance of it all.)
“At one time it looked as though the strike could go on until October.”
“Bexley Council reminded both Serco and Unite of the seriousness of the impact on residents and encouraged formal ACAS involvement.”
“The number on strike varied from 50 to 65 and approximately half of them were drivers.”
“Temporary staff could not be brought in to cover for strikers because of legal restrictions.” (Once again nothing new.)
Having said that Ms. Belton returned to the encouraging ACAS theme but added that the
Footscray dump was operated seven days a week with extra hours at both sites on
Tuesdays and Thursdays. ‘Pop-up’ collection services were operated from car
parks. (But only as the strike came to an end.)
“Serco is being closely monitored and Council Officers met with them daily.”
“Following suspension of the strike, collections resumed on 25th August.”
“Significant volumes of waste have accumulated as a result of the disruption,
dust carts are filling up quicker and they need to make more frequent trips to
the tipping facility. There is a catch up plan which includes diverting food
waste collection crews to recycling and garden waste collections. Waste may not
be collected on the normal day and residents are advised to place all containers
out for collection. Serco is confident that services should be back to normal before the new contract starts on 4th October.”
“The longer opening hours and pop up sites will continue”. (From
Bexley’s website : "There will be no special collections of materials at car parks tomorrow Saturday 4 September.)
I imagine Bonkers’ readers will have been sufficiently interested in strike
developments to have known all or most of the foregoing and those who weren’t
interested would not be tuning into the webcast to hear Jacky. So what was the point of the
Chief Executive in effect quoting from her desk diary?
Maybe she knows that some Members of the Cabinet are not the sharpest tools in the knife drawer but surely
even they learned nothing from the four minutes of old news.
What was the point of it? What is the point of Jackie Belton?
Note: Some of the quoted speech has been stripped down to
reduce the number of redundant words but is essentially as spoken.
3 September (Part 2) - Bowness Road. A more expert opinion
would be a shame to leave the subject
of Bowness Road without having a word with the former chairman of an EU
Committee on road and vehicle safety to see if he had any thoughts on Bexley’s
Highway Bunglers. On another occasion the verdict was that he wasn’t sure whether
Bexley Council was incompetent or malicious to which I added “probably both”.
This time I was reminded that it was a long time since he represented Britain in
that capacity in Brussels and he had since directed his energies almost
exclusively to vehicle safety. Nevertheless I received a lengthy and detailed
report of the sort which might in other circumstances be sold to a
Government Department. It will take some time to digest it but it does look as
though Bexley has once again ignored Government Guidance.
A more detailed analysis may follow, meanwhile I found some of the general chat interesting. Maybe you will too.
Instinctively, that scheme does look too close to the bend and the
junction and driveways part way through represent extra hazards.
There has been for many years in highway design a school of thought that reducing the
driver’s ability to see a hazard makes them slow down and take more care and
in some circumstances there have been studies to say it works. However,
everything we do in vehicle design would say the opposite, you try to
maximise the drivers chance of seeing and correctly responding to a hazard.
In vehicle design we get the argument don’t make the vehicle safer cut
crashes by putting a spike on the steering wheel not an airbag and people
will slow down and take care. That has been proven nonsense.
I have never liked that approach to infrastructure. Highway design is no longer my area but I am aware of something called
stopping sight distances which are used in infrastructure design to
assess the lines of sight needed given different speed limits/traffic
speeds. It would be interesting to see what they said when applied to
situations of drivers approaching the give way to give priority and when
they could see an oncoming vehicle as well as people emerging from the junction
(†) who now need to look the ‘wrong way’ for a possible hazard when turning left.
They don’t appear to have followed the advice given in the Department for Transport’s advice to Councils.
That point about improving visibility in vehicle design is a good one isn’t it?
If designing highways such that people cannot see well is a good idea, why not replace
windscreens with portholes and allow licences to drivers with poor eyesight?
I feel a Freedom of Information request coming on to see what got into the Highways Manager’s silly head.
† Drivers emerging from Silverdale Road will instinctively look right and may turn
into traffic from the left on the wrong side of the road. No one at Bexley
Council will have been bright enough to think of that.
3 September (Part 1) - It’s a miracle. More for less
is a little bit of a mystery to me why the subject of Children’s Centres has not
featured greatly on Bonkers. I know there was a plan to close them all down but I was not sure what the Centres did.
I know there was a plan to improve services to parents via the unusual technique of closing them all down
and I know there was a much criticised consultation on the subject but Cabinet Member Philip Read said in Council that there was
nothing wrong with it.
He must have been wrong again as another consultation on how expenditure
can be cut in half while fooling everyone into thinking it was all for the best was held.
The Cabinet met again on Wednesday to rubber stamp the new plan. I have not yet
found the time to listen to it but Labour Councillors have not been so tardy,
They issued a Press Release yesterday.
All the constructive suggestions put forward by users were rejected. Saving nearly £400k. (£691,000 down
to £314,000) is the only thing that matters when bankruptcy has been narrowly avoided.
2 September - A pictorial catalogue of L&Q failure
Last week
I took another look at the disgraceful state of an L&Q house. As
you may see below Bexley's Housing Services Manager thinks it is entirely satisfactory situation.
The promised photographs are now available.
Do you think that Dianne Blazer knew what she was talking about when she wrote
her twaddle? Do you think she lives among so many badly done bodge jobs?
What is needed now is an expert in social services. What help should an elderly
lady with multiple health issues and very little money be getting from Bexley Council? At present the answer is none.
Index to previous blogs that refer to the same address.
1 September (Part 3) - Bexley Council solves its temporary accommodation problem
Council has run out of money for pretty much everything apart from
dangerous new road layouts, however credit where it is due. Someone’s homelessness has been solved at minimal cost.
A washing line between two trees, an open fire with a wooden guard
around it and its own personal rubbish dump just like every other house around the borough.
So far this year it has saved three months of rent. Brilliant!
Bexley needs more initiatives like this. Well done new Cabinet Member Sue Gower,
Alex Sawyer never managed to come up with anything like that.
1 September (Part 2) - 95A Woolwich Road
It didn’t take long for readers to let me know about a mistake in the earlier blog posted
here late last night. It is not an extension of Mr. Singh’s own house and office (95 Woolwich Road) that he plans to extend, it is the one the other side of Tyeshurst Close, 95A.
The planning application refers to
Balmonza and Google maps to Dhadda Estates all being companies associated with Mr. Singh.
The plans don’t look too bad to me but Mr. Singh has become such a controversial
figure in and around that location that his activities create widespread interest, even the not so damaging ones.
And I don’t live nearby which may be a factor!
Click images for a larger view.
1 September (Part 1) - Woolwich Road residents beware
back. Via Ye Olde Leather Bottle and 238 Woolwich Road and a number of
other sites, Mr. Singh has a new company, this time with designs on 95 Woolwich Road
which appears to be his own company office..
The application is numbered 21/02083/FUL and is from Mandippe Singh. (The
forename is redacted but not especially well.)
The image shows the current Companies House entry. There was a previous entry
for the same company but it was dissolved on 16th January 2018 after being
struck off the Companies House register at the end of October 2017. The Director was Tarsam Singh
and none of the official documents show monetary reserves greater than £1.