6 May (Part 2) - Mark & Spencer
La Casa De Sueños,
The Black Horse,
Bexley Barbers,
Cafe Blanco,
Cabs. The list goes on; and the stories have a common theme. A link to the Campbell
family late of Bexley. Not always to council deputy leader Colin Campbell it is true but
a steady stream of allegations that some poor soul has lost her (it’s always been a her)
money, sometimes a huge sum of money, is rather worrying. There was
similar tale of woe only last month.
Long term readers will recall that Bexley Cabs was refused planning permission
to operate out of Bexley village and the police’s submission to the planning
department highlighted the fact the application was not truthful.
The local publicans’ objections were in similar vein. You would think
any sensible councillor would distance themselves from such an outfit.
they have, but Mrs. Craske was happy to encourage a company that had raised two
fingers to planning law. Now an eagle eyed reader has suggested it may be happening all over again.
Yet another new cab company has been founded by Mr. Campbell junior.
So Mark Campbell has founded yet another business and found himself another
female business partner, so what? you may ask. Where’s the Bexley council
connection? Well the aforesaid eagle eyed reader remembered that Area Cars’
registered address is one once listed by Conservative councillor James Spencer
in his Register of Members’ Interests. It isn’t any more because he is one of those
councillors who puts secrecy above transparency and has invoked
Section 32 of the Localism Act
to suppress knowledge of his circumstances.
My guess is that James Spencer’s may share an address with Area Cars Limited but nothing more. However until
Colin Campbell
stands down as a Bexley councillor the expansion of the family’s business empire may still be of interest to readers.
If you look up
Future Insight Accounting on the web you will discover where the name Michele
Yianni comes from. Future Insight Accounting was previously known as Yianni Consultancy Ltd.
The Bexley councillors invoking Section 32 of the Localism Act are Cheryl Bacon,
Gareth Bacon, Colin Campbell, Sybil Camsey, Val Clark, Peter Craske, [redacted], Teresa O’Neill, Katie Perrior, James Spencer and Chris Taylor. Oddly
enough, James Spencer is the only one on that list I do not regard with some, at
least, suspicion. What have I missed?