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News and Comment July 2023

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18 July (Part 1) - Privileged people

The Treacherous Weasel Khan (© Simon Webb) took his revenge on me last night following my decision to block his spamming political emails. He closed the Overground with no bus alternative causing me to be on the second to last Elizabeth line train home after a mile and a half race through the back streets of Whitechapel.

Once indoors flopped in front of the TV I checked what Simon had been saying in my absence. He like many of us is concerned by certain people wanting to turn this country into the one they recently left behind. His specific subject this time was how Muslims are allowed to dodge Stamp Duty on property in an entirely legal way because the alleged war criminal Blair had helpfully changed the law to allow them privileges not available to anyone else. It involves buying a house and immediately off loading it to an offshore finance house.

By coincidence, when checking my email I found a reader keen to ensure I didn’t miss Mr. Webb’s report. However with his brain more firmly engaged than mine he pontificated on the possibility that it offered an explanation for several Bexley houses being bought and sold again on the same day which was reported here in August 2020 with a further reference 18 months earlier. All HMOs.

Land Registry guidance.


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