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News and Comment June 2024

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19 June (Part 2) - Unreformed

vetting.comApparently Nigel Farage has only just discovered that he has recruited some very dubious election candidates for Reform UK. One doesn’t have to wander very far from Bexley to find them despite him engaging to look into their backgrounds. is owned by Colin Bloom who the Daily Telegraph describes (see panel) as the Conservative Party’s faith adviser under Boris Johnson.

But he was more than that. I voted for him here in Erith & Thamesmead back in 2010 when he was the Conservative general election candidate despite him wrongly accusing me of supporting UKIP. (I did but not enough to vote for them.)

His election address claimed a connection to Thamesmead but stopped short of claiming local residency. He was photographed with several Bexley Councillors, maybe he didn’t know them all or has forgotten about some but whatever the case he failed to uncover everything he might have done.

If Colin Bloom had asked to borrow my two fat files of information or asked any number of local victims Nigel Farage might have found rather more honest candidates.

He may be a Conservative but at least Louie French in Old Bexley has no record of Court proven dishonesty.


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