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News and Comment April 2024

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20 April - Bexley says StuffYourStreet

FixMyStreetBack in February it was noted that the major bus route which is New Road SE2 was breaking up under the pressure of far too many bus wheels. (See eighth photo.) Today I went to take another look (Photos 1 and 2 below) and sure enough the cracks have developed into a hole.

Further up the hill there are bigger ones. (Photos 4 and 5 with my foot for scale.)

Neglect is widespread. The CPZ sign is barely readable and about half the drains are blocked, not always at the top grid level level but often just below. (Expand the image to peer through the gaps.)

In March I was at a Council meeting where the Head of Highways defined potholes as large if they were more than 40 millimetres deep and small if they were at least 31 millimetres deep. Probably, like his counterparts in the parking department they do not possess any sort of ruler because FixMyStreet says he looked at these holes ten days ago and defined them as imaginary.

Give it another month and even he should be able to find them.

My phone app says it took me 13 minutes to cut across Lesnes Abbey park and get to the top of New Road and a little less to walk down again. Maybe 25 minutes in the road itself.

During that time I was passed by 19 buses and a twentieth very soon after I was back on Abbey Road.

Three were SL3s, two travelling up the hill just a couple of minutes apart.

Sadiq Khan is wrecking our roads. Sadiq Khan is filling residents’ lungs with diesel fumes. Bexley Council is not keen to spend the £275,000 the Government gave them to fix the potholes.

New Road CPZ New Road potholes New Road pothole New Road pothole New Road pothole New Road pothole
Blocked drain Blocked drain Blocked drain Blocked drain Blocked drain Blocked drain

Click image for a better view.


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