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News and Comment July 2024

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1 July (Part 2) - The final straw

Control freakeryMy political pendulum has been swinging towards Reform UK for about a week now but this little headline from yesterday’s Mail on Line finally did it for me.

I am going to upset a few Councillor friends with this and it may not amount to much but everyone will have his tipping point. That photo may have been mine.

It sums up everything I have come to hate about Tory Britain. A surveillance state obsessed with control freakery and higher stealth taxes.

Even I know someone who runs a car with an occasionally false plate - for when it crosses the Khan line.

According to The Taxpayers’ Alliance, since 2010 there have been 50 increases to Air Passenger Duty, nine on company car tax, four on insurance premiums, 45 on climate change, 51 on tobacco. 103 on alcohol and two on sugary drinks. An incomplete list and a Government which does that has no business calling itself Conservative or to claim my loyalty.

How is it that we managed to elect people so thick in the head that that they couldn’t see that they were alienating their core support to the extent that the more misguided of them are intending to vote Labour. How mad is that?

If Social Media is an accurate guide, Reform UK is going to deliver a shock on Thursday but Social Media is driven by algorithms that deliver what it thinks you want to see and hear. Back in the real world I asked my sister if she was going to vote. “Yes but I haven’t seen any of the debates or watched the news and don’t really know what it is all about.” I have no words!

I asked my friend in Bromley, if she was going to vote. “Yes I am going to vote against Sadiq Khan.”

I didn’t argue, It seems like a good plan to me.


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