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News and Comment July 2024

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8 July - Not good enough

Just a month ago I ventured to say that “Every generation needs to learn that Socialist governments are not the solution to anything”; it always happens but I thought it might take longer than four days.

Janice Ward-WilsonOne of the scandals of the modern age is that even relatively well off people cannot buy their own home and one might argue are thereby deprived of having a fulfilling family life. Something has gone very wrong in the last 30 years. I bought my first home when I was 21 and my son, with £10k. of family help, did the same within a couple of years of leaving university. Imagine £10,000 being enough to make a real difference today.

Ordinary people cannot do that any more and any Government that fails to tackle it is itself a failure.

On The Murky Depths news and opinion website the Abbey Wood based author makes no secret of the fact that he is a reluctant renter living in constant fear of eviction and has already said his piece about the new Chancellor’s stance. The extract shown here is selected paragraphs and is far from telling the whole Murky story. Please take the link to avoid any bias I may have introduced.

From reading the authorְ’s X comments I would judge that he was always a bit of a sceptic when it come to the new Government.


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