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News and Comment October 2024

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1 October (Part 1) - Charity begins at…

The Mayor's CharityWhen I went to the Paul Holloway Show last Wednesday the Mayor was there as the support act and she allowed him to dress her with all the chains and wotnot. Seems like an interesting job this year Paul, better than some in recent history that I can think of.

Mayor Sue Gower took the opportunity to plug her chosen charity and left some leaflets which had all been taken by the time I left. I messaged the Mayor to ask if I could have a copy and you may read it all here.

Not technically perfect at the time of writing but I will see if that can be improved over time. But for now everything apart from the QR code and the Pledge Form are probably good enough.

As the image here says - it may be more easily read if you click on it - Sue is supporting Counselling Matters Bexley which I had never heard of but it offers low cost or free mental health assistance.

You may have gathered that Sue has been kindly disposed towards BiB during occasionally difficult times and I shall have to work out to what extent I should return her generosity.

Sue Gower and her Court Jester Paul are hosting a special event at Danson House next Saturday at a cost of £28. Probably not my scene if for no other reason than Canapes sounds like gluten to me and in any case I have an engagement elsewhere but Paul is going to repeat his presentation which will definitely be worth hearing.

When there were six of us running BiB, all but one of the gang contributed £10 a month towards a legal defence fund should any one of us be attacked for truth telling and of course the F lady duly obliged.

When we were particularly unpopular in certain quarters we decided to send a decent sum - a hundred quid if I remember - to the then Mayor’s chosen charity. It was as you might guess a mischievous act more than a charitable one and we were rewarded with exactly what you might expect. Total silence.

I contributed to Rob Leitch’s Sidcup Garden project too but that was on condition of anonymity which was respected. Rob was Deputy Council Leader at the time.

Who is going to help Sue ‘make a difference’?


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