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News and Comment October 2020

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2 October (Part 3) - When in a hole…

I suppose it was expecting far too much to get a thank you note from Councillor Philip Read for coming to his defence yesterday. He had been accused of racism by an unidentified Tweeter who carefully twisted the word “Iranians” (their Government) into “Iranian citizens” in order to tar every one of them with the brush of terrorism and make Philip’s Tweet look bad when it would likely be seen as a statement of the obvious by all reasonable people.

The Twitterer responsible outed herself yesterday. I’m not sure that was entirely sensible but I am not a politician so don’t know the rules of the game.

I might not have had any comment from Conservative quarters (apart from a Like by the fearless Councillor Davey) but perhaps even better was that Labour people did not remain silent. Several of them have taken the same view as I have.
Newspaper Unpleasant I was asked where the death threat came from. It was published in The Times. (See Tweet 1.)

Words fail me as they often do when following Left leaning Twitter accounts but frequently they get far more Likes than I can ever muster.


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