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News and Comment December 2023

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21 December (Part 2) - By Royal Appointment

Since enduring the grey Brussels, raw potatoes and a dismissive manager at The Morgan in Belvedere I have repeated the story to everyone who will listen. Commiserations to anyone who booked Christmas lunch there.

Prawn cocktailAmong those who had little choice but to listen was my son via the family WhatsApp Group. He responded by rubbing my nose even further into the tasteless Marie Rose sauce by saying that he had taken his Christmas Dinner with Royalty. Bloody show off!

He explained that Prince Michael of Kent has for many years quietly given awards to those who make the biggest contributions to road and vehicle safety. My son’s company was behind three of the awards this year. I had better not go into greater detail in case there is some sort of commercial confidentiality involved somewhere but next time he tells me that Bexley’s Highways Department is talking BS or if he says their road planning is either malicious or incompetent, I shall be even more inclined to believe him.


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