27 June (Part 1) - They would say that wouldn’t they?
am becoming increasingly annoyed with parties that cannot be bothered to knock
on doors or issue leaflets to bring their candidates to my attention.
I haven’t a clue
who my Conservative candidate (PDF) might be and in a constituency
that would vote for a clown if it wore a red rosette, and it probably will, it doesn’t really matter who I vote for.
Elsewhere in the borough there is apparently an election going on. I know mainly through watching candidates on Twitter/X.
They all say much the same thing. That everyone they meet is going to vote for them. I smile broadly while muttering “bloody liar”.
It may however be true because their databases steer them towards friendly doors, the object being to shore up their core vote.
At least the Reform candidate is not secretly ashamed of their party’s policies and keeping them
under wraps. I imagine the other two are far too embarrassed to talk about them. If not, they should be.
On Sunday I told the IPSOS Mori inquisitor that with a heavy heart I would vote Reform on 4th
July. I have no reason to believe their candidate is dishonest.
Click on any image to view them at a more sensible size.