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News and Comment September 2024

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2 September - Idiots work for Cabinet Member Richard Diment. Does he know?

AK65 FUW Y674 XAYIt is always nice to get confirmation that Bexleyְ’s parking enforcement team is stupid as well as useless.

Reports on the two vehicles pictured within the past two weeks were both ignored despite the first of them being reported twice. Once on-line and again directly to the CEO who I happened to see working in the next road. Both relatively trivial compared to Bexley’s idiocy as revealed by Mr. Mustard on his parking blog.

Someone with a foot injury - not that that is especially relevant - had parked outside a Post Office in order to drop off a 22 pound parcel. He was on a single yellow but there were no loading restrictions so he was within his rights to do so.

Bexley Council disagreed and rejected the PCN Appeal 54 days after it was submitted. Twelve years ago a retired policeman proved beyond all reasonable doubt that it was Bexley Council’s policy to reject all Appeals without giving them any consideration at all. One might have hoped that those days, when parking was administered by the disreputable Cabinet Member Craske, had gone now that Councillor Richard Diment is in charge; but you would be wrong.

In the former policeman’s case, Bexley Council was so wrong and so intransigent that the Director of Customer and Corporate Services sent their victim a personal cheque to pay the fine, but it was declined.

Bexley Council’s line with the parcel poster was that he could have parked down the road and carried his 22 pound parcel which may well have been true - foot injury permitting - but it does not make unloading on a single yellow illegal.

They declined to withdraw the penalty and the case went to the Adjudicator thereby costing Bexley taxpayers £30. They lost; well, more accurately the Council withdrew at the last minute.

There are more details on Mr. Mustard’s blog linked in paragraph 2.


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