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News and Comment September 2024

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24 September (Part 2) - Another inconsiderate commuter. PF14 HXZ

Micra PF14 HXZOne might have hoped that there would have been an answer to the Abbey Wood Parking Consultation which ended more than seven weeks ago, by now but so far nothing.

Informal conversations with neighbours suggest that the vote has gone heavily in favour of a Controlled Parking Zone and double yellow lines everywhere except in designated parking bays.

Meanwhile residents are regularly blocked in or out of their drives by selfish goons like the driver of Micra PF14 HXZ.

I can just about get my car out of the gap he has left for me (there is an enormous long Mercedes parked just behind the camera position) but next door, which is currently undergoing renovation with a succession of tradesmen’s vans stands no chance.

The road should never have been planned with such a stupid layout of drives although to be fair the original plans show it to be a No Parking area.

Bexley Council has had 37 years to fix it and been asked several times but insists that blocking the road here is entirely legal, and in terms of dropped kerb restrictions it is.


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