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News and Comment June 2015

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25 June (Part 2) - People against park vandals

Next Tuesday there is to be a Places Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting and Item 5 on the Agenda is the presentation of a petition to save the Old Manor Way Children’s Playground which is under threat from a cash strapped council intent on doing more damage to its leisure infrastructure than the Abbey Arsonists.

The petitioners will ensure that I am not the only witness to the sad spectacles that habitually unfold in the council chamber and traditionally the presence of public opposition brings out the worst in councillors more used to operating within a closed self-serving bubble.

The more that turn out to see how this bunch of inadequates operates the better. No doubt the petitioners will be gathering outside the Civic Offices by seven fifteen for photo opportunities and the like. Give them your support if you possibly can.
As far as I know, no decision has yet been taken to sell off Old Manor Way Playground. Unlike most of Bexley’s schemes to attack residents, this one may stand some chance of being defeated by public pressure and irrefutable facts. It’d be a first.


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