12 August - The Socialist revolution
When Labour was elected a mere five weeks ago I amused myself by creating
what was intended to be a new short term graphic for the site banner. My
Photoshop skills are basic but I managed to superimpose a nuclear explosion
above a London skyline and plonk Sir Keir over the lot of it.
Quite separately I decided to log the new Government’s decisions because it is
far too easy to forget what they are; in my case after just a few hours.
Using code that was new to me I created a two column format. The Bad on the left
and the Good on the right. This may have been a bad decision as the page is
already looking decided lopsided.
As you may have noticed the image of nuclear Armageddon has been retained and is
now linked (click on it) to the Government decisions page. Just look what that
20% of deluded voters has done to our once great country.