13 July (Part 1) - Another Bexley Council IT failure
Today’s plan was to provide a brief report on Bexley’s Children’s Services
Scrutiny Committee where new Chairman Lisa Moore officiated. Alas it is not to
be. I can stream an Ultra High Definition video with Dolby Atmos from Amazon
Prime but once again Bexley Council cannot do better than webcast a succession of still
pictures accompanied by seriously broken audio with periods of total silence
thrown in for good measure. On two different devices over two days.
The Agenda suggests it would have been a very brief and probably uninteresting report.
That other IT failure of sorts,
the censoring
of two Planning Applications on a property some wrongly attributed to
Leather Bottle Man has been partially corrected. 23/01420/FUL is back and it
doesn’t amount to much. An outbuilding is to be incorporated into an already
approved rebuild of 2 West Heath Road.
I’m not sure why there has been
much correspondence over such a long period about that address. Presumably
it demonstrates the fear that residents to the north of the borough have that they
may be living next to the next
Leather Bottle or
238 Woolwich Road.