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News and Comment May 2013

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9 May (Part 1) - Gone but not forgotten

Bexley Cabs Bexley Cabs goneIt has been suggested that a photographic expedition to Bexley would enable another feature on shop closures such as those for Bexleyheath and Welling. It’s not a place I know well but it seems hard to believe that such a small shopping area could muster a dozen or more closed premises, but whatever the number might be it has recently grown by one. Bexley Cabs which opened without planning permission has packed up and gone.

It’s not very surprising, its owner has made a habit of opening business and closing them again soon afterwards. 16 companies opened and only four still operating if web reports can be believed.

Not being a businessman myself I have little idea how businesses like these can be so unsuccessful that they have to close prematurely but are so successful that they make enough money to start another one. It seems counterintuitive to me, there must be some factor I am not accounting for.

So one Campbell has done a runner, another one is hinting he won’t run again in Bexley and the rumour mill is suggesting councillor Alan Downing political career has run its course. Who leaks this stuff? A mischief maker or someone who knows?

Bexley Cabs history.


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