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News and Comment October 2020

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29 October - “Probably better you don’t start tweeting so much”

The title is the advice given to me anonymously. It’s a month since I ventured back on to Twitter and I am already thinking the advice may be good.

For drawing attention to a blog that was critical of a Trafalgar Square anti-lockdown demonstration and the ensuing police violence I was told that I was disrespectful to the police and advised to seek professional help for reminding readers that the Met were prepared to involve themselves in the murder of someone about to expose their wrong doings. Not speculation but an established fact. Twitter ignoramuses are a fact of life.

My lack of respect for the police and condemnation of their brutality was likened by a Labour supporter to the views of Oswald Mosley. “Mosley couldn’t have done a better Tweet”.

I have been told that my posts are libellous and incite murder. That’s me repeating The Times letter.

Josh Halliday’s Tweet carried a message advocating death for Nigel Farage. Mind boggling.

For my pains I have been blocked from some of the critical Twitter accounts, Presumably they are unaware of just how easy it is to bypass blocks.


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