12 February - The petition against excessive salaries
of the points made by Elwyn Bryant while arguing that
refusing to accept his
petition was unlawful is that Bexley’s Conservative council was flying in the
face of government policy. His point was ruled out of order by the Scrutiny
Committee Chairman Don Massey but it remains true whether Bexley council decides
to stick its head in the sand or not. Eric Pickles, the government minister
responsible is interviewed in today’s Sunday Telegraph, a small extract of which is shown here.
Mr. Bryant’s correspondence from the council says “Following the meeting you
will receive written confirmation of the Committee’s decision”. You will not be
surprised to hear that he has heard nothing. He needs the written confirmation
before taking his next step which I imagine will concentrate on the fact the
council used Standing Order 84, which speaks of what may arise during a meeting,
to not have the meeting at all. Don Massey thought himself too “thick” to
understand the point and by their votes all the Conservative councillors showed
themselves to be equally stupid. Only councillor Seán Newman (Labour, Belvedere
ward) understood the point being made. It is to be hoped that electors will be
reminded of these facts and how Bexley’s ‘Listening to you’ council choses to
ignore them in May 2014.
Elsewhere in the country other councils are facing up to reality.
In Bath the
council have acceded to residents’ wishes and there is a similar
campaign in neighbouring Bristol. Both involve the Taxpayers’ Alliance. The
TPA is well aware of the goings on in Bexley but has chosen to ignore them. I
still suspect the real reason that Bexley doesn’t want to revisit employment
contracts for its top staff is that they know too much and silence has to be bought.
Click the newspaper extract to read the full interview with Eric Pickles.