28 February - Trivial Pursuits
Since breaking the blog into monthly chunks it hasnt seemed worth reporting anything significant
on the last day of the month, by next day it gets hidden away, so I shall let
today go marked only by items of near trivia. I sent an email early this morning to
my favourite council department about a fast developing pothole at a bus stop.
It appeared from nowhere only two weeks ago but was already a sizeable cavity.
It was fixed by early afternoon. Trivial it may be but some potholes live on for years.
More trivia can be found in a
News Shopper comment column. A number of people were giving their opinion of
councillor Craske; Boris is preserving the budget of the boroughs most
incompetent cabinet member and allowing schemes which, if they follow the same
path as their predecessors, will be characterised by cringingly high levels of
inefficiency wrought by a complete absence of common sense and lack of
willingness to answer constituents scrutiny. And John of Sidcup rode to
Craskes rescue addressing the writer as Malcolm, i.e. he probably thought it was
me. John of Sidcup emailed me eleven months
ago in support of Craske and accusing me of something I hadnt done. When
pressed he couldnt come up with any evidence and then buried his head in the
sand. Hey! Maybe it was Craske, its the same M.O.
The on-line exchange on the News Shopper site proves that I am not alone in
thinking that Craske is a disaster for Bexley and it probably means John H. of
Sidcup is still reading this site; if he wasnt Im sure he would have
forgotten all about me by now. Hello John, hows it going? You remain the only
person who has ever sent me a pro-council comment.
It has been suggested that changing the blogs default text size yesterday was a
mistake because only a small minority of readers had thought it a problem so the
default is back to the smaller text size today. If you reset the size yesterday the
blog pages may corrupt (dependent on your chosen setting) because of no longer
matching file names. Please go back to the Configure page and reselect
your choice from the corrupted page. That should fix it. No more code fiddling, I promise.
This evening I shall attend the cuts meeting at the Civic Centre. Rumour has it
that protesters might be there so I shall be leaving early to ensure a good position.
There is unlikely to be a write-up here around midnight as with previous
meetings because a group of us are going to a council-of-war afterwards.
27 February - A matter of choice
I have spent all morning and half the afternoon tinkering with the code that
runs this site. In recent months I have had the occasional comment that the blog
text is a bit too small to which one answer is to use the Text Size options of
the web browser to make it bigger but the problem is that it will make every web
page bigger. Its the sort of unhelpful response you might expect from Bexley
council but not really good enough. To fix the problem I have placed a new item
on the menu above (it appears on all blog pages) named Configure and if you
select it you will get a page which allows a choice of three text sizes. By
default the blog text is a bit bigger than it was until yesterday but
I think that is still my favourite. Go and have a play.
To get it to work I had to change an important bit of the menu code which I
always thought was vital, but the alternative seems to work OK. Pages other than
blogs are still working the old way, you shouldnt see any difference but if you
do please let me know. I was once told that justified text is more attractive
than left aligned; I have no particular preference but for good measure you can
have text justification on blog pages too.
Tinkering with the code reminds me that councillor John Davey said he designed (and
paid for) the Bexley Arts Council website and doing so excused him putting links
to the Conservative Party on the website of a tax-payer funded body. He had a
choice and he chose to not to respect the Arts Councils integrity. It occurs
to me that I fund Bexley councils main website so perhaps I should ask them to
put a link to Bonkers on it. Its the same logic as John Davey uses to justify
him subverting democracy.
The report of Daveys
dubious tactics has brought forward a not very
different story from a reader involving Bexleys Youth Council. One of the
young men on the Youth Council has long worked in support of the Labour party,
handing out leaflets etc. but his political zeal took him further and he went to
the party conference last year and was photographed with several
well-known politicians. A Labour version of a 16 year old William Hague perhaps? However
his associations didnt meet the approval of Bexley council and he was asked to
leave the Youth Council. Another undemocratic choice. Would a youthful Conservative have been singled out for
the same treatment? Surely it is good for youth to do something responsible?
Actually I have been sitting on this story longer than I should have done because I have today
discovered that someone has climbed down. Strange though that the Arts Council is allowed to
lean towards the Conservatives but the same people get twitchy when the Youth Council includes
a Labour Party activist. What next? Replacing Harold Wilsons The
Governance of Britain in the public library with a novel by Ann Widdecombe?
26 February (Part 2) - Craskes cash cow was all bull
In November 2009 I added a short piece
to the News section of this website criticising councillor Craske for
reducing the parking facilities at Sidcup Place and introducing a charge for
what was left. I called him an obnoxious dictator and a little runt and got a
few complaints for a spelling mistake. Now the subject has been regurgitated and
updated in the Bexleyheath Chronicle entitled Councillors kill off outdoor
leisure centre and quotes our esteemed Leader saying the car parking (charges
presumably) was started at the behest of councillors. Wrong! The press at the
time made it absolutely clear that it was Craskes idea. The Chronicles
reporter (Jean Gee) says the council spent £90,000 on refurbishing the
playground and fenced it in for another £12,800. Then in typical Craske fashion
£8,850 was spent on three parking ticket machines and charging commenced in
October 2009. There were requests to make the parking free for the first two
hours to allow parents to easily take their offspring there for a bit of fun but
Craske refused.
A Freedom of Information (FOI) request soon afterwards revealed that the parking
meters were taking £114 a day but observations showed that didnt look very
likely. A year later another FOI came up with a figure of £180. The reporter was
not one to give up. She kept a photo record of the car park and sent it to our
incompetent lying council. This time they were forced to admit the true income
was less than £40 a day. As The Chronicle says, a total waste of money
installing the playground and driving potential users away with parking charges.
It will take eight years for Craske to earn the expenditure back by which time the
ticket machines will be worn out and the playground will be broken by the
teenagers who use it on their way back from school. Well done Craske.
If you want to see Craske and the rest of Bexleys largely useless shower at
work there is a cabinet meeting at The Crook Lodge
Civic Centre next Monday at 19:30.
26 February (Part 1) - A bit of a conundrum. Suggestions welcome
One of my fears in producing this website is that Bexleys councillors and
staff with something to hide will clam up and remain resolutely silent. There
are already signs of it. I have seen two near identical letters circulated within the
council which encourage councillors to say nothing although the increasing number of informants
may make that tactic difficult to maintain. The councils published
services standards include responding to the on-line contact form within two
days and to email and letters within five. It is an ambitious target and
inevitably missed sometimes, Im not unduly concerned about that, it is the
deliberate kicking of things into the long grass which is the real problem.
This site began because of the persistent failure to respond to enquiries
about the narrowing of Abbey Road. Andrew
Bashford of the roads department and councillor Davey went into long periods of silence
and needed threats of Ombudsman involvement before deciding to feed me dubious
information about surveys and road safety issues and eventually trying to silence
me with technicalities which required the expertise of the Transport Research Laboratory
to debunk. Its a tactic they employ all too often. We have councillors refusing to
give a straight yes or no answer to the simple question of whether they are receptive to
the idea of cutting allowances and pay to complement their plans to cut
everything else the council touches. More complex issues are deferred or blocked
when managers reclassify enquiries as Freedom of Information requests which operate under
a different set of rules which permit further delays.
An example of the first is councillor David Hurt (Barnehurst £22,141 per year;
wife Lesnes Abbey £9,543) who is responsible for huge cuts in health and care
services but cannot bring himself to answer a question about his allowance put to
him almost four months ago. An example of the second tactic which is growing in popularity
is Tina Brookes (Parking Manager) fobbing off the MP James Brokenshire who
sent her a sheaf of statistics and asked how they could possibly justify Craskes
proposal to triple the price of residents parking permits.
Her response
was disrespectful of an MP and treated Mr. Brokenshire as if he was a simple
soul who would would accept as an answer figures he already knew and were part
of his enquiry and her assertion that she didnt recognise some of the data.
All the data came from her department and the reason it didnt add up was solely
because the council, or maybe Craske, had falsified much of it.
A suitably worded complaint is with Ms. Brooks superiors. Its debatable
whether that fact should be revealed here; one school of thought is that
publicity will drive malpractice deeper underground another is that it encourages the
truth. Its an impossible call, Im no good at reading dishonest minds. One of
my correspondents is convinced that Bexley council will always lie and cheat
but Id prefer to think that if every lie is exposed, like Philip Reads
untruthful and mischievous letter in this weeks Shopper
councillors and staff may think twice about consistently lying. Yes I have my doubts too
but one way or another the pressure on corruption and dishonesty must be maintained.
25 February - Bacon. A little egg on our faces
When I made vaguely supportive noises about Bexleys refuse
services and then proceeded to wonder how the responsible cabinet member
could possibly be in full time paid employment and fit in three
jobs as well I was unaware that a similar question had been sent to the council
by Michael Barnbrook. I met Mike at the first council meeting I attended and we
have kept in touch ever since. You may not know who he is but you should; he has
made something of a career of bringing down politicians. Derek Conway, former
Bexley MP, Ian Clement one time Bexley council leader and convicted fraudster,
the ex-MP for Leyton, Harry Cohen, the two Wintertons, the clutch of Labour MPs
who ended up in the dock for expenses and mortgage fiddling and the previous
Speaker of the House Michael Martin all came a cropper because of Mike
Barnbrook’s complaints to the police. If you dont believe me Google it. Not
that there is much publicity and you will have to look hard because
Mr. Barnbrook once stood as the BNP candidate in Welling and came within eight
votes of unseating the Conservatives. The media isn’t keen on portraying a BNP
member as anything but a baddie. (Be cautious if visiting obscure websites you
might find, some bring up (possibly spoof) virus reports from Russian sources. Probably harmless if you
ignore them but it may be wise to stick to
The Daily Telegraph and
Guardian sites.)
Ive not seen Mikes letter but I believe it suggested that Gareth Bacon has as
many as six local government jobs whereas I found only three but whatever the
case, the council rejected Mr. Barnbrooks letter as not relevant to them and I
suppose they had a point as much of it was about non-Bexley matters. However to
Micks amazement he received a personally addressed letter from Gareth Bacon who
had somehow been alerted to his enquiry. Mr. Barnbrook is suitably impressed
by Gareths openness and so am I. He didnt have to write but he chose a more reasonable course.
Councillor Bacon explains that for some of the jobs (the ones I didnt find out
about perhaps?) he is only a substitute and has never been called in so the time
spent on them is zero. He also makes the valid point that the London Assembly
meetings are all held during the day and Bexleys are held in the evening, so
there is no conflict between those two, only between his City Hall
responsibilities and his proper job presumably. So it would appear that
councillor Bacon despite all his lucrative responsibilities in London is in
practice not disadvantaged when it comes to looking after Bexley and his rubbish
(recycling) brief. Maybe he is not quite the expert time manager I took him to be after all.
Sorry; now I am being flippant.
There is no word on the free travel card claimed and the perverse attitude to police
thuggery but this is supposed to be a conciliatory piece so they will be glossed over for today.
That Gareth Bacon took the trouble to write such a friendly letter to Mike
Barnbrook is quite obviously commendable to say the very least, if only some of his fellow councillors
were as forthcoming. Mikes own ward councillor is Peter Craske and despite his
responsibilities to Mick as a constituent absolutely refuses to respond to any
of his letters or emails. You can be quite sure that when enough evidence has
been accumulated Mr. Barnbrook will have Craske just as he did
all the other ne’er do wells that have gone before.
24 February (Part 3) - Bexley council is bent
Last November I reported the strange goings-on at Bexleys Thames Innovation Centre. In brief, the manager had been arrested for paedophilia and there were suggestions that a blind eye was turned to huge sums of money being filtered off to someone elses girlfriend and the whistleblower was sacked by councillor Campbell in one big stitch-up. There has been some progress. The manager has been charged by the police and resigned from his post a couple of weeks ago. Until then he had been protected by Campbell for some nefarious reason and not even suspended. The girlfriend mysteriously disappeared a bit earlier. There are other welcome developments too but my lips are sealed. Sooner or later the corruption at Bexley council will come spilling out into the open.
24 February (Part 2) - Press review
In The News Shopper councillor Philip Read (Northumberland Heath) drones on about
Erith & Thamesmead MP Teresa Pearce (no I didnt vote for her,
maybe I should have done) missing the vote in the Commons on giving prisoners the vote.
Couldnt be bothered is what he said about her along with a complaint about a wimpy abstention.
I keep only half an eye on what my MP does but even I know she
was engaged by a constituency event and as there was no whip she quite legitimately gave
priority to her constituents. Doesnt Read know anything, like the difference
between absence and abstention for example?
Probably it is just a rather obvious example of the low-level lying
by Bexleys councillors that they dont even think about given the much bigger
whoppers that are their stock-in-trade.
OK, heres the shocking bit
councillor Read had been at an event with Ms. Pearce
and should have known exactly what her situation was. Read is just an unscrupulous villain prepared to distort the
truth and have it put in the newspaper; not quite up to Craskes standard, but close.
I like to read the Bexley Chronicle, it comes out monthly and is available
fuss-free on the web which is more than you
can say for The Shopper. Last month a readers letter suggested my own
councillor, John Davey (Lesnes Abbey,
£9,543) should resign because as Chairman of the Bexley Arts Council he had
allowed its website to provide direct links to the Conservative Partys
website. A bit odd certainly and definitely not what you would expect of a
publicly funded body, but a resigning issue? It doesnt exactly compare to the
fiddles, cover-ups and lies perpetrated by his mates. Its more the run of the
mill, every day under-handedness we expect from Bexleys councillors.
This months issue has a response from councillor Davey which is an irrelevant
diatribe that takes the proverbial out of the writer, a Bexley resident, maybe one of his constituents.
Is he taking lessons from Craske?
Davy claims that it is OK to link the Arts Council website to the Conservative
Partys because he personally pays for both websites. Oh big deal John! I fund
this site entirely out of my own pocket and it costs just under £6 a year. If I hunted
around for a cheapskate registrar I could get it down to about three quid. Paying the
few pounds a year out of his own pocket and even designing the site himself does
not change the principles at all. The fact remains that a council funded body
should not be providing support for the Conservative Party and the fact that
Davey designs the site himself and pays the hosting company is totally
irrelevant; he should not have given in to temptation and subverted the Arts
Council website for his own political purposes. Do our councillors have no moral
code and no sense of what is right and wrong at all? No, dont answer that.
24 February (Part 1) - Ruts at Ruxley. Rats in charge
third sunny afternoon of 2011 tempted me away from the keyboard to follow up
reports that were in danger of being neglected. First port of call was Danson
Park because a lady had reported that the lifebelts were kept under lock
and key; she was worried that if they were needed, by the time someone was
fetched to unlock them it would be too late. She had been to see her local
councillor (John Wilkinson, Brampton ward, £9,543 a year) who explained that the
lifebelts had to be kept locked up because of the activities of vandals. I
walked around the entire lake this afternoon and saw no lifebelts at all so
maybe the council (or the vandals) has solved the problem.
The debate on whether or not there should be unlocked lifebelts and how to tackle
vandalism was not however my concern. The lady returned to her councillor after
seeing unsupervised pre-school children feeding ducks at the waters edge but his
only response was to ask if she couldnt find something else to worry about.
All too typical of Bexleys unsavoury crew.
It is seven months since I first highlighted the situation at
Ruxley Corner. It is Wickham
Lanes counterpart which didnt get the same degree of publicity as a roundabout
large vehicles cannot get around. Unlike Wickham Lane, no attempt has been
made to fix Ruxleys roundabout. (Warning : Sarcasm alert!). If there was a contract with the transport
consultants Parsons Brinckerhoff as stated on that companys website and
reported in all the local papers, and if the councils publicity department
hadnt made such an enormous mistake and put the details in the council magazine
and on its website, such embarrassments might occur less often. But they were all
wrong because Craske says so, aided and abetted by our inadequate Mayor. Without
the experts to help out we have to fall back on Bexleys own design team. And
this is what we get. A roundabout lorries and buses cannot get around. A bus was
stuck in the mud a few days ago and Arriva had to send out their rescue truck to haul it out.
I dropped in on Pembroke Road, Belvedere because it is extremely narrow and
HGVs are said to swipe mirrors off cars and sometimes block the road. It was a long
shot that I might see one and I didnt but I did note that the whole width of the
road appears from the markings to be given over to cyclists (picture in gallery) and
one of Craskes stick-out-in-the-road obstacles has been knocked down surrounded
by bits of vehicle. Sorry, no photo of that because it wasnt safe to park nearby.
23 February (Part 3) - Thanks everyone
that didnt take long did it? An hour or so and I have
on where the cars are kept. It has been passed on to our motorcycling friends.
Now we could do with a few locations where the gestapo lurks for longer than a few minutes.
23 February (Part 2) - Dont get angry, get even
man drove through Sidcup late on a Sunday night and pulled over to use
a cash machine. He was on his way a minute later but unknown to him he had been
filmed by one of Craskes gestapo wagons and was sent a penalty notice through
the post. His offence? A wheel had gone up on the kerb just a bit. Bexley
council, unreasonable as ever, said he had parked on the pavement and rejected
his appeal. However the Adjudicator at The Parking and Traffic Appeals Service
thought otherwise and said he was guilty only of imprecise driving and that the
offence was too trivial and too minor to warrant any action. Another waste of
money perpetrated by the liar Craske.
What can be done about the greed of Bexleys council, their constant
incompetence and the poisonous dwarf Craske? One of my correspondents wrote to
the Tax Payers Alliance which has featured Bexleys stupidity several times and
they encouraged him to organise protest groups outside the Civic Centre. Protests
do seem to have had some effect elsewhere and several times recently I have received
messages from groups who have organised protests in other towns.
One of these specifically targets gestapo wagons which it calls scameras. They act
entirely within the law and even get police approval of their activities
beforehand. The stated aim is to ensure the gestapo wagons operate entirely
within the law too and to this end they shadow them on motorcycles, with
video cameras and the like, from the moment they leave their depot to the moment
they return at night. I held off on giving this one publicity while I looked
into how legal it all was but it seems OK and has gone off without any trouble
in just a handful of towns so far. The group judges Bexley to be among the countrys
top authorities when it comes to parking malpractice and thinks we should be
next on its list. However it would help get things underway if they knew where
the cars are garaged overnight and where their hotspots are. The report above
suggests Sidcup High Street on a Sunday night may be one and
Blackfen Road
almost any time certainly is, but where do Bexleys four scamera cars go at the
end of the day? And where are their regular hotspots? If they can be told, a
group of motorcyclists is ready to ensure that Bexleys gestapo wagons operate safely and within the law.
There is an amusing (?) video at
showing how Westminster council put up both turn left and straight ahead notices
at a road junction and parked a scamera there to issue fines to drivers who went
straight ahead. Its a nice trick worthy of the purple pygmy himself. If you
think the group should target Bexley next we must find out where those cameras
are parked overnight and find out where they regularly lurk during the day and allow the
NoToMob group to keep a friendly eye on them. It may be a rare chance to get on nearer to
even terms with Craskes evil activities.
23 February (Part 1) - Dont shoot the messenger
James Brokenshire has posted
a letter about the closure of Queen Marys Hospital (QMH) from the Health Secretary on his website.
As expected, local objections and Mr. Brokenshires own
publicly stated views have been over-ruled and a plan involving local GPs is to go ahead. I hope
mine isnt included. Its not that he isnt a good doctor, he may be, but his
surgery is a shambles and as a result Ive seen him only once in the seven years
of my registration there. When I phone I am always told that all the appointment slots
are taken and I should call again next day and when I do so I get the same. The receptionist
quite clearly takes great delight in playing this game and when a year ago I was really unwell
and in great pain I was told to dial 999. I did so and was
taken to the Queen Elizabeth
Hospitals A&E. (QEH). Dont go there if you can possibly avoid it. Last time I
was at QEH for a check up I told the doctor about that incident and he said waiting up to
14 hours is now commonplace but at least now that the government has relaxed the four hour
target they are no longer tossing sick people out on to the streets after 235 minutes.
The sick are not well served in Bexley. I dont suppose my own GP is alone in
having callous receptionists and operating an appointments lottery but at least
I have been able to jump on the train to Crayford and see a doctor there at any
time without an appointment. A great service for Bexley residents but Bexley
Care Trust has decided to close down the walk-in surgery. The last patient gets seen next Sunday.
The health authorities are as bad as Bexley council in their dishonesty and
often they are in each others pockets. When one of QEHs consultants became
so worried about the management killing his patients through enforced neglect he
blew the whistle on them and was promptly sacked for his pains. If you Google
the name Ramon Niekrash you will find scores of pages on his battle with the
authorities which cost him around £140,000 of his own money to pursue. He was
eventually rewarded with his job back and the knowledge that hospital management
had been found guilty of criminal acts. Some of them were promoted as
their reward and Dr. Niekrash has gone back to caring for his patients and
nursing a large hole in his bank balance. I did hear that there is to be a
support event for Dr. Niekrash at QEH next Monday but I can find no confirmation on the web.
Why do whistleblowers get so badly treated? Bexley council has published its
whistleblowing policy but almost by definition whistleblowers are an
embarrassment and must be sacked in the stampede to hide the truth while the
wrong-doers are given protection.
Events at the Thames Innovation Centre
illustrate this unfortunate routine and councillors condone it. This particular
case is still rumbling on so I cannot say much about it but one day I hope to be
able to expose councillor Campbell
as the malign accuser, judge and executioner I believe him to be.
22 February - Blackfen Library; another work of genius
the report a few days ago about the Bexley Central Library
comment has come in from Blackfen suggesting the same council genius has been at work
there too. I dont know Blackfen well except that it is regularly
attacked by Craskes gestapo team
and he has reduced the parking facilities there to
penalise motorists as much as he can, but apparently Blackfen Library used to be
an imposing 1930s building behind The Oval in Cedar Avenue and free of any
parking problems. The roads were quiet enough for youngsters to be
allowed to visit the library without having to be accompanied by an adult.
This was far too sensible and convenient for the powers that be in Bexley to
allow to continue. They insisted that the library be moved to the busiest
stretch of road they could find in Blackfen, in a converted shop with minimal parking provision
nearby. The converted shop/library is almost opposite SE Tyres who
have suffered so much at the hands of councillor Craske. Probably a
financial savings case was contrived in order to justify the move complete with
a bogus consultation exercise. Then of course there is the extra income
stream to be generated by
trapping unwary motorists via the tactics
reported so many times before.
Maybe the decision was taken before his time but with a distinguished
historian in charge of libraries in the borough you would think that old
buildings might be given more respect than a visit by a wreckers ball. The
old library site is now occupied by a block of flats. Maybe its new position
will have a greater footfall than the old one.
21 February - Vali Baba and the 40 62 thieves stage another pantomime
On the evening of 2nd March at 19:30 in the Crook Lodge
Civic Centre there will be a full council meeting, the previous one being on the
17th November since when the
councillors present have ripped off the taxpayer to the tune of a quarter
of a million pounds, more than enough to pay councillor Tandys phone bill. Its
an important occasion because it affords a rare opportunity to see just how
talentless most of these people are and marvel at the total ineffectiveness of
the chairman and mayor, Val Clark. However far more important than that is the
opportunity it gives for the public to ask questions. The parasites dont
like it; every other form of probing question delivered through alternative channels
can be fobbed off with silence, non-answers or lies. Even James Brokenshire MP has been
meted out with the same treatment. When he sent in a load of
statistics on parking charges which he said he couldn’t understand and asked for
an explanation he was told by the parking manager, Tina Brooks, that she didn’t
recognise his figures. She may have had a point as they came from the council’s
website and the truth averse councillor Craske. But written questions sent to the council in
advance of the meeting do get an answer. (I understand there is a complaint outstanding about the parking manager being
unclear about the sources of the [her own departments] data.)
Councillors are vulnerable to probing questions and have set up a few defensive obstacles.
Any one person is only allowed two questions. It has recently been established there
is nothing in the councils standing orders that can justify a limit but they
impose it nevertheless and I imagine that now they know they havent a legal leg
to stand on the orders will be amended lest democracy is allowed to get
the upper hand. I sent in a fairly simple question last week and followed it
with a slightly trickier one. It was rejected on the grounds that I had asked
three questions even though no rule exists that I couldnt. I hadnt asked two
questions within the second one; it was one question but clumsily worded
with a full stop in the middle. I swapped a couple of words around and replaced
the full stop with a comma and the question was accepted. Staff must be instructed
to use every trick in the book to avoid residents probing into councillors
shady dealings. A question that would require a councillor to give an opinion
rather than a yes/no answer or provide data is also a no-go area. Forget
transparency, this is Bexley council at work.
Once the question has been accepted it and its answer will eventually finish up
in published council records and on the web which is a lot better than having it filed in the bin
as too many seem to be. Even FOIs are ignored, Several are
currently unanswered long after the legally imposed timetable has expired. At the meeting
itself only 15 minutes are allocated to answering questions which is another
good illustration of Bexleys contempt for democracy. The actual procedure is
laughable. The questioner is allowed to stand up - you think I am going to say
and ask his question dont you? Dont be silly, that would mean the audience
would be left in no doubt as to what the question is. No, the questioner is only allowed to stand up and
listen to the answer. On past form that may mean a filibuster incorporating a deception or two and
a failure to answer the question. (Craske again!) The beauty of the system is that members of the
public in attendance dont know its not been answered because they havent heard
the question. Its another aspect of Bexley councils corrupt operation. Youd
think the chairman would step in and insist the question was answered but she presides
over this pantomime dressed up like its dame and kidding herself that she is
a competent chairman. If only she knew.
It has been brought to my attention that my blog of
2nd February
implied that MP James Brokenshire had meekly accepted Tina Brooks
evasion of his questions and gone away. This is not the case, I am told he
agreed to his constituents suggestion that he hold fire until the constituent
had sought more information from the council. That is still on-going and currently
yet another example of Bexley councils inability to answer awkward questions.
20 February - Shock horror! One of Craskes figures may be right - not that it helps his case much
months ago councillor Craske was excusing his blatant and illegal profiteering with a
list of figures he emailed to any resident who complained about his plan to
triple parking charges within Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs). Since then his
figures for permit cost production, linings and markings, IT and staff
accommodation have all been shown to be wrong by Freedom of
Information (FOI) requests. His £30,000 cost of Traffic and Road Safety Schemes
has been shown to be the spending of the profits of the residents parking
scheme and not expenditure on the scheme at all. Craske is now shown to be a
liar through and through but one of his figures has gone unchallenged - until now.
Craske claimed the staff cost of running the scheme was £258,000 per annum, a
figure which given the high overheads of employment costs these days I assumed
would mean six or seven full time posts. With about a half off sick, one
on holiday it leaves around five to send out 3,000 permits each year, some penalty
notices (PCNs) and deal with a few telephone calls from irate motorists and the
odd appeal to be fought with the adjudicator. How many is some? I can find no
exact figure but the chart taken from a council report shows that just over
5,000 PCNs were issued in residents bays last year. (The third column.) So with about 240
working days a year thats 12 permits and around 20 PCNs a day. Not a lot is it
for five or six people even if they do waste a lot of time having their
ear chewed off by motorists and having their knuckles rapped by the adjudicator?
There will be other things to do no doubt, but if these people are employed
solely on CPZ related things what else is there to do but issue the permits,
issue the PCNs, process them and take the occasional phone call? They dont
do enforcement, Craske accounts for that separately.
So what did the latest FOI reveal? Nothing new except that my estimate of six or
seven employees based on Craske’s £258,000 a year is wrong. The true answer is
ten. Not ten individuals but the equivalent of ten people based on the fact that
a larger number share CPZ and non-CPZ work, but the FTE works out at ten. (Full
Time Equivalents). Cushy little number isn’t it? So roughly speaking each of
them issues a permit once a day and deals with a couple of PCNs. We all know
that councils are inefficient but this is ridiculous. Perhaps they
do their jobs meticulously and with loving care and
attention? Doesnt look like it.
Buried in the councils expenditure record for November 2010 is the fact that
they paid a six figure sum to Vincipark Services, their payment for enforcement
services. But wait a minute; Bexley has not used Vincipark for nearly a year,
they lost the contract to NSL. So that doesnt look very efficient does it? On a pedantic note, in
a previous analysis of Craskes figures, I estimated the
proportion of parking admin. work that comes from CPZs to be 12% of the total. On that
basis it could be calculated that Craske had grossly exaggerated his figures,
some might say he lied. The most recent developments, FOIs etc., have
shown the true figure to be a little under 10% (just over 5,000 against 54,583
PCNs). So it seems that Craske is even
further from the truth than I thought he was.
If you think Craskes perpetual dishonesty merely brings misery to residents who
have to cough up an inflated fee, think again. A lady called in to say that because
he has convinced himself and his parasitic pals that the CPZ scheme is losing money
he wont install a new one even where residents are desperate to have it.
19 February - Bringing home the Bacon
Lets talk about a council service that runs reasonably well, at least it
does for me and no complaints have been received from anyone else, and thats
the refuse collection since Serco took over. Its a long time since I was chased
indoors by a ranting dustman demanding a tip - he said I had put out too much
cardboard and he had taken it only as a favour - and I seem to have cured their
tendency not to reach in to collect my couple of supermarket bags at the bottom
of the bin. I now put them in one of the clothing collection bags that are
regularly poked through letterboxes which are long enough to be reachable if you
put them in the bin appropriately. It is impressive in a way that Bexley has
achieved quite good recycling rates without resorting to criminalising the
population. Maybe councillor Craske could learn a thing or three about treating
residents with some degree of respect too. Err, sorry
flight of fancy there.
I am very fortunate to have a small recycling bank within easy walking distance,
if it wasnt for that I might be singing an entirely different tune. All my
paper, glass, plastic and tins are taken there daily and my only complaint is
that they keep shuffling the bins around and as a result and out of habit I once
put all my glass in the plastics bin and vice-versa. Some people seem to do that
deliberately, this morning I spotted a leather belt, some plastic bags, a couple
of pop bottles and a load of polystyrene in the paper bin. Im afraid its a
regular occurrence. I suspect its people who cant read, what other excuse can
there be? I can just about accommodate the green and brown bin in my front
garden without creating an eye-sore; there is no way I will ever accept more and
while the recycling bins are nearby I dont have to.
In one of the papers this week was an investigation into council bins and the
different policies across the country. Some councils manage with a single bin
and Newcastle-under-Lyme issues nine into which residents are expected to segregate
different materials. Utterly ridiculous. In the middle of the table were 78 councils using
five bins. I assume Bexley was one of them, Im not counting the small kitchen
scraps bin which is a bit of an optional extra. So do we have someone on the
council with a modicum of intelligence who masterminded a reasonably successful
scheme? If we do it seems likely it is councillor and cabinet member Gareth Bacon.
Councillor Bacon is nothing if not a good organiser. He is employed full time
recruiting staff for local government jobs for Eric Pickles to get
sacked - nice synergy that - and it probably provides him with a comfortable
living. Except that the job is a bit too parasitic on the state for my liking I
dont grudge him a decent income for a decent days work; what
isnt so easy to take is grabbing large sums from the taxpayer for an hour
or two spent here and there on voluntary sinecures.
Bacon is not only councillor for Bexleys Longlands ward and cabinet member for
the environment he is chairman of the London Fire Brigade Performance Management
Committee and member of the London Assembly. How can he find the time for
all these part time jobs on top of his 9-5 in London?
He is a bit of a control freak, maybe that helps. After the Metropolitan Police
Authority investigated the use of kettling, that is the police entrapping
people they have taken a dislike to for hours on end, and found it of dubious
value, and Her Majestys Inspector of Constabulary produced a critical report,
Gareth Bacon advocated its use and went further by suggesting police have
cameras sewn into their uniforms. Not nice to know we have a councillor in favour of
imprisoning pregnant ladies and other innocents. I wonder what his views are on
bashing newspaper sellers over the head? Odd that he supports police thuggery but is
critical of firemen and transport workers.
He may be right on the latter, maybe there is a case for taking away their free
travel perks, but Bacon is not the man to do it. He hypocritally claims a Zone
annual travel card from the public purse. Well done Gareth, Ive never heard of
anyone but you getting free travel to his London office without having his collar felt.
You have to hand it to him. A nice job shuffling people around to various
council and quango non-jobs and in the few hours left over at the end of the
day, juggling four voluntary jobs netting the best part of eighty thousand pounds. His
missus is on the same game too. I suppose he should be called a professional
politician. At least he delivered something worthwhile to Bexley for the vast
amount of money he takes us for. Craske and the other bungling amateurs must be
envious. I still cant believe how that the whining councillor Tandy has the cheek to
say he takes his £18k. because he needs to own a computer and a phone.
The newspaper investigation came up with this result
Nine bins, one council.
Seven bins, 20 councils. Six bins, 37. Five bins, 78. Four bins, 125. Three or fewer bins, 161.
18 February (Part 2) - The Crook Lodge
to reader Carol for the tip-off about this sign, you are quite right, it should
be moved and put outside the Civic Offices.
I have been pulled up by a reader for saying that only
one councillor had the courage to say No
in response to a direct request to cut his generous allowances, others have said the same in differing
circumstances. He says that councillor Peter Catterall has been asked to cut his allowance
as a personal contribution to his Big Society inspired idea to get libraries staffed by
volunteers. He too has responded with a resounding No.
That is not all he has said and some of it I have sympathy for. Catterall says
central government, in order to balance the nations books after the fiscal
incompetence of the previous regime, has reduced our grant by nearly 30 per cent
and we face challenging circumstances. Cant really argue with that. The
outgoing government left a note saying there is no money, we know that. Its
why the present government is getting so aggressive, if rather toothlessly at
present, with council fat cats. Its because there is no money that the
occupants of the Civic Offices cant expect to keep taking it. They will tell
you that they have frozen their allowances but they are not proposing everyone
else takes a freeze; everyone else is expected to take a cut.
Peter Catterall is one of eleven Bexley councillors each taking in excess of £22,000 a year for a few hours
a week of voluntary work. None of them have to do it if they dont want to.
They are in it for the money and in some cases their power lust. Ive not heard
Catterall whining like; oh Im fed up with this anonymity lark, its too
restrictive, councillor Colin Tandy (St. Marys ward, £18k. a year) that he has
had to buy a computer to do his job but he is an academic who almost certainly
gets a pretty good income from it. Why does Peter Catterall who strikes me as
one of the more intelligent members of our council (probably not difficult)
think he should be immune from the pain but be so ready to inflict it on others?
Do I need to mention the disabled children to be put on the regular bus to school
to save an amount of money much the same as if Catterall and friends brought
their allowances down from the top end of the council spectrum to something nearer the low end?
As I said the other day, Teresa ONeill is raking in more than three times
what some counterparts in other boroughs are getting. And what do we get for it?
Almost the highest taxes in London. They are greedy, they have no conscience,
and Carol is right; the Crook Lodge sign should be outside the Civic Offices.
18 February (Part 1) - Readers right
Most days I get an email from a reader, sometimes more than one, but Teresa
ONeills appointment to be Boris Johnsons adviser has provoked quite a flurry.
The general theme is why are Bexleys residents having to foot the bill for
our representative to swan around the capital working for the Mayor. Its a good
question; I dont know the answer but some of these correspondents say they are
going to start writing letters. A couple are commenting on ONeills somewhat
suspicious reactions to the Ian Clement affair. We will have to await the outcome.
Another email was about libraries. There was an interesting news report in
last Mondays Telegraph
about the government being prepared to step in if councils over-did the cuts, councillor Catterall please note. However my correspondent had a different take on library matters.
I feel I have blogged quite enough already for this week so I am going to give myself,
and you, a rest and merely publish what my correspondent said.
In the days of yore the staffed counters for issuing/returning books and any
enquiries were located close by the library entrance/exit. How very sensible.
When they were remodelled some genius in the council decided that with computer
technology the customers could issue and return books to the system themselves
thereby enabling staff numbers to be reduced and the few that are left to sort
out queries could be located as far away from the entrance/exit as possible. Pure
genius! (Bexleyheath, Erith, and Blackfen are examples of this and there could be others.)
The consequence is as anyone with an iota of common sense
could have foreseen, that the magazines and newspapers are walked out the
library doors almost as soon as they are put out. Being retired I used to enjoy
browsing the magazines and newspapers but nowadays the only ones available seem
to be ethnic ones which very few can understand. How many books and other
stock goes missing I wonder because there is no staff presence near the exits?
I would not be surprised if it is a lot. All it would take to restore common sense at
Bexleyheath library for example would be to put the entrance back to the corner
where it used to be. There would then be no need for the ramp/steps as at
present since the entrance would already be on the correct level for disabled
access. I wonder if the council genius who decided that the entrance/exit should
be moved from its previous excellent location has now left the council employ so
that the original location could be reinstated? This is how it seems to work
with crazy council inflicted so called traffic management or calming schemes viz.
wait until the initiator moves on then
quietly put back arrangements as they
were. How much the whole farce costs is irrelevant of course.
Thanks Les. Nice one. I hope you have started a trend. Quickest blog
production ever.
17 February - Craske can make CPZs disappear, by magic or neglect
seems to be simply ages since I last reported on the subject of Controlled
Parking Zones (CPZs) and councillor Peter Craskes lies and deceptions; but the
Freedom of Information Act has been his undoing. Well up to a point, sometimes
when things get too embarrassing the council wont answer the question.
Questions submitted under FOI legislation produced confirmation that Craske had
lied over the question of accommodation, IT, printing and white lining costs but
stony silence on whether a best value for money process was employed in selecting
the current parking permit format? Should we think the true answer was No?
Other questions that were ignored are Why did the council, in
their review, not consider any parking permit regulation other than price? and
As the Penalty Charge Notice income is stated to be less than the on-street
enforcement costs, does the council accept that it may need to address its own
cost base? No answer. Draw your own conclusions.
Craske himself is an intemperate and hot headed man now the subject of a
complaint to The Standards Board for England over his unwarranted outburst against a member of the public at
a council meeting on 17 November
last year and his very different excuses put forward at two subsequent local standards board
hearings. That verbal assault was not however his only indiscretion on the evening of the 17th.
The case against Craskes CPZ price increases has been conducted by Mr. Nicholas
Dowling who lives somewhere near Bexley village - and a few others independent of him.
Mr. Dowling challenged Craske at the same meeting about financial losses he claims are caused by
the CPZ schemes. Craske, flustered, ruddy-faced and losing the argument suddenly shouted
out that he would order the CPZ in Nicholass road to be removed tomorrow
to shut Nicholas up. I thought Craskes promise to be very strange behaviour indeed
but then Craske is not exactly the most rational thinker or he might not have
been caught lying so often. How could he promise Mr. Dowling that he would order
the removal of his CPZ the very next day without consulting all the other residents in
his road? But democracy is not something that would ever enter Craskes thick skull
so I suppose he thinks he can do what he likes while most of the electorate lets
him get away with it. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and Councillor Craske is
appears to be on a mission to prove it.
I think Mr. Dowling is still in correspondence with Craske on the removal of his
CPZ. Ill see if I can extract some up to date info from him.
2 illustrates the state of one of the CPZ signs in the borough. It is a legal requirement that a Start and End
appears on both sides of the road at every boundary point of a CPZ. I know of
someone who had a fine cancelled by the adjudicator because the signs were only fitted
on one side of the road. In Northumberland Heath if you are interested.
The sign must meet certain criteria one of which is the red circle, the standard shorthand for
traffic signs that have a compulsory element. Where is the red circle on this
one? How come that the £36k. Craske says is spent on renewing markings
etc. each year doesnt run to a pot of red paint? Almost certainly because he
conjured up that figure when put in a corner to explain his parking permit price
hike and forced to attempt to lie his way out of trouble. Does he rue the day? I
doubt it, he is surrounded by sycophantic Tories willing to cover up his
wrong-doing. Who are they? Ah, councillors Fuller, OHare, Cheryl Bacon and
Betts but you can be sure that any of the others would have done the same.
16 February (Part 2) - Council of despair
give up. There is too much material to squeeze into a single daily entry so I
am slipping in this extra one for today. Most of this mornings newspapers are
full of Eric Pickles latest wheeze, this time it is to get councillors to vote
on the top pay rates for officials. Its just political posturing which will
make no difference at all. Councillors and fat cats are All in this together
greasing each others palms. Our own part-time council leader now at Boris
Johnsons beck and call makes no secret of the fact that she thinks her top
officials are good value and worth every penny. Pickles is
wasting his time with feeble gesturing when he is up against the sort of intransigence, blinkered views
and greed of council heavyweights like Teresa ONeill.
Yesterdays Daily Mail was busy castigating council leaders who had voted to
bump up their own allowances by what they believe are excessive amounts. Over
a period of five years some have seen increases of 158%, averaging about 70%.
Bexley wasnt listed because theirs havent gone up so steeply; the reason is
that they have always been high. Even after getting a 158% rise for which he is
headline news in the Mail, the leader of Rochford council in Essex gets exactly
three quarters of what ONeill grabs from us. She gets more than three
times as much as the leader of Norwich City council. More than the leader of
Suffolk County council and three and a half times as much as
the leader of Tandridge council in the heart of Surreys stockbroker belt. But ONeill and her fellow councillors
think they are hard done by.
Not so long ago a resident wrote to all Bexleys councillors asking if they
would consider taking a pay cut and one had the courage to respond. For that
reason alone I will protect his identity, he doesnt deserve to be singled out
because the other 61 are even worse. This councillor said As I said to you
on the telephone - no. and goes on to complain that the allowances are taxable
and whine about having to buy a computer (are there any well-heeled people, as
councillors generally are, who dont have their own computer anyway?) and has to
pay his telephone bill. If he isnt on a package that gives him as many free
calls as he can make for around £17 a month he is mad! This whining chump also
claims that Bexley council allowances are nowhere near the maximum and offer
fair value. The only councils on the Daily Mail list of high payers which are
above Bexleys average for councillors are Haringey and Birmingham;
socialist paradises both. We dont elect Conservatives to cast envious eyes in
the direction of the greediest of our rotten boroughs or to think fair value
is good enough for Bexley residents. We expect excellent value but we dont look
like we will get it from ONeills talentless shower.
Moving on to more pleasant things, what’s the horse all about? It arrived last
Sunday and is to industrial Belvedere what that fish out of water is to run-down
Erith. Both sit on a roundabout at the end of Bronze Age Way, the horse at the
western end. No one could disagree that the area needs some loving attention,
the place is a dump (polite version!) but I could think of places where the
horse might be admired more often. It is
made of many small bits of metal and looks quite flimsy. There are several scrap
yards nearby and I fear for its longevity. With impeccable timing
The Caledonian
Mercury, a Scottish local paper, publishes today a story of how one of the same
sculptors pieces has been destroyed by a speeding motorist. The paper lists
similar mishaps nearby. Fingers crossed for Belvederes cob then.
16 February (Part 1) - Sheltered Homes Are Misled
Bexley council is keen to persuade us that they are consulting over cuts but
their consultations are usually a pretence. The mayor and cabinet system was
approved after a web based poll in which there was no control over duplicate
votes and which failed to attract even 100 voters. For all we know most of them
could have been councillors with their eye on the money. Itll be the same with
the Bexleytalks on-line consultation. I looked there yesterday and found myself
caught up in a debate about Wootton Bassett railway station. The navigation is
appalling but when I got to the Bexley section I found it had 49 signed up
members debating six different topics, five of them started by the same person.
49 people out of a population in excess of a quarter of a million! Lets hope
the main guy is a Bexley resident, otherwise the thing would be a bigger farce than I think it is.
The council Leader and the CEO were supposed to tour the borough meeting the
people. The only road-show I went to
the shameful pair
didnt turn up. The librarian (the venue was a library) later said the cowards
turned up some hours later after being tipped off that I and an accomplice had gone home.
It would be my accomplice, he is well known at the library, I am not. At least it
shows us what consultation means to Teresa ONeill and her over-paid CEO.
The council has been consulting residents in sheltered accommodation and
sending out questionnaires. The first attempt failed totally because it was far too
complicated and another one has been issued and a couple of council officials are
touring the homes to explain the changes. Only a month ago they sent out
a letter
saying they werent anticipating any significant impact when it was obvious
from the level of financial cuts to be made that there are bound to be changes. A
warden in one of the homes
spilled a few beans at the time.
Now a resident in one of the homes who saw that report has added her own
It has been explained to me that there are many sheltered homes in Bexley
(my research suggests nearly 40) and they are managed by several different
companies who I assume may not all operate in the same way. All are funded by
Bexley council and those funds have been cut as revealed in last months letter
to residents. My source is in a home managed by a company called
Avante. It is my understanding that in addition to the weekly rent Avante
charge a compulsory fee for Warden Services. The warden works a normal week of
about 37 hours and is a salaried member of Avantes staff paid to offer any
reasonable assistance that the residents may require. Pension and tax queries,
maybe low level medical advice; that sort of thing. I am told, though it seems
very strange to me, that Avante proposes that the warden surcharge on rents
becomes voluntary, the logic being - though I fail to see
it - that lots of residents will opt out and not be eligible for warden
assistance. This in turn will allow the wardens hours to be reduced along with
the salary. Im not sure how that saves Avante money but I can see it causing
all sorts of chaos. I have run out of pills and will die if I dont get some
soon, could you run down the chemist for me? No, you didnt pay your dues this
week because you said councillor Craske stole all this weeks pension after you
parked in an unmarked residents parking bay.
So what did Avante have to say when these concerns were voiced at the
consultation meeting? Nothing, because they didnt bother to turn up. The
questions were fielded by two unfortunates from Bexley council who probably
through no fault of their own knew little. All they had to say was that there had been a
very good response to the latest questionnaire although when a quick poll was
taken of the residents present, fewer than 5% had answered it. I had hoped to be
able to give a link to the questionnaire on the councils website but it isnt
there; the latest one on-site is about a different consultation held in 2006. You
are going to have to make do with my
scanned copy. Will elderly
residents appreciate being asked if they are still the same sex now that they
were born to? I doubt my 90 year old aunt would have a clue what gender reassignment is.
More seriously some questions seem to lead the respondent to a particular
answer. Should support only be provided when there is a need. Well yes,
anything else would be a waste but that answer will lead to a further reduction in warden hours
which not so long ago were 24/7. The constant request to explain below the reasons
for your answer would cause me difficulty let alone someone who may not enjoy playing
with words. No wonder there has been a sub-5% response from one group of residents.
Similar consultations are being held between parents of children with
Special Education Needs who are on course to have £1,650,000 knocked
off their budget by 2014. I hope to have a report from a parent soon.
PS. A bit late in the day I have found the consultation document and various
other things on-line but not at the usual Bexley site. Its at
https://www.engagespace.co.uk/engage/bexley/. Quite a lot of interesting
stuff there but it does make you realise that an awful lot of money must be
spent on fancy PowerPoint presentations; and what sort of idiot puts a
PowerPoint file on the web anyway? Its a program you own only if you have
spent a great deal of money on Microsofts top of the range Office Suite or are
sufficiently computer literate to find a free PowerPoint reader. Just the sort
of thing that the average sheltered housing resident will know all about.
15 February - Craske at it again
Last November councillor Peter Craske prevaricated at a council meeting to avoid
answering a question from a member of the public. To round it off he denied the existence of a
£4m. contract with the transport consultants Parsons Brinckerhoff
and made personal comments about the questioner that gave me the impression they
could only be designed to belittle him. A complaint about his behaviour was
pre-judged by our arrogant Mayor
before the Standards Board had a chance to meet so they were almost compelled to
support lies. After that judgment the minutes of the November meeting were
published and exposed Craskes untruthfulness. He said that there was a
correlation between his unnecessary remarks and the question but the minutes
proved that to be untrue so the complaint went back
to the councils Standards Board under the appeals procedure.
Craske has had to make up a new story. As I rather thought would be the case
he has been let off lying about there being no £4m. contract because it isnt
exactly £4m. It is going to work out at £3,999,999 or some similar as yet
unknown figure. His attempt to belittle the questioner is also said to be in
order because what he said was factually correct. The questioner once stood as
an independent in a council election and came bottom of the poll. True, but it had no
relevance to the matter in hand. Craskes previous excuse was the correlation,
now, discredited by the minutes, his excuse at appeal is entirely different. He wanted to
illustrate, by way of contrast, that in their respective wards the electorate had selected him
and not Mr. Bryant to represent them. So it would seem that anyone not elected is not a fit
person to ask legitimate questions in Craskes corrupt little world and
fair game for abuse if he sees fit. Every time he opens his mouth he proves himself a bigger cretin.
Personally speaking I couldnt care less what excuse the Standards Board comes
up with, I have become immune in some ways to Bexley councils corruption and
dishonesty. The fact theyve had to champion a totally different excuse for
Craskes behaviour after their first was discredited is just more evidence of
their corruption and grist for my mill. The councillors responsible for this cover up are
John Fuller (Lesnes Abbey) and
Nick O Hare (Blendon &
Penhill). Both more interested in protecting themselves than their electors.
My understanding is that the Standards Board for England has already been consulted on this
case and has recommended the Council Ombudsman be involved too.
14 February - Craske is not being truthful
If youve read anything about councillor Craskes plan to triple the cost of a
permit to park within a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) you will know that as with
many of Bexley councils operations his justification is based on deception and
lies and like anything built on deception, lies and not a little corruption it will
usually not bear close scrutiny. In the four or five months Ive been reporting
on developments quite a number of Craskes lies have been exposed, the
subject was last aired
two weeks ago, and today it is time for more.
Craske said last September
that it costs £36,000 a year to repaint the white
lines around residents parking bays which if true would add about £12 to the
cost of every parking permit. However a recent Freedom of Information (FOI)
request asking how much they spend says they dont know. Data not held is the
official answer which is most likely code for nothing at all. My photograph (taken this
afternoon) is of what is left of the white line around a four bay parking spot within a
Bexley CPZ. It can be covered by my cameras lens cap and the bays are apparent only
because the yellow lines either side of it are still visible. To be absolutely
honest I should add that there are two similar white blobs of paint two or three
car lengths away. If any money was actually spent on white lines you would think
this non-line would have been high on the priority list but Id put money on my
interpretation of the FOI answer being closer to the truth than Craskes wet
finger in the air assertion.
Craske reckons that 64% of
parking staff accommodation costs are attributable to staff engaged
on CPZ work. The FOI says the true figure is none because no one in the parking
office works exclusively on CPZ work.
Craske said that 3,081 permits were issued in the last year for which figures
are available and that demand is going up putting pressure on the scheme and
causing costs to rise. Economies of scale in Craskes world? No way! Figures
said to be taken from the councils website in the previous year show 3,081 to
be a reduction of nearly 800. I should add again for reasons of total
transparency that I did not see that figure myself, it was sent to me by an
interested party, but it probably doesnt matter whether that report is true or
not. The FOI answer says that the parking office has no data available for the
number of permits produced (or visitors tickets) for the princely sum of
£49,000. Craske said that computer costs for running the CPZ are about £12,000
a year. If they dont know how many permits and tickets are issued, pretty
fundamental stuff I would have thought, Craske might as well abandon his
computer database and go back to postcards in a shoe box. My Newham visitors
ticket is a nice piece of serially numbered card. Only 30 pence for the day too.
No cost at all for the residents. God help them when
Teresa ONeill starts dishing out her advice to Newham council.
The FOI answer throws light on a few other things too, like library managers
being included in the cost of operating CPZs but todays blog is quite long
enough already and there is always another day. Meanwhile I hope you will
forgive me if I continue to think that councillor Peter Craske is incapable of telling the truth.
13 February - Strange bedfellows
In my rush
to bring news of Teresa ONeills new responsibilities I missed a vital point.
Her new appointment by the Mayor is not to advise Waltham Forest
council but all Outer London boroughs. Boris Johnson has courted ONeill because
he admires your experience, common sense and judgment when it comes to matters
affecting outer London and he hopes you will have the time and willingness to
put that at my disposal. It is not my intention to make a public announcement. Despite that you can find
his letter to ONeill
on the Mayors website.
Has Boris taken leave of his senses and playing fast and loose with his reputation again? Is the appointment ONeills reward for
covering up after Johnsons
deputy and one time Bexley council leader, Ian Clement, was caught misusing his credit card?
ONeill was deputy leader under Clement and her denial of any knowledge of credit card
abuse and blaming junior staff for turning a blind eye or not realising what they
were doing doesnt ring true. ONeill subsequently refused to forward fraud
allegations to the police. Wont Boris getting into bed with someone with such a
dubious financial past risk damaging his own reputation just as it did when his
deputy Ian Clement and former Bexley council leader was convicted of fraud?
One must wonder where ONeill will find the time for the liaison, she claims to do her council
work full time and unlike leaders elsewhere not to be in any other full time employment. She was on
record very recently saying I work jolly long hours so
how much will Bexley be neglected because of her agreement to climb Boriss greasy pole?
Teresa ONeill can be seen as a singularly unimpressive performer at Bexley
council meetings and is the boroughs principal opponent to government pleas to
reduce fat cat salaries. She says they are good value. How can Boris possibly
think, without a hint of considering any other leader, that she is the most
suitable person to advise on economic, environmental and social policies?
11 February - Tough luck Waltham Forest
yesterday I was contrasting how Waltham Forest council deals with
residents with the contempt which Bexley hands down to its own, so I didnt know whether to laugh or cry when I read
todays Waltham Forest Guardian and saw that Bexley council leader
Teresa ONeill is to advise Waltham Forest on subjects including housing, transport and employment.
One reason for continuing with this site is the possibly vain hope that it might
embarrass the council into acting in the interest of residents rather than their
own egos and pockets so it was satisfying to receive a written leak which purports to come
from the council offices saying the top brass check it out each morning.
It is satisfying too that a Google or Yahoo search for Bexley council puts Bonkers
right under the councils paid for entry. I slipped up recently by giving a link
to the Bexley Voluntary Service Council website which promptly overtook Bonkers
on Google thanks probably to that boost. But following a bit of technical jiggery pokery
Bonkers is now back next to the councils site listing embarrassing those
who unjustly set out to penalise the residents they should be serving.
Yahoo, I note, puts another anti-Bexley council website on its front page. The
Bexley Council Monitoring Group
website developed by John Watson is gradually expanding.
10 February - London councils promise to freeze council tax. Bexley holds back
One thing that puts Bexley among the very worst councils in London and goes
a long way towards proving it, is the fact that 24 years ago their rates, as they
were then called, were third lowest in London and now they are almost the highest.
Last year 25 London boroughs froze the tax, four cut it and four raised it. I dont
have to tell you which group Bexley was in. A fundamentally lazy and anti-democratic state
of mind infests Bexley and the inefficiency pushes it inexorably to the top of the taxation
league. What else can explain the steady deterioration over a quarter of a century under
governments of every colour? The
latest press reports say that once again it is Bexley (and Wandsworth) which is
not yet in a position to guarantee a freeze for 2011. The other 31 boroughs have done
so; Wandsworth will probably reduce taxation, they did last year.
Apart from enriching themselves what are our councillors and their top
managers doing? I have been talking to people in Newham and Waltham Forest this
week and they dont have to pay for old furniture and domestic appliances to be
taken away and I heard a story about a parking ticket being cancelled in circumstances
I cannot believe would happen under Craskes evil regime - someone was delayed
while consulting an undertaker - yet their council taxes are lower. Newham has frozen
council tax for three years in a row. For Bexley to perform badly so consistently and
for so long it can only mean massive inefficiencies - so why are they now cutting front
line services when there has to be a huge amount of fat in the system?
9 February - Unfortunately it is Non-fiction
Cut backs to the library service seem to be raising hackles everywhere; it is
the subject of todays News Shopper Star Letter (Bexley edition) and it has
been whispered to me that it will be the same in the next issue of The Bexley
Times. Since I last mentioned the subject on the 5th I have found
councillor Peter Catteralls proposals on the council website, all very carefully worded of course.
He says I am hopeful that the community will demonstrate support for
their local libraries by offering to take on the management function, to reduce
costs. If, however, we are not able to secure this level of support from
residents, it will not be financially viable for the Council to continue to
provide this level of library service. I am also seeking to make the mobile
library service more cost effective, by charging for the service to our partners
in schools and care homes etc. who currently benefit from the service free of
charge. Depending on the level of buy-in, I may also need to consider rationalising
the mobile library service.
I was always under the impression that working in a library required a great deal of knowledge
and professional qualifications. A quick Google for becoming a librarian says I am
not wrong but maybe there is a distinction between library manager and librarian and Catterall
only proposes that managers should be volunteers. Wouldnt such an arrangement be crazy?
How would a professional librarian react to being managed by an enthusiastic amateur?
The most likely source of enthusiastic amateurs will be pensioners with time on their hands and
whilst I would not want to belittle their experience and devotion to the cause, how long will they
last when they find they have to foot some of the bills themselves? It is not
impossible that the council is going through the motions so they can say Look, we tried, but
the volunteers were too few and too unreliable so we had no option but to shut
the library and sell the building. There are
leaflets in libraries right
now asking for your comments about the future of libraries but the librarian I
spoke to says it is a waste of time filling them in as they have made up their
minds already. I expect they have.
I find it slightly odd that councillor Catterall speaks of charging for the
service to our partners in schools and care homes. Doesnt he know that
council has reduced the money it is paying to care homes by so much that they are
slashing staff wages there by 33%? Why does he believe that care homes have the spare
cash to pay for a mobile library service? I suspect that councillor Catterall is having his arm twisted
to make the proposal to justify his Cabinet Members allowance of £22,650 a year and he
doesnt really believe a word of it. Neither do we Peter.
8 February - The fat cats ignore the fat rats
A picture of rubbish in Fendyke Road, Belvedere appeared in
the blog for 1st
February because of a report a few days earlier about the
fly-tipping in
that part of town and the councils failure to clean it up. At the time the
rubbish in my photograph had been there for a week and eight days later
it is still there and the pile has grown. The north west of the borough needs an official dump because
the ones at Crayford and Foots Cray are both as far away from Belvedere as you
can get without crossing the borough boundary. If you havent got a car and
cant afford £27 per item for an official collection a nearby street is an
obvious attraction. Personally I have always found that large items can be cut
into many small pieces and put in the dustbin; over a period of several weeks if necessary.
Opposite where I live B&Q delivered a new bathroom suite last week. There is now
an old one and a good deal of miscellaneous rubbish dumped on private land
nearby. Its no good having a word with the culprits, they claim not to
understand a word of English.
For the record, the diversion signs placed around the area of the
burst water main five weeks ago are still littering roads up to a mile away
from the incident. Nobody seems to be interested in removing them.
I doubt I am going to get a reply from Eric Pickles to my
letter of 29 December
about Leader ONeills refusal to countenance any reduction in the level of
pay for Bexleys top staff. We are all in it together didnt you know? I chased it up
with an email to no avail but a helpful soul has sent a copy of a letter from
one of Pickles minions in reply to a similar enquiry which he followed up with
three emails and four telephone calls before getting any response. Basically
it says I am all hot air because I am not going to do anything and
falls back on easy platitudes like it would not be appropriate for the
Department to comment on individual cases and salaries are a local matter for
councils as individual employers.
Pickles recently said that high paid local government officers should take a
voluntary pay cut of 5 to 10% and I was told that Francis Maud the Conservative
Party Chairman on TVs Question Time last week said that the population should
be prepared to be rude to the fat cats in order to persuade them to see sense.
I think I have probably done my bit in that direction but for good measure will
add that my experience of C.E.O. Will Tuckley leads me to think he is a totally
useless git who benefits the borough not one jot let alone more than £4,000s worth a
week. Pickles appears to be all mouth and no trousers. How much ruder do we
have to get Mr. Maud?
5 February - Please tell me this is fiction
The aspect of the cuts which may have got most publicity is the closure of
several libraries and the proposal to staff some with volunteers. There has been
a good deal of scepticism as to whether or not such a system can work but it
seems the idea goes further than that. Bexley Voluntary Service Council (BVSC)
is the official body which promotes and co-ordinates dozens of local
volunteer groups and they get consulted by Bexley council on many issues,
library cuts among them, and at least one member of BVSC must be worried
because he or she has passed on some concerns.
It is said that some of the existing library buildings will be sold off and the
volunteers libraries which replace them will operate from local shops, village
halls, scout huts and the like. How the latter can operate as
facilities is beyond me; where will the books be stored when another
organisation hires the hall? It all sounds a bit far fetched but it gets
worse. Apparently the volunteers will be expected to foot some of the costs of
operating the library. Heating, lighting etc. How many volunteers are going
to fall for that one? But Bexley council does stupid things. I remember not believing their intention to
prosecute a resident whose payment was late because the due date fell on a bank
holiday but I was shown all the correspondence and found the incredible was
fact, so I have learned not to instantly dismiss reports that appear to be totally ridiculous.
This information has come from someone whose name I know, who I have met and can
speak to on the telephone and who holds a position in the community. He/she is
seriously concerned so it doesnt look like a wind-up and although I have kept
the identity under wraps I wasnt asked to. The information isnt a leak as
such, it is said to be common knowledge in some quarters and my
informant is expecting BVSC to back the proposal, possibly because they are in
the pocket of Bexley council and not a truly independent review body. Thats
difficult if it depends on the council for a grant. With luck, highlighting the
issue here will help to tease out a bit more detail or even a denial. Libraries
are the responsibility of councillor Caterall who was alone in
speaking sense at the last council meeting.
I remain sceptical but fully prepared to be shocked again.
4 February - Parking meters for the chop?
Last month someone from Bexleyheath reported that parking meters were being
replaced by double yellow lines without the council bothering to go
through the required legal procedures. The council said they were doing it because
parking meters had been stolen and Howard Ward-Corderoy
made it clear that the councils motives were pure malice against motorists.
Fortunately my correspondent persuaded Mr. Corderoy that what he had done was
illegal and, only temporarily it is true, free parking is now available where the meters once were.
Now someone has reported something similar in Welling. One parking meter head in
Edmund Road is missing and the adjacent one has been covered. No one knows why.
Just because one meter is stolen doesnt mean its neighbour will be, using that
logic all the meters in Welling should be taken away and its very hard to see how
a canvas bag can stop theft anyway. However arbitrarily
putting a meter out of order allows extra revenue from fines to be collected.
My informer says he saw a car at the bay with the covered meter ticketed and the
traffic warden said that parking there is now forbidden and that the council was
going to put in double yellow lines. Its odd that parking is said to be legal
in the first meter-less bay but not at the bagged one. If the meters are being
stolen or old ones for which no spares are available are vandalised its
obviously a problem but for victimizing motorists to always be the councils
first response is wrong and its about time they erred on the side of simple
justice when faced with problems rather than taking drastic action as
Ward-Corderoy boasted.
3 February - Penny pinching Hurts the vulnerable
One of this weeks news stories is that the council is looking for yet more
cuts to cover a shortfall in the governments grant to Bexley. How much extra
they are looking to save is unclear as yet but health,
adult social care and childrens services are all in the firing line again.
Times are hard, no one would deny that but the council fat cats are steadfastly
refusing to shoulder any of the burden themselves. Last October the council
Leader put out a story for the benefit of newspaper headlines that she was thinking
of reducing the number of councillors but didnt mention the idea at all at the
November meeting to discuss the cuts. She wont talk about
reducing councillors generous allowances at all and believes the staff on well
above the Prime Ministers salary deserve it and are worth it.
Councillors allowances add up to almost £900,000 a year, salaries of the fattest cats
another £2 million or so. If Leader ONeill had been serious about her proposal
to reduce councillor numbers by a third and imposed a modest reduction in allowances, half
a million would be saved. Modest salary reductions, not the draconian ones being imposed on
care home wardens, would push the savings
towards a full million. But no; its the vulnerable who must suffer again.
An example of this is councillor
David Hurts proposals for health
and social care. His ideas are unfortunately too jargon-ridden to be clear but
he speaks of using helpful technology as part of a new prevention model.
If this is restricted to the wearing of a pendant which includes an emergency
button then one must wonder why it hasnt been in use before now, but presumably
it goes beyond that. My experience of the very elderly is that they tend to hate
anything that relies on a plethora of buttons and I hope councillor Hurt accounts
fully for their requirements. The omens are not good because among his proposals
is for adult transport services and (their) closer integration with Bexley Care
Trust and to outsource our adult transport service to an outside provider.
This will provide a service focused more closely on the needs of customers, as
well as generating a financial saving. Presumably
councillor David Hurt does not
read the News Shopper because if he did he would know that some transport services are
already outsourced and things are not going well.
A recent episode involved a patient at Queen Marys with a 9.30 a.m.
appointment for chemotherapy whose transport arrived to collect her at
6.45 a.m. for the ten minute journey. If it was not for the intervention
of a neighbour who drove the old lady to Q.M.H. she would have missed her chance of
life-saving treatment and the hospital would have incurred the extra costs of another appointment. But it
doesnt matter because some bean-counter in an office has saved a few pounds for
his own organisation to the detriment of someones health and extra costs for a
hospital. If the fat cats werent so greedy some of these cuts would not be necessary.
2 February - News of the Residents Parking Permit saga. The Artful Dodgers are at it again
News of councillor Craskes dishonest scheme
to triple the cost of residents parking permits (even though the councils own website said they
were not making a loss fewer than 18 months ago) has gone all quiet so I enquired what might
have been happening recently. Ive obtained a copy of the letter James Brokenshire M.P.
sent to the Parking Manager on 6th December and I have seen the letter with which the Parking Manager,
Tina Brooks, fobbed him off on 4th January. Mr. Brokenshire had supplied a sheaf of statistics
sent to him by one of his constituents and asked how the significant increases in permit costs is
justified and requested a response to the points that have been raised.
Presumably he couldnt see how it was justified or he wouldnt have asked.
Ms. Brooks ignored the request excusing her failure to answer any of the points by claiming
I am unclear as to the sources of some of the data. It must be hard to write a letter
that tells the truth if you work for Craske and you value your job but you would have
thought that she would recognise that the source of all statistics on residents
parking permits can only be the councils website, its published
accounts and the information put out by Craske himself. When carefully analysed
it is full of contradictions and loads the costs with expenditure which is in
truth not expenditure but their spending of the profits.
As every resident should know, Bexleys CPZs (Controlled Parking Zones) operate for two
hours a day for five days a week whilst standard parking restrictions operate for around ten
hours a day for six days a week. So it beggars belief that the price increase is justified
by a claim that CPZ operation soaks up 56% of parking admin. costs, 44% of
enforcement costs, 50% of computer and IT costs and 64% of accommodation costs.
It is disappointing that the M.P. did not, so far as I know, ask for a proper
reply from Ms. Brooks but I suppose a junior minister is a very busy man and
challenging the lies perpetrated by Bexley council and Craske in particular
would be a full time job. But it is part of how Bexley council gets away with
the routine dishonesty and its illegal acts.
For the squeamish who may be upset at me labelling Craske a liar
I shall repeat that he is the man who claimed in the councils magazine and on its
website that there was a £4m contract with the transport consultants Parsons Brinckerhoff
and when questioned about it at a council meeting dodged the question
by saying there was no £4m contract. I note the contradiction was picked up and queried by the Chronicle series
of newspapers in their January issues. Craske is also the man who insulted a member of the public at a meeting
and dodged the standards board investigation by saying there was a correlation
between his insulting behaviour and what the member of the public had said.
Unfortunately for Craske the published minutes of the meeting state otherwise so the complaint
against him has gone back to the standards board under the appeals procedure. If
necessary it will go to the Standards Board for England. The time when Craske
may have been given the benefit of the doubt is long gone. Craske is also
responsible for the department that illegally extends yellow lines another case
of which has been reported to me today. Maybe lying
is the least of his misdemeanors.
1 February - Street clutter and fly tipping
is always gratifying to post something to the site and get a response from a
reader only an hour later which is what happened following
yesterdays blog. Pity it was to tell me that I may have got something
slightly wrong but Id rather be corrected than litter the site with inaccuracies.
I am told that it wasnt Bexley council that put up the diversion signs following
the water main burst in Abbey Road on 30th December, it was Thames Water. The
first of todays two photos was taken at dawn the day after the flood and my correspondent has been
chasing Thames Water to remove the signs for the last couple of weeks, so far without success. Perhaps Bexley council
should remove them under their fly-tipping policy as the signs have been
reduced to scrap under the weight of passing traffic and if they
cared at all about the safety of road users they would have stepped in.
are the itinerant
scrap collectors and drain gully thieves when you need them?
Only 50 metres away is a redundant sign that Bexley council is responsible for. A
New Road Layout Ahead sign has been unnecessarily distracting motorists for years. It was mentioned
in an email to Andrew Bashford, the man responsible for so many of Bexleys road disasters
back in March 2008 so its three years old, possibly more. For how long does an
altered junction remain new?
Another comment yesterday from the Abbey Wood end of town concerned fly-tipping
and the councils failure to remove furniture dumped in Fendyke Road a week ago (Photo 4). Bexley council charges a minimum of £27 to
remove an item of furniture which may go some way towards explaining why sights like this are common.
If you have something to say about fly-tipping or anything else about that part
of town theres a new forum for you,
Creating a town forum is a big undertaking so please take a look and support it if you can.