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News and Comment January 2023

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23 January (Part 2) - The plans came to nothing

It fools no oneThe anonymous message facility is occasionally quite useful and whilst I remain cautious that it could be abused I have only rarely found it to be so. And this message doesn’t warrant the use of the word abuse either.

There’s no way that it was going to fool me. If Councillor Hunt was really in possession of interesting information about Sidcup Manor House he would most likely say nothing to me but if bean spilling was on his mind he knows my phone number and is certainly not averse to the occasional Twitter Direct Message.

Now that Danny Hackett has gone I can probably say that all Councillors can be devious when they have to be - like toeing the party line - but James is not the first name I would think of when considering the D word.

Far from it actually.

Is there really funny business going on at Sidcup Manor House? Whatever happened to Jane Richardson’s scheme to turn it into a boutique hotel? Whatever that may be. Nearly six years ago I went to to a Council exhibition held there. Quite impressive inside, but a hotel?


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