7 August (Part 3) - The Left strikes back
There have been a few Thank Yous for the reports on the
weekend disturbances, but no comment on the rights and wrongs of the situation.
Until this morning that is when a well known Labour activist objected to
my coverage of Lancaster.
I thought it was a bit odd to dispute what I had said because it was supported by the accompanying video.
Part of your latest article said “the Antifa crowd being far larger than the
pro-children contingent who probably didn’t reach 25.”
Seriously, how many “pro children” people do you know that go rampaging thru
the streets and create violence and mayhem? Stirred up by Yaxley Lennon and Farage.
If there was a larger crowd outside suddenly appearing opposing your so
called “pro children” thugs have you ever thought that they were opposed to
the violence that has suddenly exploded across the country? You do know
Antifa is short for “Anti Fascist”?
If my correspondent had bothered to look at the video he
would have seen around a dozen people sitting on the steps of a large statue
of Queen Victoria, a couple on the bench behind and five people in the
foreground either standing chatting or walking by. Twentyish people, as far as I
could see, were standing by the entrance to the square. Two were police officers
and the others were mums with tiny babies, old ladies with shopping bags,
several old men all with their hands in their pockets, a young couple cuddling
up on a bench and a young fellow talking on his mobile phone.
Why does my correspondent call them “pro-children thugs?” Nearer the police line
is a couple of middle aged ladies, one with a microphone and a similarly aged
bearded man wearing camouflage trousers. OK, the total number may have been 45
rather than 25 but they are quiet while 150 plus Antifa members were making a
lot of noise on the Town Hall steps opposite.
I don’t know what Nigel Farage has been up to
recently but I might guess he would be arrested if he was stirring up
violence but I know that Tommy Robinson - you always
know when someone is trying to be insulting when they call him Yaxley Lennon -
has called many times for peace and calm; from his sun lounge in Cyprus and beforehand.
Your language may appear moderate but it is certainly slanted in favour of
the violent thuggery that we are all witnessing and is certainly not “pro-children” I am not sure how many children would be happy to be amongst that
or near to the violence and mayhem.
That is so utterly ridiculous. Lancaster was entirely peaceful and the babies were not involved in “violence
and mayhem”. Apparently I am “in favour of violent thuggery”. Wow! Where do such people come
from? I have acknowledged many times over recent days that there has been thuggery
and nowhere has it been encouraged or in any way lauded but it cannot be
denied that the chants coming from one side have been ‘Save our Children’
and similar while the Communist flag waving Antifa people restrict themselves to “Nazi Scum”.
I was marching last Saturday amongst 150,000 people calling for a Ceasefire
in Gaza. No violence, no problems just simple peaceful protest, a UK
tradition for effecting change. We will achieve our objectives and all of
the marches over the last 9 months have been huge and peaceful. It is only
your right wing supposedly “pro children” peeps that seem to perpetrate violence.
There is also an interesting take in this article that states a valid question
I do seriously think you need to write a first draft and re think it not
just post it straight off. Suggesting that only one side is “pro children”
whilst committing their thuggery and violence and the others protesting this
violence are by implication somehow “anti children” is bordering on bonkers !!
As I said before, how is it that not especially well dressed people people
who appear to be from the working class backbone of this country are
right wingers in Northern towns that have always been Labour controlled?
Doesn’t make sense. Why were Antifa out in force in Lancaster at all if it was not
to shout down maybe 50 people with babies?
What will Antifa man have to say when he sees how I report Plymouth later on
today? Maybe I should simply put the Labour activist on my email Blacklist if
saying I am in favour of thuggery is the best he can do.