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News and Comment January 2024

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30 January - Where’s the evidence?

Yesterday evening I considered deleting that day’s blog because what did it say? It did not directly accuse anyone currently at Bexley Council of wrong doing and degenerated into a re-run of what it was like when it would rather employ paedophiles than whistleblowers, protect senior managers with a long track record of failure in Children’s Services and when forced by law to investigate, employ an old mate to do the job. Bexley Council being crooked a decade or so ago is not really news any more.

An undercurrent of paedophilia in Bexley was however something different and questions remain. The manager of the Thames Innovations Centre - now Engine House - was not sacked until he went to prison and the abuse in the Hoblands childrenְ’s home has been officially hushed up for another 50 years. Is Bexley like my workplace in the 1970s and 80s where a huge proportion of the junior staff was gay? The word had got around that it was a safe place for such people to work. Maybe Councils and Social Services attract a certain sort of person too.

Then the following email arrived to which the straight answer is No, the redacted name is not Rory Patterson. Firstly it is too long for the blackout and four lines down it offers the only clue. The name is female.
Anonymous email

The four redactions are of only one name.

From 2013While searching the web for anything useful I stumbled across the comment that was published here in 2013. At the time I tracked down the author and discovered that her son had been snatched by Bexley Social Services and she was understandably very annoyed about it.

The mother claimed that Bexley Council was funding illegal activity and she had had a Super Injunction placed upon her when she tried to reveal it and its Irish staffְ’s links to the IRA. For refusing to give up fighting Bexley Council she was Sectioned and put in what she called “The Nut House”.

One of her emails includes the word ‘chokey’ which may provide a clue to the source of yesterday’s email. Perhaps the corrected typo is significant too.

Anonymous messages such as these are a minefield and I took the precaution of checking the source IP addresses of both. They were different but owned by the same ISP so it is possible they share an author. But if so why did the second message ask for the redacted name if the same author had written the first one too?

The correspondence with the author of the comments about Suffolk University came to an abrupt end when I refused to publish her allegations about Bexley Council without supporting evidence for which I was called a Fuckwit and worse.

Having a child stolen by a Council may well cause rage which escalates to the verge of insanity but there can be little doubt that Bexley Council was involved in child abuse and neglect scandals in the past and some of it has appeared on these pages but evidence is paramount. Allegations are not enough and without it BiB must find a new subject.

A link to the the High Court order would be a start.


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