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Bexley Council - Still a bit Bonkers

Bexley-is-Bonkers: File removals

As part of the ongoing tidying of Bexley-is-Bonkers, some of the old and time expired entries have been removed. An attempt to access one of those files has caused a redirection to this page.

The subjects removed include…
• Councillor Peter Craske’s obscene blog and the documents relating to it.
• The untruthful statements made following Councillor Cheryl Bacon’s minor transgression of the Local Government Act in 2013.
• The list of dubious statements made by Councillor Peter Craske to justify a near tripling of the cost of Resident’s Parking Permits.
• The Index to unflattering references to Councillor Val Clark’s term as Mayor in 2010/11.
• The video recording of Councillor Linda Bailey apparently assaulting a member of the public and telling him “I can do what I like”.
• A selection of blogs relating to the malicious prosecution of former blogger John Kerlen for allegedly encouraging the abuse of Councillor Melvin Seymour; something the evidence quite clearly showed he did not do.
• Most blogs directly relating to Councillors Don and Sharon Massey who are no longer Members of Bexley Council.
• Many of the blogs relating to Councillor Colin Campbell who told lies about a Bexley resident on BBC TV but who is no longer a Member of Bexley Council.
• Blogs directly relating to Chris Taylor and Maxine Fothergill who are no longer Members of Bexley Council.

Associated blog.

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