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News and Comment March 2014

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29 March (Part 2) - More lies by senior council staff to protect a lying councillor

I thought the business of cabinet member Colin Campbell saying “crap” in the council chamber had gone away. I am absolutely positive he described Bexley-is-Bonkers as crap, which wouldn’t matter at all, except that he chose to deny it later. If you approach any Bexley councillor apart from the hard core of possibly 20 who are habitual liars and ask if Campbell said “crap” you will get confirmation and, if you are lucky, some comment like “everyone knows it”. I know because I have. Everyone may know it but more importantly, some councillors are happy to tell you so.

Rather to my surprise another council document on the subject has come my way. It relates to a complaint that the original investigation into Campbell’s use of the C word was inadequate. Just as in the case of the ill-advised Cheryl Bacon, no witnesses to the events were consulted. Naturally Bexley’s joke of an investigation and joke of an Independent Person, Rebecca Sandhu, were vigorously defended.
DirectorsIt’s all a bit ‘technical’ and you don’t have study it too hard or even understand it beyond Mr. Alabi conducted the investigation and Mr. Paul Moore, Director of Customer and Corporate Services, the writer of the latest letter, supports his investigation absolutely.

So why bother you with this after all this time? It’s because the incident under discussion took place at a Full Council meeting. Alabi and Moore attend full council meetings. Not only do all the councillors know what Campbell said but Alabi and Moore were witnesses to him too, along with Tuckley and the rest of the expensive clowns. They must know that Campbell lied just like councillors know he lied.

In the Cheryl Bacon case none of the council officers who queued up to say six members of the public were all liars (plus the councillors who have since written to me about it) were witnesses to the events and might be considered to be retellers of lies rather than liars themselves. However in the Campbell Crap Case no such excuses can be made. I suppose when taxpayers are filling your boots to the tune of £156,800 (including the 20% pension contribution) each year then if the council leader tells you to lie, you grit your teeth and lie, however obvious what you are doing is to everyone who takes an interest. Such people have no morals whatsoever.

The money wasted on defending trivia is beyond belief. Perhaps it goes some way to explain the fact that only eight London boroughs pay more council tax than Bexley residents.


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