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News and Comment January 2024

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1 January - Whatever happened to No. 2?

The second installment of @tony’s ten part saga of Bexley Council’s dubious shenanigans that is.

I didn’t like it but that in itself is not a good reason to silence him. I didn’t agree with much of his ULEZ stuff either. But part two went beyond upsetting me or Bexley Council, it would have upset the local Scout movement too and the Vice-President of SE London Scouts has been a good friend to BiB over many years. I asked him to comment on @tony֜’s implication that they had rigged the Civic Awards process and he did but I chickened out of publishing it thinking there was no need to go there at all really.

I may slip in a cut down version of it all one day but BiB exists mainly to expose Council wrong doing and in this case I don’t believe there is any.


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