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News and Comment February 2024

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27 February (Part 1) - If you don’t like my excuse, I have more

One of Richard Diment’s ward residents emailed him about pedestrian crossings last Friday evening. On Monday he replied explaining what a Public Consultation means after the decision to go ahead has been taken. Don’t worry, it is to inform rather than seek feedback.

So Richard’s response is no big deal except that perhaps it is. We have the Cabinet Member for Places responding next working day to a resident officially labelled vexatious by Bexley Council. Quickly, politely, comprehensively and honestly. Contrast that to his predecessor when asked to explain himself.

Following some less than honest comments in the Council Chamber garnished with unnecessary insults an excuse was offered. The official Minutes of the meeting proved the excuse to be a lie so a new one was manufactured. (Hence this blog’s title.) It may not be totally honest even now but Richard demonstrates how Bexley Council has come a long way since 2011.

Where the Hell is Councillor Craske anyway?

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