2 August - Mr. Khan will not be pleased
TV is not the only thing I seem to have given up on,
I have very nearly given up on the refuse collection service too. With a week to
go until the next collection there is absolutely nothing in any of my bins.
There’s a few bits of Cellophane in my kitchen waste bucket and that’s it. Some weeks I have put two tiny bags of stuff in the green bin but sometimes only one.
Can I claim a discount?
Country Style, when they come, always move the communal bins across the road to a new position which is a nuisance but in their defence
inconsiderate car parkers
make life as difficult as possible - despite the risk of damage to their vehicles.
Not so happy a situation in Welling though, where for many weeks Country
Style truck VE15 WOJ has been busy polluting the atmosphere.
They have been told but reports have been ignored.
Clean it up Country Style!