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News and Comment October 2013

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30 October (Part 2) - Howbury point scoring

Eco ConNews of Bexley council’s decision to award the running of the Howbury Community Centre to a new company, Eco Learning, formerly known as Eco Computers, is hard to come by but the following information, whilst arriving via a torturous path, would appear to be genuine.

It would appear that the decision was, as might be expected, made by cabinet member Don Massey, the same Phillistine who made the decision to shunt Bexley’s history off to Bromley. It is reported that he was assisted by a council officer named Kevin Taylor, a name which rang a bell with me and when I rediscovered why found he was the subject of a note from a council informer which I judged could not be published here.

The decision was based on a scoring system applied to each contenders’ presentation. Eco Learning pulled out all the professional stops and beat Howbury Friends by 5·5 points on presentation. Is public speaking an essential skill for running the Centre? However on Operational Plans and Vision for the Future, Howbury narrowly beat Eco Learning. (0·5 points).

Where Howbury missed out big time was on financial backing. The voluntary group which raises up to £100,000 a year lost out by 16·5 points to the glossy prospectus offered by Eco Learning (formerly Eco Computers). The maximum possible points is not revealed.

As mentioned the other day, I have obtained the full set of accounts from Companies House and I really cannot see how this can be justified. Plus signs are in very short supply.

More on this next month.


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