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News and Comment January 2023

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21 January - Freedom to Obfuscate?

Bexley Council replied to my Freedom of Information request about web addresses that are black listed on its servers well within the statutory timetable. A list of banned addresses and the categories into which they fall was provided and on the surface at least the information given was unremarkable; but it failed to answer the direct question. Is BiB still banned?

It was banned in 2011 when a similar FOI provided the details and presumably nothing had changed by 2018 when a Councillor sent a complaint to the police about this website and cited the ban as evidence that I was a thoroughly bad boy.

I suppose the easiest way to get an honest answer is to ask a friendly Councillor or wander into a library. Maybe an FOI requesting the approximate date that the Bonkers ban was lifted would be justified and if it hasn’t been a complaint to the Information Commissioner? Dishonestly responding to an FOI request is a serious matter.


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