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News and Comment November 2013

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9 November (Part 1) - The Cheryl Bacon Index

I have been looking for missing documents to add to the Bacon Index but not everyone keeps all their emails securely. Two referrals to the Monitoring Officer have been added, one under the Barnbrook/Cheryl Bacon heading (4th September), the other under Barnbrook/Colin Campbell (23rd September).

Elwyn Bryant has told me he recalls using the word ‘debacle’ in a complaint made a day or two after he was shut out of Cheryl’s public meeting which casts a little doubt on what was written on 5th November. On the other hand for that word to turn up in a council response nearly five months later makes coincidence a distinct possibility. Or maybe the confusion in the Civic Centre knows no bounds. Either way, I didn’t write what Mrs. Tyler claims I did.


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