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News and Comment April 2024

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4 April (Part 2) - In praise of Shenstone School

On a day when Bexley Council’s failure to adequately provide for vulnerable children is the major topic on BiB, a look at the other side of the coin.

You may remember a handful of blogs in 2021 and 2022 which reported on the plight of an autistic boy in Thamesmead who was being abused by Jubilee School. He was kept isolated and uneducated and when his parents complained they were banned from contacting the Head mistress and being on school premises. She reported the parents to Social Services with an entirely false story which was investigated and rejected by Bexley Council and the concocted story contradicted by the family GP and the boyְְ’s hospital consultant.

When that line of attack failed the Head reported the father to the police for harassment when he had the temerity to seek a Subject Access Request from the school.

Then he was accused of writing rude letters and the contact ban continued. I wrote a very polite letter to the Headmistress which the mother submitted and she too was labelled rude and banned from writing again. There is a little Index which will take you to seven relevant blogs.

Then I lost contact with the family for more than a year which was perhaps remiss of me. A couple of weeks ago I gave them a call. “How are you getting on with that monstrous Headteacher at Jubilee School?” was the deliberately provocative opener.

“We beat her” came the response. We managed to get [name redacted] into Shenstone School about six months ago and he is utterly transformed; and both parents were so obviously overjoyed by the improvements they had seen. He likes going to school, comes back bubbling with enthusiasm and is no longer completely withdrawn from social life and is speaking when he rarely did before.

Obviously Jubilee School and Trinitas Academy Trust are places to avoid if you value your child’s education and the Council run Shenstone School is far superior if you have a child who deserves a bit more loving care than the “monsters” who run Trinitas are prepared to offer.


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