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News and Comment December 2023

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31 December (Part 1) - Things that didn’t happen in 2023

Promise Broken food waste bin• My road was not swept. The accumulated grit from the crumbling road surface creates a bit of a racket as it is flung into the wheel arches whenever I am able to take the car out.
• The 30 year old flooding hot spots were not fixed and survive into another year.
• Parking charges were not reduced and remain the highest in South East London. Peaking at £15 for two hours in Bexley while the highest in Greenwich is £7 an hour for tourists who insist on parking right next to the Cutty Sark. (The contrast is even greater if longer periods and season tickets are compared.)
• In parking and yellow box related news, my 2023 Amazon orders - according to their website count - did not reach 200 (only 195) but only because they count multiple items ordered at the same time as a single order. (Two returns. One this week. A USB cable sent instead of a butter knife.)
• Bexley’s Monitoring Officer has not stopped putting loyalty to Bexley Council above transparency on her priority list.
• Bexley Council did not replace broken waste bins despite their advertised promise.
• The opposition party was unable to assist binless residents because their reports and enquiries were ignored.
• Southeastern trains did not run a decent Metro service. 27 minute service gaps at Abbey Wood is not a Metro service.
• The Elizabeth line did not go more than three days without breaking down.
• Air pollution did not decline after the imposition of the ULEZ tax.
• Rishi Sunak did not make a single decision that real Conservatives could support.
• Sir Keir Starmer did not go a fortnight without changing his mind.
• I did not buy any chocolate for myself.


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