13 September - Behind closed doors
What does a Chief Executive do?
Council critic posed that question. The last one
“fled to Cumbria after a short career
break” he said. If I had been asked the same question the answer would have
been “nothing apart from spitefully
taking away the Press Desk from public
meetings and attempting to divide Council and public with
a physical barrier”.
So not popular with me or the News Shopper reporter - when there used to be one.
“Not a popular lady with the Leader” either according to our man at the
Town Hall. “They didn’t get on because she was too assertive.” Not
especially assertive surely or she may have achieved something?
“Jackie Belton is passive, too passive and lets others like Nick Hollier take
control. Backroom boys who know nothing of people nor serving the public hence
why we have strikes,
overcharged elderly residents and decay. They turn a blind
eye to corruption,
even nepotism when getting their children jobs in the Civic.
All I can say is as Monitoring Officer Mr Hillier knows where all the bodies are buried,
but then the people in the Civic know of
I think I will stop there, I decided long ago that sort of thing in the Civic Offices has no place here.
From the Cumbria County Council website.